I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

689 The Counterattack Starts

I waited for three more hours. During which I only let my boys on my chariot attack with the help of my chariot different weapons and abilities.

During this time, the fight going on at the bridge showed no new development. My forces kept routing back and killing all the enemies who dared to come.

Despite they shifted their focus over the mainland forces, the Hectors never stopped sending forces to hit the bridge.

It seemed they were wary of my forces there to come and help the ones trapped in the mainland.

What helped this wrong belief to deepen in them was what happened since I appeared there. Even with my help, they kept killing my boys and keeping them entrapped without any way out.

This was wrong because I didn’t truly act against them.

As for the capital, the situation looked quite calm there. No new enemy dared to come or target the capital for now.

From one side, the coalition army led by Hectors at the northern gulf was getting routed and killed right now. They just got a stable backing from the cities and towns there..

However the previous large number of reinforcements sent by the Hectors was stopped as they shifted everything towards their continent.

Other races kept bringing their forces. However even the Dragons couldn’t be compared at all with these Hectors.

So with the help of my soulers and controlled forces there, and under the brutal and fierce leadership of Lucias, that fight was getting better for my side.

The fights in the West didn’t show much development. My armies were facing great resistance from lots of races.

Thanks to the punishment we all got, the fight started to lean towards the enemies out there. Their speed of advancement was affected greatly.

But I never gave them the order to stop or even retreat. Each inch gained of land during the time of merge was a big gain for me.

Until the merge was over, I would never allow a single troop to turn back or stop from moving forward!

At the western battles, the spearhead was the real star. His ability to negate any stat or strength of the enemy proved its worth more than ever at these battles.

Even under the combined bonus and debuffs, his ability wasn’t affected. And whoever got under his ability area of effect would turn from mighty lions to weak and powerless kittens.

Despite his new arrogance, he deserved to act cocky! In such a big and decisive battle, his contributions alone were above all others.

The merge had around twelve hours to get done. It was enough time for my forces to gain lots of areas.

Not to mention I didn’t start anything here yet.

I waited for a couple more hours before finally taking action.

[Come on! You are here and only using these weak attacks of yours!!!]

[You promised me an army of reinforcements, and only you arrived and did nothing much so far!!!]

These ungrateful whining two were getting on my nerves! If not for the current situation and the bad circumstance they saw during the past hours, I’d go down there and slap them on the face with my right hand.

And my right hand held such a terrifying might that no one could resist!

[Start gathering up!] I selected all the Hectors I recently controlled, and ordered them to group, [Group under my chariot!]

It was enough time to gather up tons of these Hectors. Even if they would take much longer than any monster to get under my clutches, I managed to amass lots of them during all this time.

And during the next ten minutes, a sizable force appeared under my chariot.

At first, the Hectors here didn’t get what was going on. But when the army stood under my chariot, not getting under any attacks from my boys, and not trying to fire anything at my chariot, they started to get the full scale of the scary situation.

They tried to kill my Hectors. However what happened was for my boys to rain down fierce attacks over their heads from my chariot, while letting few routes open for the remaining controlled Hectors to arrive.

“It’s enough… All the Hectors under me listen up… Attack and kill!” I held my horn and spoke to all the Hectors belonging to me.

I knew that not all of them managed to come here. But it was already enough. A force of almost one million Hectors was standing down below my chariot, extending for a mile radius around my chariot.

And with my order, this force started to move out as if a bomb got exploded.

[Don’t stand idle! Press in the opposite direction now!] At the same time, I sent this order to the four generals of mine.

[Are you sure?]

[The opposite?]

[Damn! Do you want us to die this bad?!!]

[You are crazy, much crazier than those maniacs, the Berserkers!]

The four gave me different answers, but I gave them the same response.

[Just do as I say, it’s time for your revenge!]

I didn’t stop for a single moment. Instead as the fight below became much fiercer, I used the current minutes of chaos and confusion to spread more threads using lots of green bones.

I pressed forward using everything I had to control more Hectors. And thanks to such a messy situation, my control speed became a bit faster.

“Attack! Keep attacking! Don’t stop for even a second! Keep moving forward! Keep pressing forward!”

I held my horn from time to time and gave such orders loudly to all the Hectors I controlled. I didn’t specify any direction, letting them expand their attacks in every possible direction, creating much more chaos than before.

More chaos meant more forces to get under my control. I spent three hours until this hectic fight turned to my favour at last.

Most of the Hectors who were here when I arrived turned either into cold dead bodies or into my forces.

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