I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

652 Exploring The World

[Not now, just wait until we start fighting] I sighed. This dude seemed to have some sort of dead enmity with the human overlord at Canada lands.

[I have to cover lots of distance] he argued, but I didn’t agree with what he said.

[Just wait for the enemy to fall for his own trap. When he thinks things were going as he planned, you will start moving out]

[And Angelica?]

[She will move first, before your forces] I sent, [She will act as a distraction. Keep in touch with her when she comes back. I’ll let you know about her arrival]

[Trusting a girl and not me?]

[As if there is a true difference between the two of you] I laughed when I read his last comment. That dude… He truly was lost in his act to really believe it.

As for the second one to contact, it was Fang.

That dude was left alone all these days. Of course to me, long months passed thanks to the time difference..

[We are ready] he just sent me this brief message before adding after a few minutes, [I’m keeping an eye over the movements of the enemy. If anything weird happened, I’ll tell you and act accordingly]

[Be ready to support us if they came from your direction]

[They won’t! There is nothing there but your people and mine!]

His firm answer confirmed my earlier doubts. But I had to be more cautious. [Just be ready to move north if needed, ok?]

[Got it! Just let me know when you will need me. It’s just a regret!]


[During this war, the Hectors will join, right?]

[That’s given]

[Then they have to send out their forces and army. When doing that, they have to lower the shield over their continent]

[For real?] reading what he sent made all my nerves stirred up!

If this was real, then this would be great! A chance! At last I got a chance to hit that continent.

[That’s what I got from my paragon and higher ups in my race] he sent, confirming what he just said earlier, [But how can we get there without getting entangled in that big war?]

[Hmm… Let me think of something] I paused for a few minutes, pondering about this big news. [Be prepared to go there if things went as planned]

[You mean… On their continent?]

[Where else?] I rolled my eyes, [Just ready your troops to swarm that land once we got a chance]

[But… I alone won’t be able to do it. The size of that continent is more than five times that of yours!]


[My forces aren’t that big! I won’t be able to cover up even one tenth of it! And these are Hectors we are speaking about here. Without great support, I’ll be roasted!]

[Don’t panic like that] I had some sort of a plan in mind, [Just make sure to hold your ground if you got the chance. Then wait for my arrival]

[Are you sure? It will be a bit risky]

[Without big risks, how do you expect big gains? Just get ready, hopefully they won’t come from your side]

I closed the chat with him and couldn’t control my excitement. If the Hectors came, they had to bring that damn shield down.

That would be my chance then. But… my forces would be stretched out by then.

I had three armies stationed near the capital. I couldn’t depend on Leo and Alex’s armies for such a dangerous task.

Only Sara alongside my army would be able to help. However… The timing of sending her out must be carefully selected.

If she moved out too early, then the enemy might move everything and hit the capital. The other two armies were like fodders in my eyes. Without her around, I’d not feel secure.

If only I’d have Angelica left to watch for my capital, then I’d be more reassured. Sigh! I felt how short I ran on talents and trusted subordinates.

It seemed I had to go on a recruiting spree once more. After this big war would end, I’d look for those outstanding elites and select a few from them.

Hopefully I’d find hidden gems in the middle of all this.

As I closed the chat and thought about what to do, I started to move out.

The armies were already in form, ready to move and get deployed in the next couple hours.

Before they’d move, I had to go and scout the areas up front.

This was the first time I moved out for a long time. I moved once to help the jumper using my staff, teleporting directly towards there.

Just as I moved towards the south, I noticed the new changes that happened here.

“Sigh! I forgot about the impact of the merge process…” I stopped my chariot over what was considered before as New York.

This place witnessed my start. I came here first, fought hellish battles and struggled to control the city.

Yet I had to abandon this place. Just the scenery in front of my eyes was enough to make me inwardly sigh.

New York, Jersey, and other places around were now submerged under the ocean. They formed a deep gulf that extended deep inside my lands.

These two cities were once my strongest foothold. But thanks to this calamity here, I had to abandon them and move up north.

Even doing that didn’t spare me from facing the bad consequences of this merge. Yet these two big cities and a vast area around weren’t as lucky as my capital region.

The new gulf extended for tens of miles, with almost three to five miles width. It looked massive, linking ocean waters to places that were once so damn far from the ocean!

I looked at this new gulf and considered the overall plan again. I missed this small detail, making me think seriously about scouting the areas under my control and near my capital first.

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