A Journey That Changed The World

Chapter 787 DASS & DFSI

Chapter 787 DASS & DFSI

Archer saw a beautiful smile light up her face. Now that she was closer, he noticed Agrippina was smaller than himself. She only had to tilt her head up a little before stepping forward and kissing him.

When Archer felt her juicy lips against his, a shock ran through his body, but this time, he physically felt it. They broke away, but he had one more question, ”Are you willing to fight against the world? Against every kingdom and empire on Thrylos.”

The grey-haired woman asked in a concerned tone, ”Why?”

He walked up toward the water while looking up at the sky before speaking, ”Do you know outside of the Draconia Kingdoms, there are realms where children are starving to death while their neighbors grow fat and have everything they need? It’s complete madness.”

Agrippina approached and stood next to him as he continued, ”Inequality is dominant in this world, and my old one, but I plan to change that and uplift all those people up to live a better life even if it means becoming a tyrant and ruling over a fairer world where inequality will be vanquished and grow into a distant memory while people will live better lives than they are now with everything they need.”

”How do you plan to do this, My Lord?”

”I will conquer Thrylos using my legions, then become a God Emperor and rule over the world by creating a fair world where starvation, borders, wars, and suffering are a long-forgotten memory.”

”What about the Queens? Will they let you conquer their homelands?”

Archer shrugged, but worry flashed through his eyes, ”I’m sure they will be against it, but who said creating a better world would be easy?”

Agrippina didn’t answer and continued questioning, ”So you’re happy with being seen as the Evil Dragon Emperor? Becoming the villain to give the world a chance.”

He didn’t answer immediately because he decided to walk toward Stormwatch Port. The older woman followed behind, waiting for an answer, and Archer soon gave one, ”I honestly don’t care if I can achieve my goals,” he said. ”In my old world, the greatest rulers all died young before they could see the fruit of their labor, but I’m different.”

The two of them passed a column of soldiers who bowed their heads at Archer before he continued talking, ”I will live forever or until someone finds a way to kill me, but even if I die, my empire will last as the people will see the benefit to my rule.”

Agrippina nodded, ”Well, I will aid you with everything, my lord. It’s about time peace reigned over Thrylos.”

”Thank you,” Archer said while the two continued down the road until they reached a Waystation that looked busy.

The older woman declared, ”You already have the White Dragon Knights as guards; I will create the Fireheart Legion and have it as the faith’s protectors as you’re not popular on most continents, My Lord.”

”Fireheart Legion? Archer questioned.

Agrippina nodded with an honest smile, ”My daughter Flavia is a skilled warrior and has trained many women of the faith in the ways of war.”

Archer nodded with a knowing smile, ”Put her in charge of the Fireheart Legion as its commander,” he said. ”Is there anything the Faith needs?”

”Yes, we need temples so the people have a place to worship you and Tiamat,” Agrippina answered.

He sighed before taking out another big pouch and giving it to her, ”Use this to hire the best builders the faith can find to come to Draconia and build a grand temple in the southern part of the kingdom.”

Agrippina gave him a sweet smile before taking the pouch and bowing to him, giving him a view of her alluring cleavage. But he was taken off guard when she casually said nonchalantly, ”Do you want me, My Lord? I can become your wife or mistress if that’s what you wish.”

Archer chuckled, ”I’m not going to force you to sleep with me,” he revealed. ”Where is the fun in that? If the two of us ever grow to like each other, we shall see if we are compatible.”

The older woman nodded with a smile before teasing him, ”Wonderful, My Lord, I thought you were going to pin me down on the grass and rip my dress away from me as you ravaged me like a wild monster attacking an innocent maiden.”

When he heard her response, Archer started laughing before embracing the woman, who melted into his hug. ”I feel you’re far from innocent, Agrippina.”

After speaking for a little longer, the older woman informed him that she had to return to Faith’s headquarters as they needed her help. He nodded with a smile as she took a step back and got ready to cast a spell.

Agrippina bid him farewell before fading into nothingness as a wave of mana washed over her. Archer shook his head and continued his walk to Stormwatch Port to check out the port city, which he hadn’t seen yet.

As he crested the final hill, the vast expanse of the port city unfolded before him, bathed in the golden hues of the afternoon sun. The sight took his breath away as Stormwatch Port sprawled out in front of him, a bustling metropolis teeming with life and activity.

Towering masts of ships reached towards the sky like a forest of wooden spires, their sails billowing in the breeze. The air was filled with the sounds of creaking timber, shouting merchants, and the distant clang of metal against metal.

Rows of warehouses lined the waterfront while ships of all shapes and sizes crowded the harbor, from sleek merchant vessels to formidable war galleys, their flags fluttering in the breeze.

Archer could see the hustle and bustle of the docks, where workers hurried to load and unload cargo while sailors shouted orders and haggled with merchants. When getting closer, he noticed the city was open and had many squares for markets.

He was fascinated and approached the city gate to see the Homeguard Soldiers guarding the gates while others patrolled the wall and road outside. When Archer got close, they spotted him before kneeling in respect.

They opened the gate, but he stopped near the entrance and asked the closest guard, ”How much does it cost to enter the city?”

One man quickly answered, ”20 copper Your Majesty.”

Archer nodded beforehand to make gold, ”Take this and treat the boys to some ale after your shift,” he said while continuing into the city. ”Enjoy your day, soldier.”

When he stepped into the city, he was pleasantly surprised. Stone and wooden buildings lined the streets, and the roads were wide enough for two carriages to travel down and for people to walk.

He saw all kinds of stores and people going in and out with bags full to the brim with goods. ‘Seems like people are happy and are making good coin.’

After that, he explored the city and saw all kinds of beautiful things, from children playing in the local parks with smiles to couples taking a walk while chatting. He noticed the weather was good, and a refreshing breeze traveled through the streets thanks to the apartment blocks dotting the city and funneling it down.

Archer continued his exploration and soon found a stall selling soups, broths, and food resembling a hotdog. The aroma caught his attention, and now he was standing in a queue that had formed down the street.

While standing there, he gleaned nuggets of information about the kingdom and its progress over the last few weeks. Archer learned that several new towns, cities, and ports had popped up all over Draconia.

Every town and city adopted the apartment blocks he introduced to Aisha during one of their encounters. Two merchants from the Frostwood Continent in the far north were in Draconia to trade their pelts for southern food, as they called it.

Archer soon discovered that Aisha had implemented his idea to make the kingdom prosper far into the future by supporting farmers, ‘The Draconian Agricultural Support Scheme (DASS).’

Government officials gave the farmers seeds and equipment to produce what the populace needed, and the kingdom sold the excess to passing traders to earn extra income. At the same time, the treasury continued to fund them until they were profitable.

Afterward, the farmers happily paid taxes to keep the realm going, as the wealth they earned from selling their excess crops allowed them to pay a high rate to see the kingdom flourish. It amazed Archer that she’d implemented all his ideas, from running training courses to helping the younger generations.

He wanted the whole kingdom to celebrate one idea: family. Aisha suggested paying new mothers 12 gold per new child monthly to give the families breathing room to concentrate on the youth’s upbringing.

Some laws prohibited parents from abusing their children, and if anyone committed such an act, they would be put to a brutal death in a square so everyone could witness it.

Hundreds of these executions have happened since the kingdom’s founding, which brought around the boom of loving families as they realized that they were finally happy with a smiling family.

The government officials were hesitant to implement such an idea. They thought poorly of Archer, but once they saw the outcome and the population’s happiness soared, they praised him as a genius.

He named the scheme ‘The Draconian Family Support Initiative (DFSI),’ which was used to boost the population of his kingdom.

Archer stopped thinking to himself as the line started to move but stopped shortly after. While waiting, Kassandra and Leira asked to join him as Ella, Halime, and Teuila were still exploring somewhere down south. Archer used the tattoos to summon both girls who appeared next to him.

This ontent is taken from frewebnove(l).𝐜𝐨𝗺

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