I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

952 That Jerk...

And as I reached this point, she got stirred up. I didn’t speak about them being under my control or something, fearing she might ask for a bite as Lily did.

[We need to train as we are going to fight them soon, right?]

[I know! But… These are The Hescos! Damn! You are full of surprises, hahahaha!]

I have to admit, it seemed this move held a great importance and carried a heavy surprise for all of my people.

Of course those who came from other races knew who the Hescos were. And that made me realise how great this help was from the Toranks.

Even though we did it as part of a deal, it seemed like it was something unheard of before.

[I want to see them!] as expected, she grew fanatic the moment she knew about them.

[What do you think this is? Some kind of a zoo?!!]

[What is… A zoo?]

[Sigh! I mean this isn’t a game! We are going to fight them inside my world and train. This isn’t a joke!]

[I know, but… This is a priceless chance! I never met or saw anyone before, not to mention fighting them]

[Don’t get so hyped up, we are going to fight them soon]

[I know but…]

[Just do your job and return back here. We have tons of things to care of]


As I closed the chat with her, and in less than five minutes, I got an unexpected message.

[Dammit Hye! You got Hescos! Hescos?!!! I want some!]

Damn! Damn! Why did she tell this jerk about them?

I suddenly felt a little cold up my spine. The headache I was worried about just happened.

Sigh! It was indeed true that a secret would only remain one if one kept his mouth shut!

[It’s out of the question!]

[Come on! I’m your right handed man!]

[Then bring me good results and I’ll consider it]

[This… You are so mean to me!]

[I’m just stating my conditions]

[These aren’t conditions, these are obstacles!]

[Just perform well. How is the war going?]

[We are at Texas, and going to attack soon]

[Good luck, and don’t kill much of the armies or else…]

[Screw you! Don’t throw me against desperate situations and come later on and pick on me like this]

[It’s your responsibility as my leading general. Or do you prefer someone else to lead? I can bring Lily or even Hilary over]

[Dammit! I’ll show you that these were all just bad luck, nothing more]

[I hope so, hahahaha!]

[F*ck you!]

I closed the chat before it would turn into another regular session of fight. I didn’t know why but each time I spoke with him, our talk must end in a fight!

As I closed the chat, I could heave a sigh of relief. I needed those Hescos to join my personal army. So dividing them over my close generals wasn’t a nice idea indeed.

Hopefully no more would come and ask for a share!

I waited for Isac for half an hour before I spotted her chariot coming from far away.

“Let’s go, I have many ideas I want to try out,” once she came, she said in such joy and excitement.

“Follow me,” I hoped she would keep this spirit later on. Once we arrived there, she had to take a grand tour first to get to know the terrain.

[Dammit Hye! What the heck did you do here? I can’t fly without getting attacked by those damn beasts!]

[Just use my dragons, I’ll send them over now]

She didn’t just go for ten minutes before complaining. She got a point indeed. The entire sky was getting filled with many groups of flying monsters.

They were getting over control. Yet with the new weapons I brought over, it seemed my forces finally had a chance.

[There is a problem, big problem actually] and just after a few hours of constant fighting, Lily sent.


[These weapons… They run on energy cores and ammunition. We are running low on both!]

[They are… Consumables?!!]

[That’s the bitter truth. Whoever sold you these made sure to keep a money running into his pockets]

That damn bastard! I got enraged for a moment before cooling down myself. “Great! That’s just great! So that’s why they said that doing business in the military is very profitable! That’s great!”

I kept muttering to myself while sending a message over to Silverlining.

[You sent weapons, but no energy cores or ammo?]

[Oh, sorry about that. I was working my best to collect these for you]

[You… Fine! Send them over with the bill]

[Hahahaha! Don’t blame me! Doing business is just like this all the time]

I got that he did this on purpose. He lured me to buy his weapons without telling me about this fatal flaw.

[How about the blueprints I wanted? I need also ammo and energy core blueprints]

[This… You do know I need the agreement from the higher ups and…]

[F*ck! If you don’t provide me these in one day I swear to go to other places to get them!] This jerk! Did he think I didn’t know what he was trying to do here?

Humph! If he thought for a second that I had no other way to get weapons and whatever I needed from other places then he was greatly mistaken.

[Calm down! I’ll see what I can do]

[You got one day, or else… You know what my bones are capable of!]

[I said I’ll do it! Just give me more time, that’s all]

[Just one day, not a single hour more!]

I closed the chat without even waiting to see his response.

I was fed up with what he did. Doing such low merchant tricks with me wasn’t a wise move.

He had to learn that I wasn’t the type to accept such an attitude. If he was going to act like this, I’d better find other sources to arm my soldiers from.

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