A Journey That Changed The World

Chapter 786 Pseudo God

Chapter 786 Pseudo God

Archer watched as Olivia’s smile widened as she explained, ”Well, all the new recruits worship you. Thanks to the Fireheart Faith spreading all over the kingdom, they see you as some messiah and spreading your deeds all over.”

He chuckled when hearing this and questioned, ”Are they in Draconia?”

Olivia nodded, ”Yes, they are established in Dragonreach Port Southwest of the Bastion and Drakonia City.

”Okay, Once I’m done here, I will visit them,” he said. ”How is the recruiting going?”

”It’s going great, Your Majesty. Many people are joining and are being trained by the veteran Dragon Sailors,” she replied while staring at the ships. ”We nearly have enough sailors to operate the fleet, but we’re waiting for the Marine Legions to be trained and tested on the Forsaken Isle.”

“It shouldn’t be too long now. Once the Marines are ready, I want you to ensure Draconia’s protection until the other fleets are completed,” Archer briefed Olivia. “I’ll have the second and third legions construct Naval Bases, allowing the fleets to divide into four squadrons. Each squadron will consist of four battleships, ten cruisers, destroyers, and frigates. They will be stationed strategically around Draconia.”

The white-haired woman nodded with a bright smile before speaking, ”Dagny and Solveig need more Mitiril if you could purchase some on the mainland as the traders are only bringing in small amounts.”

When Archer heard this, he grinned, which caught Olivia off guard. He held out his hand and summoned every bit of Mithril in his Item Box, leaving a mountain-sized pile in the middle of the Naval Base.

”Your Majesty,” Olivia commented in shock. ”What is this?”

Archer laughed at her and the surrounding soldier’s reaction before explaining, ”Even more Mithril for the new fleets. It should be enough, but if it isn’t, I’ll take a trip to Verdantia and steal some of their mines with the help of the Nightmare Ants.”

”What are Nightmare Ants?” She questioned while staring at the glimmering Mithril ingots.

”Summon the guards and take this stuff to the workshops,” Archer ordered while opening a portal to the monster ant nest in the domain.

A Nightmare Ant Warrior appeared, scaring the soldiers and Olivia, but he repeated his order to take the materials to the workshops and ensure their safety. The men instantly did this without asking any questions.

They brought over large trolleys that needed two men to push and started loading up the Mithril. Once that was sorted out, Archer told Olivia he would visit her again, which the white-haired woman was happy to hear.

Afterward, he summoned his wings before taking off and flying toward Drakonia City to reorganize his Royal Guard, having a good idea. It took him twenty minutes to reach Aisha’s mansion when Mia sent him a message saying Alberts was ready to come across.

When Archer landed in the garden, he opened a Gate to the Silverthorne Mansion and his Opa, and over a hundred people stepped through the portal. Albert spotted him, causing a big smile to appear on the old man’s face.

He stepped forward and slapped Archer’s shoulder, ”My Grandson! I’ve organized everyone needed for that slaver driver wife of mine.”

When Albert finished, the ice turned cold, causing him to turn around slowly. He saw Mia standing there with her hands on her hips, her blue eyes narrowing. Archer, along with the other people, knew what would happen.

Mia approached Albert and grabbed his ear before dragging him back to the mansion, causing Archer to chuckle at their antics. While standing in the garden, Teuila, Halime, and Ella asked to join him.

He opened a Gate, and the three girls stepped through, their beautiful smiles catching his attention. Archer kissed them and cuddled them before speaking, ”Hello, my gorgeous ladies, how are you?”

The three giggled before Teuila commented with a beautiful smile, ”We just wanted to see you while the others were with Leonora and Nalika.”

Archer smiled before filling them in on what he’d been up to. His fleet fascinated them, and they wanted to explore the island together as he continued his business around the kingdom.

He nodded in agreement and summoned the White Dragon Knights, his trusted royal guard. Commanding them to ensure the safety of the three girls, he watched as the soldiers saluted him dutifully before setting off on their assigned task.

The trio went off to explore, and Archer took off and started flying toward Dragons Cove, where he would build a Naval Base after looking at the already built one. It took twenty minutes to reach the sandy beach.

Archer gazed around to find the perfect spot and saw a large piece of land jutting in the cove that would make the ideal spot. He flew over to it and closed his eyes while starting to cast Mana Manipulation.

The ground and water started to shake as large black walls shot out of the earth and circled the spot of land, leaving enough room in the water for the ships to dock. Next, he created an office block alongside a massive barracks.

When Archer was finished, he felt the mana drain from his body to the point where just under half was left. He built a dozen docks for the ships before he had to stop. He descended to the ground and sat down.

He activated his bracelet and messaged Aisha that he had built a naval base in Dragons Cove and that she should send people here to build whatever else they needed to. The dragonkin woman agreed and told him they would arrive shortly.

Archer sprawled out on the lush grass, relishing a moment of respite. Suddenly, an ethereal voice echoed behind him: “So, my children’s words hold truth. The Messiah is finally spending time in the Holy Land.”

Startled, Archer turned to see a captivating woman standing before him. Her cascading grey locks danced in the gentle breeze while a blindfold obscured her eyes. He found himself captivated by her presence.

‘Is she blind, maybe? What is she waffling on about?’

Clad in a robe of white and grey, she exuded an aura of mystery that belied her shapely form. Shaking off his astonishment, he inquired, “And who might you be?”

The woman stepped forward before kneeling. She introduced herself, ”I am Agrippina Dreadblade, the leader of the Fireheart Faith, my lord.”

Archer’s eyebrow raised as he wondered if she could read minds or see the future. That’s when Agrippina spoke, ”I wanted to meet the boy who has saved countless people and asks for nothing in return.”

He chuckled before explaining, ”I took everything of value and left nothing behind.”

”You didn’t take anything when you freed those slaves,” she replied. ”In fact, you gave them something even more valuable.”

”What’s that then?”

”Hope,” Agrippina answered while waving her hand, causing two chairs to appear out of nowhere before she motioned for him to sit down. ”The people who are now Tiamat’s followers have found a path forward in life while the ones who aren’t worshippers suffer.”

Archer internally grinned as he could use their beliefs to his benefit. After thinking for a minute, he replied, ”We have to make everyone worship me and Tiamat.”

The blind woman nodded in agreement as she looked out over the sea. Archer was confused but decided to speak: “Does the Fireheart Faith have an armed wing? I think they may need protection on the other continents.”

Agrippina quickly replied, ”No, but we’re thinking about creating one, but lack of funds has stalled the project.”

When hearing this, Archer reached into the Item Box and pulled out a few chests of gold. He explained, ”Build a strong force of loyal soldiers loyal to me.”

Even though she was blind, he could see her shifting expression until she knelt and started swearing her loyalty to Archer after storing the wealth in a storage ring she wore. This surprised him, but he would accept anything that would strengthen him and the kingdom.

“I, Agrippina Dreadblade, solemnly pledge my heart, body, and soul to Archer Wyldheart, the Messiah destined to usher in the world’s Golden Age. I dedicate all I am to fulfilling your goals.”

Archer was confused as he felt a connection to the mysterious woman, allowing him to see her status.

[Agrippina Dreadblade]

[Race: Human/Elemental]

[Age: —-]

[Rank: Pseudo God]

[Exp: 5041580/10000000]

[Level: 2045]

[HP: 815000/815000]

[Mana: —/—]

[Magic: Fire-Water-Space-Time-Earth-Wind-


[Strength: 65800]

[Constitution: 82650]

[Stamina: 97080]

[Charisma: 19000]

[Intelligence: 84500]

[Status Points: 100]

‘What the fuck! She’s so strong,’ Archer thought to himself.

Agrippina stood up and slowly approached him, swaying in her step. She soon stopped before him and spoke with a beautiful smile, ”Do you accept me? If you do, I will follow you beyond this life as our souls are now linked until the end of everything.”

Archer’s eyes widened in panic, causing the woman to let out a charming giggle as she explained, ”The link is just like your dragon tattoos that the queens process, but this is on our souls instead of our bodies.”

”What are you, and why are you doing this? It’s suspicious,” he questioned her.

She nodded in understanding. “As you know, I am half human and half elemental. However, this hybrid nature comes with a price—I am bound to be blind due to the overwhelming mana within me. Yet, to answer your question. We bond with races that have a high mana affinity. And who better embodies pure mana than one such as yourself?”

Something inside told him to accept, so that’s what he did, ”Okay, Agrippina, I accept our bond and will do right by you so you can enjoy your life.”

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