Manaless Mage

Chapter 73 Training Skills[2]

‘Wind Blade!’ He said inwardly as he threw his hand forwards in an arc. The wind crept up from his elbows and merged together forming a medium sized wind blade.

The blade purely made of wind whistled through the air at great speed, its length increasing slightly with every passing second.

It didn’t take long before it closed in on the approaching balls, it cleanly sliced the two balls into two parts. The deflated ball parts fell to the ground with a low plop.

However, the blade didn’t stop in its advance, it sliced the three more balls trailing behind the former before finally dispersing.

[-10 Energy points]

Harry ignored the depleting energy system notifications, he was only focused on one goal–Eliminating all the targets.

He even ignored the wind blade that had deflated a few of the balls before dispersing, ten balls were already shooting towards him; the targets didn’t wait for him and only kept shooting at even higher intensity.

Immediately, Harry sidestepped to the left as he ran forward in a curved motion.

It was stupid to remain at the front of the ‘targets’ so he planned on attacking them their blind spot–the side.

Most of the ‘targets’ were facing the front is it was the position that naturally had the most attacks. If Harry moved to the side, he would br able to shoot eliminate the targets easily and would also have better breathing space.

The room was very large so it took a few seconds for him to get there even with the use of [Accelerate].

He could have completed the training easier by activating either [Lightning Dash] or [Wind steps], however he didn’t.

He wanted to use this opportunity to increase his instincts and skill proficiency, activating another speed boost skill would make things too easy for him.

Just when he was about to activate a skill, one of the ‘stationary’ targets positioned at the middle suddenly made a rotation to the side and shot a ball at him.

Harry’s eyes widened slightly, he hadn’t expected that the ‘targets’ at the middle of the formation weren’t actually stationary but could rotate and follow his movements.

He gritted his teeth as he quickly launched a [lightning ball] ball towards the attack. The abruptness of the attack almost made him lose his footing, however, he quickly regained his composure. The last thing he wanted was to get hit.

The lightning ball hit the incoming attack with full force and evaporated it into pieces.

Though the small balls weren’t particularly strong, they weren’t as weak as a normal ball either.

Due to the speed at which they were released and their small size, they could definitely cause some damage and put one in a world of pain.

Unlike before, Harry didn’t focus on the balls movement alone but also the ‘targets’ themselves.

He had noticed that whenever a target wanted to attack, the black ‘hole’ at the middle of its surface would widen and then the ball would be released.

Just then, he noticed the ‘hole’ on one of the targets widen slightly.

‘Lightning Ball!’ He screamed in his mind as he launched the blitzing ball towards it.

The ball travelled at astonishing speed leaving a slight trail of lightning behind, in a few seconds, it closed in on it, cancelling the attack in the process.

Lightning blitzed at the point of contact for a few seconds before the ‘target’ finally shut down and slowly sunk down into the rails.

Finally, Harry had eliminated his first target!

He didn’t get lax though, after all, there were still nineteen more to go. He was even quite disappointed with his performance, he took too much time to take down only one of the targets.

The others didn’t give him any breathing space as they shot more balls towards him. However, it was far easier for him to dodge them this time around.

Since there were only a few ‘targets’ at the sides, he wasn’t bombarded with attacks the same way he was when he stood at the front.

The ones facing forward couldn’t send any attack to him anymore as they could only move back and forth on rails and couldn’t turn around.

Harry launched another Lightning ball towards one of the targets, eliminating it in the process.

He stepped back as he flung his hands downwards, releasing a long wind blade that whooshed towards the targets with astonishing speed.

One end of the blade hit one of the targets while the other end hit another target, eliminating the both of them.

[-10 Energy points]

A familiar notification appeared in front of him, but as usual, Harry ignored it.

Harry kept up his attack pattern of launching Lightning balls and wind blades and had already eliminated five more targets.

He still had a lot of energy to spare and he was sure he would be able to eliminate all the targets without exhausting his energy.

[-25 Energy points]

[Accelerate] was still active and was also slowly chipping away his energy. However, he wasn’t stupid to cancel the skill, after all, that was the only reason he was able to track and follow the whooshing balls.

If anything, the notifications were only distractions and giving attention to them would only make him lose focus.

Fortunately, they only appeared as small figures at the corner of his eye(sight) and didn’t completely cover his line of sight.

Besides, his energy recovered extremely fast–at the rate of two energy points per second. So he was basically recovering energy every second which made it quite impossible for him to run out of energy.

Before his evolution, his energy recovery was a lot slower, it would take him five seconds to recover just one energy point.

However after he evolved, his energy recovered twice, if not thrice faster.

[Lightning Ball Level up!]

[Skill “Lightning Ball” now level 2!]

[Accelerate Level up!]

[Skill “Accelerate” now level 4!] .

? ‘Finally…’ Harry mumbled inwardly as a slight smile appeared on his face.


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