I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

953 They Are Excited For... Such Result?!!

I wanted these blueprints now more than ever! Like this I’d keep paying bones constantly for consumables! At least I had to build great factories to arm up my armies with enough ammo and energy cores.

This time I got things under control as the consumption rate wasn’t that huge. But if that happened in big wars? My forces were about to go towards nineteen more worlds, and this consumption rate would reach a terrifying level.

Depending on such a way to get ammo and energy cores, these consumables, was something unrealistic!

If anything happened, either I couldn’t pay and ran short on bones or Silverlining failed to deliver on time, then only a huge disaster would await my forces.

Before sending them out, I had to solve this problem first.

“It’s good I kept a few in reserve,” I opened my inventory and decided to give the research department another task.

They had to show their worth at such moments, or else they wouldn’t deserve to be called my kingdom’s brilliant minds.

[Ammo and energy cores will arrive in a day or so. Stay put and try to use what you got wisely]

[We can… Survive a day or two on what we got] Lily said and I could feel how hard this would be.

[I’ll clear the enemies here for you, then will go to do something]

[Thanks for the help]

I summoned my fallen gods and instantly pointed at the sky, “Kill those bastards for me!”

And then the sky was filled with deadly beams of light, ones that enveloped much of these monsters and killed them in no time.

“Stay here, defend this place and work with my forces to kill any flying beast,” before leaving, I scattered them around and gave them this simple task.

Like this wouldn’t be as stressful as before.

[I left more of my big boys over to help]

[That’s great!]

[Make sure to use them wisely. I gave them the order to help only at aerial battles]

[We can handle the rest]

I knew she would. After all, she called more forces from the old training ground.

And with that, I passed through one of the huge portals and appeared next at my first training ground.

The situation there didn’t change much. Fight was still going on without pause. Yet with all the forces Lily drained from here, things started to look dire at certain places.

I didn’t intervene and left things here for the generals responsible for these grounds. I trusted that Lily and others wouldn’t blindly solve one problem and create another somewhere else.

“Damn! They didn’t stick to their posts!” as I went directly towards the place I left those geniuses at, I didn’t find any of them.

That was what I feared. Their scientific curiosity got over their fears and caution, making them defy my orders and warnings.

Dammit! And now I had to find them among such an ocean of soldiers and monsters!

I didn’t have to look for too long. A mighty cannon wave of fire appeared from one direction, attracting my attention.

They were my human weapons, big weapons. Despite they were working on low energy sources, creating small damage compared to what I saw using my purple ores.

But with the large number they got, they made up for that.

These cannons and rocket launchers fired at places that got out of control. It seemed these geniuses got a handle of what was going on here, and decided to help.

Well… That wasn’t a bad outcome indeed. Like this they’d realise how important it was to expand the deadly attacks of their weapons.

They did great, but not even barely enough to consider these weapons in real warfare.

As I went towards the place of these weapons, I got to see lots of cannons, rocket launchers, and even tanks there!

It was a grand military site, a scene that humans before the apocalypse would grow terrified from when spotting.

But for me, for everyone else, this wasn’t a sight to make anyone even worry!

As expected, this was led by the big four. They were on the ground, giving orders and shouting, acting as if they were something great.

However, truth to be told, these weapons didn’t leave much of an impact at the big fighting grounds down there.

They managed to bring damage indeed, but on such a small scale that didn’t even help.

I could only sigh while watching how excited they felt about this.

“Stop!” I had to put an end to this circus, “just see how your weapons are doing before getting excited over nothing!”

My voice reached them all using the horn. And once they heard me, they all got to raise their heads and watch me high in the air before they all turned to the far battleground.

And as I said, their attacks only showed without much results. I watched their faces grow darker, as they got that they didn’t inflict much damage out there.

I sighed. This was a result they didn’t expect, or even put into their minds when they decided to try these weapons out.

“Come on board,” I said to the four leaders and waited for them to come on my chariot before asking, “what do you think you are doing here exactly?”

“We…” Moore looked at others before adding, “we were trying to help.”

“No, you were trying to show off,” I shook my head slowly before adding, “and you messed up big! Did you think I was bluffing when I said your weapons can’t do any much damage? Let me show you what your weapons should be like.”

I knew that talking wouldn’t do them any good. Another truck had to get ruined for them to get my point.

“But lord…” as I descended down to one of the big rocket launchers, the four followed while Wolf tried to say something to ease this tense situation, “we were testing our weapons to know their true might.”

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