I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

954 A Terrifying Attack From A Single Rocket Launcher

“Might? Let me show you the real might… Tell everyone to retreat, I don’t want to lose any of them. Better to let them gather around my chariot, it’s the safest place here.”

I opened the back box, cleaned it from all the useless ores and monster cores they were using, and took out one of my black ores.

I recalled that Angelica specified this one out of all, saying it was the fiercest!

“Let me show you how your weapons should act,” I didn’t need to do anything more but to press the button and retreat to my chariot.

And then the magic show started.

The truck got all shining in such dangerous looking black light before its barrels started to launch deadly spikes of light. Pulses of energy shots rained from it for an entire two minutes, before the entire truck exploded in such a scary way.

The explosion was fiercer despite the truck lasting for longer. “You did a few modifications? That’s good,” I noticed the double time this truck endured compared with the other one, “but you still have a long way ahead. Anyway, check the damage yourselves!”

Just as the attack started, a fierce series of explosions appeared far away. The pulse attacks headed so damn fast, went far beyond the reach of our eyesights, before they exploded at the grand and open ocean.

Series of huge mushroom clouds appear one after another. In less than a minute, the entire horizon turned to be formed of mushroom clouds, giving anyone seeing this a deadly impression.

And then tsunami waves came.

“Sigh! These annoying waves…” I had to use my second technique and release it all the way towards the incoming waves, sucking them all in a matter of seconds.

“Can you see it now? One truck, one ore, and this is the result we got,” I then turned my eyes towards the all stupefied four of them before jumping over my chariot. “Come, let’s inspect this from a closer distance.”

As I got them all towards the site of explosions, the scene spoke about itself! The ocean was split open, forming many deep holes all over it.

All the shots were still burning and killing monsters down the ocean surface. Huge clouds of steam kept rising up, adding a more terrifying touch to such horrifying images.

“See? This is what I wanted our weapons to look like at any battlefield. But what you got right now… Tsk, I don’t even know where I shall start!”

My words might be harsh, but they were honest and direct. They had to know the vast gap they had to cross if they wanted to come near my expectations.

“Lord… This… Was this done by that or of yours?!!” Old Gan managed to control his shock. After all this dude came from another race and worked his entire life on deadly things.

“That’s correct. However, the current weapons can’t handle the fierce energy released by my toys.”

“Toys? They are more deadly than nukes!!” Wolf suddenly jumped, shouted in weird excitement, “damn! If we can get our hands on a nuke and modify it, then our weapons won’t be this week!”

“Silly one,” I slapped him on the back of his head, making him almost fall to the ground if not for my support, “do you think I’m doing this to create nukes? Nukes won’t make any difference! Just upgrade our arsenal and make them sustain the energy stored in ores.”


“Don’t try to think about nukes,” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes when even Moore tried to speak up, seemingly standing on the side of Wolf, “in the apocalypse, in the new world we are living in, there are far deadlier weapons than nukes! Nukes? Humph! They won’t be more than a wooden stick compared to what we will make later on.”

I watched them trying to get these words into their heads.

“Making much deadlier weapons that nukes? I’m now happy, much damn happier than before that I decided to join you!” Wolf said before laughing out loud. This dude… Don’t tell me he was getting crazy over this!

“Don’t mind him,” and it seemed that Moore noticed my weird gazes at Wolf, so he had to step in, “he… Anyone of us will get this excited when hearing your words and seeing this…”

He pointed at the grand destruction that was caused by my ore and their rocket launcher.

“Just engrave this scene in your memories,” I moved my eyes between the four, “I want results close to this, or even better! You have to fortify the weapons to sustain the energy in the ores. You also have to do something about the lack of aim. It won’t be good to just fire blindly without controlling the range and direction of the shots!”

“We… We got it, lord,” the blonde girl sucked a deep breath as she started to get over her shock.

Among these four, she was the youngest and most inexperienced one in terms of seeing such a deadly and horrifying scenes.

“And I want something else from you,” as I got them to see the impact of this rocket launcher, I returned back to the mainland while adding, “check these weapons out. I want you to try and mimic them, at least find a way to produce their energy cores and ammo.”

“These…” as I took out many of my weapons, the ones I purchased from Silverlining, they all got interested with these.

“Take them into your inventories,” I urged, “there isn’t enough room to take them all.”

I first took the small ones out, but soon enough the chariot got almost filled with them. They started storing them away while I added:

“Try to break them down, see if you can modify them as well. What I want right now is to find a way to produce ammo and energy cores that can be used in such weapons. Then you are free to test and experiment what you want on them.”

“It’s not that hard,” just as I waited for them to complain, old Gan suddenly said before laughing, “when I was back at my former lord, I worked to produce these toys.”

“You… Do you still recall the designs used to make them?” I instantly got a delightful surprise when I heard what he said.

And it just hit me!

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