Manaless Mage

Chapter 72 Training Skills[1]

‘This is too boring, let’s turn it up a little…’ He said inwardly as he grabbed the red changeover handle.

Harry tightened his grip on the handle as he pushed it upwards.

The changeover was positioned downwards before and a low ding sound rang out from the device when Harry moved it.

It was as if the flat rectangular objects came to life, a low whirring sound rang out from the railings as the objects slowly slid sideways. They went back and forth, moving to the left before slowly moving back to the right.

Harry’s eyes squinted slightly as he observed their movements.

‘Too slow.’ He mumbled inwardly. Since his stats were quite high, following their movements wasn’t difficult for him.

The numbers on the control were arranged the same way as that on a telephone. They indicated the level, the training room had ten levels, it was currently at level one and the number one button was glowing with a red light.

Harry moved it to the next level by pressing the number two button, a low beep sound rang out as the button started glowing with red light.

The speed at which the rectangular ‘targets’ moved doubled as they slid along the rails quicker.

However, Harry still wasn’t satisfied. Though the speed had increased and could be considered quite fast by a normal human, it was still slow to Harry.

Usually, this was the level most Elementalists in the academy trained with, stage one Elementalists strength and speed wasn’t that different was that of a normal person so it was okay for them.

The aim of this training was the improve Elementalists aiming and attack.

No mana beast would stand still while in battle and since mana beasts mostly attacked in hordes and numbers, this training was to develop and train the students so they wouldn’t just be helpless in such situation.

But Harry was different, his agility and perception stats were quite high and even the second level seemed very slow and easy to him.

Just as he was about to press the button for the next level—level three, he suddenly paused. A weird expression flashed through his eyes as he skipped the next two levels and pressed his finger on number five.

A low whirring sound reverberated in the room as the black training targets vertically sunk into the ground.

The railings rapidly expanded as more came out of the floor and spread out in a complex formation.

However there was still enough space around the sides for a person to run through.

A new set of ‘targets’ came out of the railing and moved into the new formation, there were twenty ‘targets’ in total.

The red circle at the middle of the targets expanded as a black ‘hole’ appeared in them. Immediately they started sliding across the rails, following the formation.

However, unlike the last time, their speed was a lot quicker. Some moved sideways a while some moved back and forth. 𝘦𝘯.𝘰𝘳𝘨

A slight smile appeared on Harry’s face as he stepped away from the control device.

The current speed at which the targets were moving wasn’t too slow for him, rather, it was quite fast.

Not fast enough that it was impossible for him to trace, but fast enough to give him a challenge.

Suddenly a small black ball shot out from one of the targets, its speed was very impressive—faster than that of the targets, and even managed to catch Harry’s off-guard for a moment.

However, Harry quickly regained his composure, he dodged the ball by stepping to the side.

The ball still continued its movement without losing any momentum before before hitting the wall behind him.

Though the ball had hit the wall with full force, there was no dent on the wall surface, in fact the wall barely produced any sound.

The walls of the training room were very sturdy and was even rumoured to be able to withstand the attack from a mage. They were also soundproof which prevented any sounds from leaking through the room.

Without wasting anytime, Harry dashed forwards and then stretched his hand to activate ‘Lightning ball’.

However before he was able to activate the skill, two more balls had already shot towards him with speed on the same level or even faster than the first.

His eyes widened slightly as he hadn’t really prepared for the next ‘attack’. He was forced to ‘pause’ the skill’s activation as he twisted his body and dodged the first ball.

The second one rapidly closed down on his face, luckily he was able to move his head at the last second, barely dodging it.

‘This is harder than I thought.’ He mumbled inwardly. The attacks were coming at him so fast that before he blinked another one was already in his face.

If things kept going this way, he would definitely get hit!

Unfortunately for him, the ‘targets’ still didn’t give him any breathing space as another seven balls had been launched towards his direction.

Harry gritted his teeth as he stared at the fast approaching black balls, he knew there was no way he could escape them all so he did the only thing he could in this situation. ‘Accelerate!’ He screamed inwardly.

His earlier plan had been to complete the training without activating [accelerate], he wanted to only test the limits of his stats.

However, he had severely underestimated the difficulty of the level five training. The speed of the targets themselves weren’t that much of a problem, the main problem was the projectiles that kept shooting out of it.

The speed at which they flew at him was about twice more than that of the ‘targets’.

[Accelerate activated!]

[+40 Points temporarily added to agility!]

[-5 Energy points]

With this, his ability finally crossed the 100 mark. The speed of the balls slowed considerably and Harry could now follow them easily.

He rushed forwards and then sidestepped, successfully dodging the first ball.

‘Lightning ball.’ He hurriedly activated his skill. Lightning danced around his palm as a ball purely made of lightning rapidly formed above his hand.

Harry didn’t wait for the Lightning ball to form completely as he drew his hand backwards immediately launched it towards one of the small projectiles closing in on him.

The Lightning ball travelled at astonishing speed as it rushed to intercept the small black ball. Its size and Lightning ‘intensity’ increased with every second it spent in the air.

It clashed with the rather small black ball, scorching and disintegrating it completely, black scorched parts from the ball fell to the ground before being carried by the wind.

Harry attention didn’t waver if anything, he only became more focused.

He had only taken down two balls, it wasn’t the time to get lax.

He hadn’t even gotten close taking down one of the targets. Apart from the other two balls rushing fiercely to him, the other ‘targets’ didn’t let him rest but still kept shooting more towards him.

Harry’s curved his left hand as he used one of his newly gained skills.

A large amount of wind gathered around his right hand as he curved it backwards. His uniform fluttered violently as huge amounts of wind accumulated in them.

‘Wind Blade!’ He said inwardly as he threw his hand forwards in an arc. The wind crept up from his elbows and merged together forming a medium sized wind blade.


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