I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

690 A Surprise Army Awaits Me!

At this point, and thanks to the combined army of my four generals, Hector’s reinforcements coming from the depths of the continent never got the chance to arrive at the deadly and heated up battle in the rear.

“Move out, go into the continent, and never stop until you are dead! Claim cities, get towns for me, and don’t stop killing no matter what!”

As the fight here got finally over, I gave the Hectors under me the order to start invading their continent.

And with this, the reinforcements that were gushing towards here coming from the portals at the capital, linking my Earth with the second Earth, finally managed to arrive at the four general armies.

They never stopped coming, but they faced the tight encirclement of the Hector’s from before. Not to mention the brutal fight at the bridge zone killed most of them before even setting foot over this continent.

However this now is over! And with such a big influx of reinforcements of humans and races alike, the size of the four armies started to show healthy signs of recovering up fast.

That was the main reason I didn’t feel any panic when the size of the four armies kept decreasing during the past hours under my watch..

I knew with the trapped big reinforcements coming from my second Earth world, these armies would swell back to their prime and even gain more.

That was thanks to the additional army of Hectors fighting on their side. With the big number of Hector’s army that kept increasing with each passing minute, the four generals’ armies would grow wings and deadly fangs.

As things reached this point, I didn’t advance anymore. The fight here would snowball and the defeat of these Hectors would just keep deepening.

They used up most of their forces, used everything they could to kill my four generals and free their lands.

That came with such a hefty price now. They got nothing to stop my forces from going forward. Not even a single force gathered up in time to stop my forces advance.

Before all this, my four generals already controlled hundreds of miles from this continent. When they got routed back, the enemy didn’t have time to fully control or rebuild any defensive structures.

So when my general’s returned, attacking these lands, they had a smoother time in controlling them. I kept receiving many reports about how fast they gained land during the past five hours.

“It’s time to end the fight at the bridge,” I waited all this time and didn’t go to put an end to the fight at the bridge.

From one side, I was taking control of more forces sent by the Hectors using my technique. And from another, keeping such a leak here would keep the forces coming at my generals smaller.

Even by a bit, such a decrease would greatly help them.

But as they were advancing in such a way, it was time to put an end to the fight here. This bridge battle kept lots of my forces in this place occupied.

They could be used better at other places.

To put an end to the battle here, I had to go all the way down and move this fight from the surface of the ocean to its depth.

“Come here, let’s attack them together,” as such, I called forth all the aquatic monsters which remained alive after all this fight. I also summoned the monsters from Albany city, my Krakens, and also my dragons.

I was going all out this time to finish off the portals lying deep at the ocean bottom.

However when I moved with my chariot underwater and gained the blessing of the aquatic building from Albany city, I found a shitload of portals shining non-stop at the bottom of the ocean.

And down there I found a grand army waiting for me.

“Oh, so you weren’t just focusing on the jumper… You want me!” From the look of such an army, and the endless stretch of it, I got the feeling this one was brought over here for a long time already.

And from the different races here, I got the impression this wasn’t just the Hectors’ move.

If the Hectors got such a colossal army here, they would have sent it up earlier to stabilise the battle at their lands.

So there was only one explanation, it was brought over by that damn clone.

But who cared! Bringing such a sizable army to fight me wasn’t that much of a threat. I could easily return back to the surface anytime I wanted.

They brought their forces, and I brought mine.


I didn’t even think twice before giving such an order to my boys. I also started sending out threads, tons of them to take over as many races as possible.

They weren’t like Hectors, Selvators, or Dragons. So taking control over them didn’t take much more than one minute for each person.

In return, they started their attack on me. First thing they did was to move out, surround me in such a tight circle, which shielded any way of retreating off me.

Idiots! Who said I’d try to run away when I got the home advantage here?

[Spread the word, any aquatic races will have to jump over and join the battle at the right side of the bridge] I sent this message over to all the dragon rider girls hovering over my capital right now.

If the enemy brought up such a massive army for me, I would also bring my own army here.

And as they mistook me to come alone and thought they surrounded me in such a way, they would get shocked when the army of races would arrive from the surface.

All I needed to do was to hold out as long as it needed for the early forces to arrive.

And that wasn’t hard to be honest. My boys sent out their deadly attacks while my chariot’s shield absorbed all the attacks coming here.


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