I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

653 We Have War Chariots!

Just with this gulf I was quite sure that Hector would use it to come to my capital. Using this new place and with the coastal region, two attacks would come to corner my capital.

Then that bastard enemy of mine would come from the north. I got over my earlier doubts. He would come from the north.

But this alarmed me. I lacked scouting the new lands after this merging calamity.

So I started moving my chariot around, getting to know more about what changed here.

I didn’t move too deep south. Aside from this New York gulf, I found another one just in the Maryland region, just extending from the southern borders of New Jersey and ending deep in the middle of Pennsylvania.

This gulf was broader, looking much bigger than the New York one.

Having the two gulfs surrounding and pressuring New Jersey, this once a decent sized state started to look like a long and thin stretch of land, taking the shape of a thin finger protruding in the middle of the ocean.

Like this, the next merging aftermath would bury this big piece of land under salty ocean waters..

Sigh! In just a few natural disasters, large amounts of land were taken off me. I had either to expand in the mainland, or aim towards the new continents.

And I decided to go for the second approach.

After seeing this bigger gulf, I was now confident that Hectors would ignore my coastal defences and come all from the south.

They might span while coming up north into different routes and armies, but they would eventually reach my capital in one big hellish army.

It was great that the southern region of my capital held that big fortress defensive structures that Isac handled.

I inspected that place before moving out, and Isac did a great job there! She finished almost seventy percent of all the structures there, and that was enough considering how densely packed she places towers and forts, turning the entire region into a damn huge maze.

It was a deadly maze with no one entering it without risking his life for sure. And the best part of it was that with its size and Isac’s meticulous planning, this maze could absorb a grand army of one million without any problem!

As for the north, it was secured with that triangular defensive zone that Hilary proposed and executed brilliantly. She even finished almost half of the defensive triangular zone at West as well.

It was amazing considering the short notice she had before this battle. Even with fifty percent completion, breaking through these defences from the land would be challenging.

I left the jumper’s army arrangement for the meticulous Isac. She was capable of better deploying them more than me and even more than the jumper himself.

But there was a single flaw in my entire plan; the aerial forces!

During my fight with the jumper up north, we faced flying monsters. They weren’t that much in number, but they were enough to make a difference.

The worst part wasn’t just in our lack of aerial forces, it was in our lack of any form of anti-air defences!

Inside the capitol, there were many defensive towers and structures aiming at targeting any flying enemy. But for all my armies, they had none!

“I have to get this issue solved then,” I had no other choice but to contact Silverlining. I knew that arming up an army with such defensive weapons would be costly.

And I didn’t have just one army, I had eleven! Thinking about that made me feel a little headache.

[What kind of war tools are you looking for?] Silverlining sent before adding, [By the way, the soulers you asked for are almost ready]

[Leave them for now] I didn’t have the time or mind to get more soulers now, [I want wyverns, can you prepare these for me?]

[Wyvern warriors? That’s easy. How much do you want? Ten thousand? Fifty thousand?]

[Hmm… I want a million] I thought about their prices and the armies I had. At least I had to prepare flying warriors for my frontline two armies, Spearhead army, and Sara’s army, plus the army at the capital.

I got lots of warriors before. They were a mix of all sorts of warriors, and I planned to give these to my generals.

But I didn’t purchase enough to arm an army! So this time I wanted specifically flying warriors to help these five armies.

They were the key armies in this epic battle!

The two up front had obvious reasons to get such help. As for the spearhead, he was the most iconic general in my forces.

He had the ability to change the outcome of any big battle singlehanded! So if I was the enemy, I’d go towards him and try to take him out fast.

Ground forces wouldn’t help much, so the only thing the enemy would think about would be the flying legions.

As for Sara, she would do many tasks in this battle. Considering the expected movement towards the Hectors’ continent, I had to warm her up with strong flying warriors.

And finally the army at the capital needed more aerial support to stand against any fierce aerial legions.

[That… Let me go and prepare them then] Silverlining started to get used to how I used to do things. I planned to give each army two hundred thousand flying warriors, enough to make them stand their ground without big issues.

[As for the war gears, I want anti-air weapons, enough to arm an army of millions]

[Hmm… We can provide good calibre weapons but they will be quite pricey. They are great war weapons against any air legions but…]

[They are high grades, right?] I got what he was speaking about. [What do you have? Tell me… Also I want common grade tools to arm normal soldiers]

Getting high grade weapons like these would be pricey, so it was better to be left only for the generals of the armies.

They would be the only ones deserving such treatment. And as generals, they had to have some sort of impact towards the battlefield, not just being slightly stronger than common soldiers.

[We have war chariots, forged by famous artisans of my race] he sent me such shocking news.

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