I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

651 Assigning My Generals To Their Posts

When I thought about it, even the three big armies stationed nearby wouldn’t be of any help. That made me change the role that jumper had to play.

At first, I thought about letting him flank the enemy from behind, helping to relieve any stress point when needed.

But now? He had to go north again, work as a vanguard there to keep any hidden forces busy dealing with him.

If that enemy was ready thinking about such a move, then with the jumper current forces alone he wouldn’t be able to make it.

It seemed I had to use Angelica then. And that meant I had to go up north, select a good spot to save as a bookmark to use as a deployment point for Angelica’s forces.

As for my forces, I had to carefully select where I should deploy them.

Sigh! At such a wide stretched out chessboard, any single misstep would give the enemy the chance he was waiting for..

I was sure of this enemy’s abilities. He would come from where I wasn’t expecting, preparing a bad surprise for me. But no matter what I thought about during the next ten hours, there was no other way around for him to come from.

If he just decided to come from the south then he wouldn’t bring a good army. These lands were all mine. If a single army appeared there, then I would be alarmed.

I assigned one thousand flying monsters to my girls, expanding the size of this handful of flying riders. I also added them as friends and let all my friends add them as well.

I assigned them to watch the southern and northern regions. But to be honest, the capital lies so damn close to the northern borders. And the south also got Fang and his forces out there.

So it would be foolish of the enemy to come from that direction, or else he would get entrapped between me and Fang. he would come from the north, I could bet my life over it.

The northern lands were all covered under thick fog for my eyes. I didn’t have any information about what lies beyond the state of Massachusetts and New York.

During the past ten hours, everyone went to gather up their forces and start moving them towards their assigned places.

The spearhead asked for a foolish bravery to be stationed at the frontline. That dude just got over himself after this short session of training.

Sigh! What would he feel like when he would start cultivation then? Damn arrogant foolish bastard he was!

I refused his request, of course, and assigned him to be one of the three helping armies in the middle group. The frontline was handled over to the two fiercest ladies I got, Hilary and Isabella.

The two I knew about their abilities and their future progress. So I trusted this hard and complicated situation to these two.

As for the second army stationed behind them, Lily would be there. I wanted Lily to lead the army in the middle region, but I feared I might need her to fight against her race.

She read my mind when I gave out my final arrangement. She said she didn’t care about fighting against her kin, but I beg to differ with her.

Then I let Isac lead that middle army. She was meticulous, thoughtful, and might be considered as a great tactician.

She wasn’t fierce, but if given time and enough distance, she would use this to create miracles. And I depended on her thoughtful mind to do this tricky part at the heated moments of this war.

The remaining rear three armies to help the capital would be led by Alex, Sara, and Leo. Alex was the weak joint in my forces.

She wasn’t a fighting type of person, not fierce, not aggressive, and not even decisive!

I still recall when I gave her the solution to get out of the Statue of Liberty attack at the beginning of all this and she hesitated to take such a step back then.

She was shy, not talking or interacting too much with anyone. But considering Leo’s presence beside her, I got to use her to instigate this dude’s fighting spirit and let him fight better.

In fact I consider merging the two armies to form a single bigger army. But I wanted her to get mentally stronger and help all of us in shouldering the greater responsibilities coming from now on.

Or else I’d just move her aside, and consider her as a good friend and nothing more.

I had to speak with Leo in private after everyone left. I told him that if things went south with her army, he had to be ready to step in and absorb the entire army under him.

He willingly agreed as expected. But I stressed over him to not bring any news of this to her.

I didn’t want her already fragile self confidence to take such a blow before this big war.

As for the main powerhouse at the three armies, I’d select Sara without any speck of hesitation.

This girl was the third fiercest girl here, very aggressive and a war lover. I knew leaving her at the rear would make the fight at the capitol much easier.

By this arrangement, I tried to balance everything. The spearhead was a good asset, if not for that undesired arrogance he got from getting stronger.

If not for this, I’d place him in the middle region, working as my ace to help any battle.

As my colossal armies were getting in shape, ready for the upcoming battle, I sent two messages out.

One was for the jumper. I told him in detail about my worries and my current arrangement. Even if that bastard was acting as a jerk most of the time, he was still a formidable ally and friend.

He agreed with my worries, telling me he also had the same doubts. When he heard he was going north, he seemed a bit pumped up, asking to go out right away.

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