I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

688 Things Are Bad At The Eastern Side!

Yet that didn’t make me feel any regret or remorse. I knew those fighting here were elites, the cream of the crop. But I knew there were lots more of Hectors waiting for me on the continent.

So I focused only on stopping their deadly charge during these hours. When the seven hour passed, the situation here started to finally tilt towards my direction.

The amount of forces coming here started to show a sudden decline. I knew there must be lots of portals underwater for such a big army to appear out of nowhere and keep coming at me.

“So you are reshifting your focus over the mainland? Wise choice, but it won’t make any difference…”

I knew the sudden decline wasn’t without a reason. And that was simply thanks to a big change to their plan.

They accepted their defeat here. And so they started to shift their focus over the fight on the main continent.

Such change meant this bridge would be safe for the time being. I looked around, and the number of my forces here was enough to keep the enemy away from the bridge..

“Time to join the mainland fight then,” If they changed their tactics, then I’d change mine as well.

Without any speck of hesitation, I controlled my chariot to fly over the ocean and go directly towards the continent.

It took almost half an hour to arrive there. I didn’t need to arrive there to see how bad the situation was.

First of all, the four didn’t manage to come together as I thought! There were two big groups of armies in the middle of an ocean of Hector forces.

I got the reason why Fang and that jumper kept annoying me in such a way before. The two were together, fighting side by side all the time.

It must have started by one of them before they both walked over this path of mindset of complaining. I sighed when comparing the two big boys with the two girls up there.

The girls never sent a message to me complaining or saying anything. Unlike the two big boys here, they acted more mature.

But to be honest, the overall situation looked dire! They were isolated from each other, and the number of forces under them dwindled to such dangerous extent.

I estimated that each army only had one hundred thousands or even less! That meant each group would have two hundred thousands at most, not enough to face such a close and crazy encirclement of the millions of Hectors.

But this had to stop now. “Go forth, make me an army,” I said in a cold tone while my threads sprung at the shitload of Hector’s down below.

At the same time, I snapped my fingers and the fallen gods and the warriors handling the weapons on my chariot started their all out assault.

*Rumble!* *Rumble!* *Rumble!*

Once my boys joined, and the fight turned into much deadlier confrontation. The attacks of my fallen gods caused such weird violent explosions every now and then, which was something I didn’t get until later on.

“They brought such big guns with explosive ammunition to kill faster? Great! These weapons are going to be mine in the end!”

Just after dozens of flights over the collosal army down below, I got to notice the big weapon scattered among these forces.

They looked like big cannons of old human civilization. They sent out deadly shots, attacking and killing lots of my forces in a few minutes.

Each hit exploded, forming a small mushroom cloud that engulfed tens of my forces and even hundreds. Beside each weapon, lots of ammo were stacked there in wait to be used.

And when my boys attacked these places, violent explosions rumbled all over the place, creating bigger mushroom clouds that ate thousands of Hector in it.

“See these things? Aim at them first,” even if I sat my eyes over these weapons, I didn’t keep my boys from hitting them. Instead, I specifically marked them, chose these to be the focus of such attacks.

If they brought such weapons here, that meant they got lots of them in their inventories.

Once the battle dust would be settled, the inventories of these would be all collected by me. I’d gain these weapons and their ammunition without much trouble.

Besides, the explosions that came from these tons of ammunition brought the death count high off the chart!

And they created enough chaos and gaps in the middle of the dense Hector army to let my threads work better and faster thanks to all the confusion caused by these explosions.

The Hectors brought lots of such weapons. So just in the first hour, tens of thousands of such explosions occurred. That didn’t only help me, it also helped to relieve the pressure over my forces for many occasions.

[Move together, idiots! Don’t be separated like that!] As the first chance appeared, I didn’t hesitate to rudely reprimand these two arrogant jerks and order them to regroup with the two girls.

Of course they showered me with curses, but in the end they started to go to the other army. It made sense this way, and even if they got sharp tongues, they got brilliant brains to get the advantage of such a move.

The first attempts failed. Yet at the end of the first hour, the two armies finally managed to come together.

But I didn’t hurry to help them with my newly controlled boys.

I did the same as I did at the northern gulf battle. The size I thought of the final force I controlled made me eager to wait.

Not only the large number that would gather up at the end, but adding the psychological effect of seeing such a big army gathering up to their help.

My forces who kept routed and hunted down like they were dogs would show a ground shaking transformation, turning from such low points in morale into such mighty and vicious beasts.

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