Manaless Mage

Chapter 74 Different

‘Finally…’ Harry mumbled inwardly as a slight smile appeared on his face.

The main reason he frequently used [Lightning Ball] in the training was to try to level it up, and now that goal had been achieved as the skill had finally levelled up.

Apart from the fact that using other speed boost skills would make the training too easy, he also wanted to level up [Accelerate].

The skill had been stuck at the third level for weeks, it wasn’t that he didn’t use it regularly; he was.

It was because he only used it for simple tasks like running home or running to walk, so the skill proficiency didn’t increase very much.


[Accelerate] n𝚘𝚟l.co𝚖

—Level 4

—Temporarily add 70 points to agility stat


A slight smile appeared on Harry’s face as he read the skill information flashing in his eyes, he closed it and then checked the description of the second skill—[Lightning Ball].


[Lightning Ball]

—Level 2

—Conjure a ball purely made of Lightning.


Although the description of Lightning ball didn’t change much except for the level, Harry knew it had definitely gotten more powerful.

He closed the system tab and placed his attention on the ‘targets’ in front of him.

The only reason he wasn’t on edge and was able to relax was because no attacks were currently coming towards him.

He had already destroyed all the targets at the sides and at the middle, the ones at the front were facing away from him and couldn’t launch balls towards him.

A low sigh left his lips as he drew his hand to the side, Lightning cackled around his palm before slowly merging together, forming a medium sized ball.

He immediately launched the lightning ball in his palm, sending it flying to one of the targets.

The ‘ball’ hit the target with full force, lightning sparks flew around the surface before it finally sunk into the ground.

Harry continued his attack, alternating between Lightning ball and lightning stun until he finally eliminated all the targets.

A low sigh left his lips as he slowly walked back to the control device.

‘It was thrilling at first but then… things got too easy at the end.’ Harry mumbled inwardly.

What Harry didn’t know was that no normal stage one and even stage two Elementalists could do what he just did.

Low-stage Elementalists couldn’t continuously cast spells in succession, even casting one spell was already difficult as it needed their full attention and concentration.

However, Harry kept activating skill after skill like it was the most normal thing to do.

Besides, the stats of ‘normal’ stage one or stage two Elementalists couldn’t compare to that of Harry, they only had their boost spells and even that wasn’t enough to complete this level.

Only tier three ‘boost’ spells were strong enough to complete this training level, so it was safe to say, Harry’s overall power and ability could be now compared to that of a stage three Elementalist.

A low sigh left Harry’s lips as he stared at the skills on his [Skills and abilities] tab, he wanted nothing more than to try out skills like [Blade Barrage] and [Lightning Strike], however he knew activating them wasn’t the wisest choice.

He was still in the academy and if a situation whereby a stage one Elementalist displayed and casted tier three spells would definitely not be taken lightly.

Though, according to the academy, the training rooms offered complete privacy to Elementalists, Harry wasn’t stupid to rely on that information and act recklessly.

This training center was a public space for all Vane academy students and there would surely be some kind of surveillance system for the academy to know what was going on in the center.

‘Perhaps, when I have enough money… I would visit a private training center or even get my own personal training room.’ Harry thought as he pressed a small button under the control device.

He did that to signify that he no longer used the ‘room’ and it was now free. He didn’t bother to clean or pack the destroyed balls that littered the floor, there were staffs in the centre for that.

He still had to visit to the other two spell libraries, he came to the training hall immediately after leaving the wind spell library.

He still planned on coming back here to train, after all, he still had a lot of time.

He was already in his final academy and he didn’t need to attend lectures everytime like before, which was equal to more time for him to train.

‘But before all that… I still have one more thing to do in this training centre.’ Harry thought.


Harry’s eyes squinted slightly as he stared at the punching bag in front of him.

It was different from the one he used the last time, unlike that one, this one had a circular shape and hung down from the ceiling.

A digital device was also positioned at the top of the punching bag.

The training room he visited the last time was currently occupied by a group of combat mages so he had to use a different one this time.

It had been a while since he had tested his strength, his strength and power had increased a lot since the last time he came to the training hall.

He planned to testing his current strength to see how far he had grown.

A low exhale left Harry’s lips as he took a simple stance.

He placed all his strength in his right hand as he drew his arm back before releasing a punch towards the ‘bag’ without holding back in the slightest bit.


A loud resounding sound rang out as Harry’s fist collided with the punching bag.

The round bag kept swinging back and forth as the numbers counted on the digital device on top of it.





Harry’s eyes widened with every number that appeared on the device, and it still hadn’t stopped counting!



The device finally stopped counting after what seemed like a long time.

Harry’s mouth was open slightly as he stared at the numbers written on it.

‘It increased by more than double… and that is still without me enhancing my strength with energy?’ Harry thought in surprise.

He hurriedly tapped a small button at the side of the digital device and cleared his former strength test result.

He flexed his arm once more as he shifted back by a few steps. ‘Energy control.’ He said inwardly.

Immediately he activated the skill, he felt his energy course through every part of his body making him feel warm and refreshed.

He felt even more in tune with his energy and swirled it around his chest for sometimes before directing some of his energy to his right arm.

‘I’ll always enjoy the sensation that comes with moving my energy around…’ Harry mumbled in his mind.

He relished in the sensation for a few seconds before finally moving it to his fists.

He sighed again before finally launching a punch towards the punching bag.



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