Manaless Mage

Chapter 81 Too Early

This only confirmed his suspicions—Harry was truly underestimating him!

The frown on his face deepened when he noticed the nonchalant expression on Harry’s face, it was as if he never even considered him as an opponent in the first place!

‘This fucker…’ Nash thought as he gritted his teeth. Even though he had already distanced himself from Harry, he still expected Harry to at least attack him and not just stare at him.

A lot of his classmates and friends were watching this fight, he couldn’t disgrace himself.

He wasn’t dumb enough to believe Harry dodged all his earlier punches through sheer luck alone.

No matter how it pained him to admit… he knew Harry’s speed was faster than his; albeit slightly.

It was probably why Harry didn’t panic when he attacked.

He strong forte had never being in speed and agility but rather strength, so while he was quite surprised that Harry was faster than him, he still didn’t consider it impossible.

Harry was a lightning elementalist—most of the students in the academy believed Harry’s ‘main’ element was lightning since he was regularly seen in the Lightning hall—so it was only natural that his element bless him with speed.

However, he already knew how to beat that annoying speed of Harry’s.

While Harry was fast, he was also very arrogant… too arrogant.

‘Speed means nothing… I’ll show you how and why Hart lost to me.’ He thought as he clasped his hand together and started chanting a spell.

It hadn’t been too long since he was promoted to the second year class, so he had only mastered two spells.

One of them was [Rock Fists] which he used most of the time, and the other one was [Earth Hold].

[Note: The spell Nash used to hold Hart to the ground was [Earth Hold] not earth bind. I made a mistake, I have edited it]

The latter took a lot of time to learn as it was quite complex, even till now, he still hadn’t mastered it to the point of casting it within seconds.

He couldn’t use the spell against a moving or running target, the target either had to be still so the spell would be able to easily glue them to the ground.

He also needed a few seconds to properly channel his mana and cast the spell.The former had already dispelled the moment he started casting [Earth Hold].

That was why he was grateful to Harry for staying in one position instead of moving around, by doing that, he simply made things easier for him.

Harry simply watched Nash as he casted his spell, he already knew what the Earth Elementalist planned to do.

Nash was simply banking on the possibility that Harry would underestimate and ignore him.

Those few seconds would definitely be enough for him to complete his spell, then he would trap Harry to the ground and repeat the same thing he did with Hart.

But Harry didn’t panic because he already knew that it wouldn’t work; no matter what move Nash made, he had no way of winning against him.

“Earth Hold!” Nash suddenly shouted as he rushed forwards with his fists stretched out. Unlike the last time, he didn’t follow up the spell with [Rock fists], his mana reserves was already low and casting two spells simultaneously would drain him up.

Besides, he didn’t feel the need to boost his punches, his opponent would be restricted anyway so there was no way he would miss.

Immediately, the ground beneath Harry trembled violently as two ‘lumps’ of rocks popped out of the ground.

However, Harry suddenly jumped back at that moment, escaping the trap laid for him.

He turned towards Nash who was still running towards him and flashed an evil smirk at him.

Nash’s eyes widened as he watched something that he had only considered impossible take place before his eyes.

It was as if time moved in slow motion for him as he watched Harry stretch his hand towards him.

The earth Elementalist’s plan would have worked if he was up against a normal stage one Elementalist as he would be able to successfully trap them to the ground and then restrict their movements, making them more vulnerable to his punches.

Unfortunately for him, the person he was up against was anything but “normal”. .𝒐𝙧𝒈

Harry was able to sense the trap due to his high perception, the little tremors coming from the ground gave the position of the trap away.

Besides, Nash was literally casting the spell in front of him, since he had remained in one position, it was only natural that the spell would take ‘effect’ just below his feet.

All he had to do was move away from his former position and escape the trap.

Nash wasn’t the only one that was shocked though, the eyes of all the students and instructors also widened at the unexpected turn of events.

Most of them thought that Harry was being stupid by standing in one position and watching his opponent instead of attacking, the felt like they could already see the earth Elementalist winning the fight due to Harry’s dumb move.

However, Harry put them to shame by turning the tables.

While the instructors knew that it was possible to escape the trap of an earth elementalist, they didn’t expect an inexperienced stage one Elementalist would be capable of pulling off something like that.

Meanwhile on the stage, The smirk on Harry’s face widened as he grabbed Nash’s fists.

He didn’t waste anymore time as he finally activated his first skill in the fight, only one word left his lips as he stared at the shocked eyes of Nash: “Lightning stun.”

Immediately, bright blue sparks appeared on his fingers.

They rapidly spread out until all his fingers and even some part of his wrist were coated in lightning.

They didn’t stop there though; since his hands were still holding onto Nash’s fists, the Lightning sparks snaking around his hand immediately rushed over to the earth Elementalist’s fists.

Sparks literally flew between them as the lightning roasted Nash’s fist with astonishing speed.

A huge amount of pain shot out from Nash’s fist up to his shoulders, his body spasmed as he experienced what could only he described as a slow and excruciating pain.

Nash tried moving his other hand to at least free himself from Harry’s grip, however, Harry’s hold on his fist was too strong and his strength wasn’t enough to release him.

All parts of his body was also stiff, the ‘stunning effect’ of the Lightning element locked in at that moment, completely rendering him immovable.

Mild shocks ran through every vein in his body with every seconds, further worsening his pain and condition.

The Lightning around the fingers of Harry didn’t diminish but rather increase as if excited to dry up his blood and roast his body.

At first, Nash tried to hold back his screams and not show his expression. However, the pain and torture increased with every passing second and beads of tears pooled in his eyes.

“Arrg!!” He screamed in pain as his teeth clattered against themselves.

Though only seconds had passed since Harry grabbed him, to him it felt like hours… and even days.

The most annoying thing about all of this was the huge grin the remained on Harry’s face from the beginning to his torture.

He couldn’t help but feel as if he was up against a devil and not a person.

As an earth Elementalist, he had always prided himself on his higher strength and defence, but in front of Harry’s spell, it was as if all that didn’t matter!

He had experienced the effect of the spell [Lightning stun] firsthand during a fight with a lightning Elementalist, and he was sure what he felt then wasn’t as painful as this! Back then, it only felt like someone was prickling a needle all over his hand.

He wasn’t the only one who thought that way, the rest of the Elementalists in the hall also felt chills run down their spine as their watched what could only be described as torture.

They subconsciously made up their minds to turn the other way whenever they were confronted by Harry. They didn’t know how someone could be so cruel.

Even the instructor in charge of the fight wasn’t sure whether to intervene or not, from the way Nash’s body was spasming, it seemed like he would crumble at any moment.

But he there was nothing he could do about that, intervening would mean going against the rules as none of them had lost consciousness or tapped out.

While he pitied Nash, only a few seconds had passed and it was still too early for him to jump in.


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