Manaless Mage

Chapter 80 Harry Vs Nash[2]

Suddenly, a notification flashed across his eyes.


[Sudden Quest!]

[Manaless Mage’s Pride!]

—You have been challenged to a duel by an Elementalist!

—Show your power as a Manaless Mage and win the duel!

[Time Limit: 1 hour]

[Rewards for completion: +5000EXP]


A slight smirk appeared on Harry’s face as he stared read through the tab flashing through his eyes.

The last time he received a [Manaless Mage’s Pride] quest was when Han and his friends tried to bully him.

Ever since then, he hadn’t received any quest related to [Manaless mage’s pride].

But now that he had received one, there was no way he would let up on the chance to gain more EXP.

Besides, he wasn’t sure if the quest would also have a punishment for failure. The last time he received a similar quest, it came with a fatal punishment of hin losing his Lightning affinity.

The eyes of the instructor wandered around the crowd of Elementalist, searching for Harry. Since there were a lot of students in the hall, he couldn’t easily find the particular Elementalist Nash was challenging.

The students around Harry slowly cleared a path for him while staring at with with weird gazes, they were quite surprised by the fact that Harry hadn’t screamed “No” to the challenge but was still rather calm.

Harry ignored their gazes and started walking through the path cleared out for him, since his former position wasn’t that far from the stage, it didn’t take long for him to get there.

The instructor on the stage stared at him for a few seconds before finally asking: “Do you accept the challenge?”

The hall went silent as everyone wondered what Harry’s answer would be, most of them felt like Harry’s reply would be “No” but still watched on anyway.

“Yes, I accept.” Harry suddenly said, causing a loud gasp amount the students.

While most of them wondered whether Harry had a screw loose or not, some of them thought that Harry was letting his talent get into his head and was too proud.

Even the instructor standing on the stage stared at Harry weirdly for a few seconds, while he felt the student’s choice was quite courageous, he also saw it as stupid.

However, none of that was his business, all he needed to do was supervise the fight now that the challenged had accepted.

—”Did he just accept the duel?”

—”Yeah, he thinks he better than us all… that asshole.”

—”Maybe he just wanted to partake in this for the sake… of, you know… more experience…?”

—”Nah, it’s pride! That ‘repeater’ thinks he’s better than us all!”

It didn’t take long for the murmurings to rise once more, most of the students arrived at the conclusion that Harry was getting too proud and didn’t know his limits anymore.

Some of them even cheered for Nash to beat some sense back into his head.

The voices of the few who thought more rationally were quickly drowned out as they were shut down by other Elementalists who called them unreasonable and ‘traitors’ of their element hall.

Harry’s brows twitched rapidly as all sort of negative comments streamed into his ears, due to his perception which was now quite high, it wasn’t too hard for him to catch what the students were saying.

The word “repeater” was a derogatory comment most of the jealous first and second years used to address him.

Though he didn’t exactly repeat anything and only registered to the element halls very late, they still for some reason, took joy in using that word to insult him.

However, they dared not say it to his face. They would simply say it behind his back, but most of the time, Harry would still be able to catch on some of their words and gossip.

Besides, no matter how jealous they got of him, it didn’t change the fact that he was actually better than them and their words and thoughts wouldn’t change anything; it didn’t even matter.

‘This system is starting to influence me with its narcissism.’ Harry said inwardly with a wry smile.

Meanwhile, at the far end of the hall, the gaze of a certain brown haired man rested on Harry.

He had a rather slim build and a face that could be considered quite handsome. As for who the man was, it was no one other than the instructor who supervised the fight between Harry and Justin some weeks ago.

He was also curious as to the result of the fight, but unlike others in the hall, he didn’t believe Harry’s chances were zero.

Though he didn’t really believe Harry would win either, he still knew that Harry would at least surprise them.

He was an instructor of the water hall so he didn’t teach Harry or anything—he wished he did though—but he was quite intrigued by the student.

Harry’s eyes were focused on Nash who had a wide smirk on his face as he climbed up the stage.

He had already ‘scanned’ the earth Elementalist with [Probe] and one thing he still didn’t understand why Nash would want to duel with him.

Nash mana had already gone beyond the half mark and his stamina had also decreased considerably.

Not that he cared though; if Nash wanted a fight, he would give him one. If anything he was the one that would profit the most from the fight.

Not that he was being too proud or anything but Nash didn’t stand any chance of defeating him.

His stats were thrice higher and he could activate his skills a lot faster than the earth Elementalist could cast spells. But still he didn’t plan to act carelessly.

The only thing that slightly pained him was the fact this wasn’t really an official duel so he couldn’t demand for a wager(bet). .

Since this was more like a training where winners were free to challenge anyone, there was no wager involved; you either accept or reject the challenge.

“Hehe.” Nash chuckled smugly as he stared at Harry. He didn’t even see Harry as an opponent, it didn’t matter to him whether his mana reserves were beyond half. All he needed was to land a successful hit.

He was one of the Elementalists in the academy that saw Harry in a bad light.

He had always viewed himself as very talented with high affinity for his element and it was annoying to think that someone still did what he wasn’t able to in months in mere days.

He didn’t care what anyone thought about this challenge, he challenged Harry to show the difference between them—To prove that that weren’t on the same level.

Harry stood nonchalantly on the other side of the stage and waited for the instructor signal to begin.

“Begin!” The voice of the instructor resounded in the stage.

“Rock Fists!” Nash shouted as he rushed forward. His fists rapidly thickened as a dark brown colour ran down from his wrists down to his fists.

Harry simply stood in one position as watched Nash’s approaching figure. Even though his opponent was running towards him at a speed that could be considered quite high, it was still to slow to him.

The grin on Nash’s face widened when he noticed that Harry didn’t move an inch, he thought that Harry didn’t move because he couldn’t react to his speed.

Although Harry had a rather calm expression for someone who was about to get punched by an Earth Elementalist, he took it as him being prideful. He would smash that pride to the ground!

However, just as he threw the punch, Harry suddenly sidestepped.

Nash’s eye’s widened as he watched his punch miss his opponent by a hairbreadth.

Harry’s movement seemed so minimal that one might not be able to notice it, it was as if he moved just enough to escape the punch.

‘It’s… just dumb luck.’ Nash thought.

He didn’t waste any time and immediately threw another punch using his left hand but just like the last time, Harry dodged it again!

Nash’s brows furrowed as his face morphed into a slight frown, the way Harry was dodging his punches made it seem like he was the one throwing sloppy punches.

The earth elementalist picked up his speed as he kept throwing punches after punches, however, none of them touched even a hair on Harry’s head.

Just as he increased the speed at which he threw his punches, Harry also gradually increased the speed at which he dodged.

The mouths of the students around the stage were widened as they stared at the spectacle that was going on in front of them.

Not only was Harry going toe to toe with an Earth Elementalist but he was also doing so without any spells.

It wasn’t just the students that were shocked, even the instructors were also shocked!

The manner in which Harry fought was quite similar to combat mages, he wasn’t using any spells but yet, he was completely overwhelming his opponent!

The only instructor who wasn’t so shocked was the brown haired man that supervised Harry’s duel with Justin.

From the moment he witnessed Harry’s speed during that duel, he already knew that Harry had better physical attributes compared to other Elementalists at his age.

What he didn’t expect was that Harry would have gotten so much faster within that short period of time.

Nash jumped backwards and then stared at Harry with widened eyes.

The frown on his face deepened when he noticed the nonchalant expression on Harry’s face, it was as if he never even considered him as an opponent in the first place!


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