I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

654 Getting Chariots And Warriors

[You do have flying chariots?!!] it was my time to be surprised by what he said, [How strong they are?]

[We have chariots starting from gold grade up to artefact grade of earth grade]

Earth grade? Wasn’t my chariot an earth grade war tool? Damn! So it was an artefact!!

It was the first time for me to realise such a thing. I always thought that my chariot was a unique war tool, and its grade was unique.

But it never crossed my mind that it was an artefact! Damn cool!

[How much?] I asked with much anticipation and impatience.

[The artefact grade? No, they are priceless. You need to pay something close to your redbones to get these]

Damn! So I got damn lucky back then? I got my baby here with just a mere bet! Damn cool! Damn lucky!!.

[What about gold grade ones? Dark gold grade chariots?]

After all, I was going to give these to my friends. The idea of having all my generals boarding flying chariots was simply awesome!

Like this my kingdom would be famed for the flying generals with their mighty chariots. I loved it!

But they didn’t need such mighty chariots like mine. Perhaps later on, I’d give one to Hilary, the jumper, Isac, and Lily. These four were considered special, with the ability to show the real prowess of any chariot I’d give to them.

After all it wasn’t just about getting a chariot, but having the capital and resources to spend over it and let it shine.

[These can be sold using your blue grade bones indeed] he paused for a long minute, [the price will be one thousand bones per chariot, including all the war tools installed as an addition over them, the energy crystals needed to run them, and also few warriors as support to the chariots and help in operating them]

Damn! So I ended up getting this chariot short of its weapons and warriors? Damn stingy dragon archlord! Screw you!

I should have looked for a paragon, a hegemon, or even a sovereign to make the bet with at that time.

[Fine, send me ten] I decided to give one to each general of mine.

[That… Sure, I’ll handle things right now]

[What about the common grade anti-air weapons?]

[These can be white and green grade ones, and their price is really cheap. The white ones can be purchased in batches of five thousands with a single blue bone of yours. As for the green, they can be sold as a group of a hundred for each single blue bone]

[That’s great! Prepare ten million weapons for me, white grade] If the price was this low, then I would go all out and purchase such a large number.

[No problem, we got tons of these in one of the subsidiary impacts. Let me contact them for you]

[I want these in a few hours] I am stressed over this. Right now my armies are starting to move out. So I could easily reach all of them a few tens of miles outside the capital.

But if I waited for longer, I’d have to move to many places to deliver these to them. I wanted the soldiers to train and get used to such weapons.

Something told me these white grade weapons would be carried easily by each soldier. They wouldn’t be such large heavy weight weapons like my great ballistae or something.

[Sure, I’ll try to deliver all very soon]

It was reliable to depend upon Silverlining in such things. Comparing the nymph lady with him, he was quite faster.

The nymph lady used to give me a long time to wait before giving me the final answer. Many times she also asked for me to wait for long hours, days, or even wait for an unspecified amount of time to get me what I wanted.

The memory of asking for big weapons for my chariot and waiting for a long time without even giving me a deadline was still fresh.

Silverlining didn’t even hesitate, and even had such high grade chariots like mine. He even would provide me chariots with their weapons. How cool was this?

I closed the chat with him while dreaming about my generals’ looks when they would board their chariot alongside me and fly in the kingdom.

Damn! I wanted now to form a flying legion of chariots alone! I would slowly arm their subordinates and promising talents with such cool war toys.

Let the sky of this world be dominated by my flying chariot legion.

I didn’t send any messages to any of my team. It felt better to deliver such a surprise to them and see the reaction on their faces firsthand.

After checking the southern regions, I started to check the West.

Luckily not too many things happened there. Few deep craters here and there, and one small volcano erupted in the middle of West Virginia. Aside from that, nothing much changed here.

That volcano was still hot! It kept releasing lots of lava out of the depth of the earth.

The area around was burnt down to the ground by this lava. I watched from far while thick bellows of grey white smoke kept rising up from the top of this small hill.

It wasn’t there before, not as far as I’d recall. It was part of the aftermath of that merge thing.

However it wouldn’t affect my forces too much. I might even use this place as a hideout for Isac’s middle army. Here was the central zone of my kingdom, a perfect place to hide a big army without getting any worries to get detected.

It took almost four hours flying around before Silverlining returned to me with everything I asked for.

The chariot… They were damn cool! All covered in golden colour, came in a size that was almost one fourth of my chariot.

They were also drawn by flying monsters, not like the scary ones drawing my chariot. But they were ok.

Each chariot came with two levels, one for living and one roof only.

They were good. I stored the chariot I took out to inspect before checking the warriors I asked for.

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