A Journey That Changed The World

Chapter 785 And Who Would You Be

Chapter 785 And Who Would You Be

Archer climbed out of the crater he caused when he crashed, but that’s when he noticed a swarm of soldiers heading toward him. Soon, he was surrounded by one hundred Homeguard soldiers ready to attack.

He chuckled at their reactions, but an angry voice shouted at the men and women surrounding him. That’s when the beautiful white-haired Sarina Koba appeared from the crowd and rushed over to him, checking on him like a worried wife, causing him to smile.

”I’m so sorry, Arch,” she said with a panicked look on her face, ”We saw someone flying near the naval base, and I ordered the attack without knowing it was you.”

Archer waved her away, ”It’s okay, Sarina, I just want a look at the new navy,” he spoke while brushing himself down.

The woman nodded before offering to tour the naval base, which he accepted after she dismissed the soldiers standing around. Sarina led Archer toward the towering walls of the shipyard that the Homeguard Soldiers were guarding.

He noticed the road was well maintained, and while looking at it, he got a good idea for roads that he needed to tell Aisha and Meera when he was done inspecting the First Fleet and meeting whoever was in command of it.

When he spotted the base, he was shocked. The walls stood twenty meters high, and towers were dotted along them. Howler Cannons lined the wall and were ready to fire upon anyone who got close.

”Are those weapons the ones that hit me?” Archer asked the white-haired woman in an amused tone.

Sarina giggled before nodding, ”Yes, we spotted you and fired without realizing it was you.”

Archer nodded as they arrived outside the gate, prompting the guards to open it. He couldn’t help but wonder at the sight before him when he stepped through the large metal gate and was welcomed by the soldiers.

That’s when he noticed a massive naval base sprawled before him, bustling with activity as hundreds of people moved to and fro like ants upon a hill as they worked on the ships or in one of the many workshops the dwarf sisters set up.

But it was the warships anchored in the harbor that truly caught his attention. Dozens of them lined up in neat rows, their sleek black hulls glistening in the sunlight. They stood as silent sentinels waiting to be called upon to defend their nation during war.

Archer fixed his gaze on the largest vessel in the fleet. The ship was massive, three times the size of the battleship, and looked like a monster floating on the surface. This vessel was undoubtedly the Tiamat Class, as Dellah had previously described.

It bristled with armaments, a testament to the craftsmanship of the dwarf sisters who outfitted them. He took stock of the entire fleet: one Flagship accompanied by sixteen battleships, forty cruisers, destroyers, and thirty frigates.

Archer’s curiosity then turned to the whereabouts of the support vessels, but they guessed they were likely housed elsewhere, awaiting deployment when needed. As the duo examined the ships, he noticed a smart-looking woman approaching, followed by several Dragon Marines.

Olivia’s smile captured his attention. She was in her late twenties and gave off a mature presence while getting close to them, ‘Wow, she’s beautiful,’ he thought.

The woman’s stunning white hair was arranged into a neat bun. She wore a crisp white naval uniform adorned with the emblem of Draconia on the chest—a clear indication of her affiliation with his navy.

Despite the uniform’s attempt to conceal them, Archer couldn’t help but notice the woman’s generous curves, her figure emphasized by the strain of her bosom against the fabric. She possessed a healthy, shapely physique, far from being overweight.

As the woman drew nearer, his attention was drawn to the bright smile illuminating her features, and he couldn’t help but admire her glowing pink eyes that reminded him of Nefertiti’s.

Archer had to admit the woman was stunning and wondered where she came from. She was captivating and exuded an air of strength and elegance. But it was not just her outward appearance that commanded attention.

A strong aura surrounded her, radiating confidence and authority. With each step, she carried herself with poise and purpose, leaving no doubt of her capabilities and inner strength, which instantly caught Archer’s interest.

The woman halted before them, then knelt down, her ample bosom jiggling with the movement. But what struck Archer even more was her accent, reminiscent of Spanish yet somehow imbued with an ethereal quality that set it apart.

”My King,” she said. ”It’s finally good to meet you. I’ve heard much about you.”

Archer smiled, ”And who would you be?”

”Olivia Anderson,” she introduced herself with a seductive smile. ”Queen Aisha made me the Admiral of the First Fleet and an avid fan of all your exploits. I even bought the latest version of the Dragon Tales, which is excellent.”

”What?” Archer answered while turning his gaze to Sarina.

She reached into her storage ring, pulled out a white book, and handed it to him. Archer took it and read the title ‘Dragon Tales Volume Three,’ which confused him and caused Sarina to giggle at his reaction.

Archer started going through it, and it spoke of his adventurers and all the battles he’d been involved in—some he even forgot about. After reading for a while, he asked Olivia, “Who wrote this?”

The white-haired woman remarked, “Nobody knows, Your Majesty. They appear in the stores whenever a new volume comes out.”

He nodded before returning his focus to the book. One story, in particular, piqued his interest—the account of his encounter with Lucrezia and the details surrounding it. Archer instantly thought about one of the girls but never saw them writing.

‘I don’t care about it anyway; it only boosts my reputation,’ Archer thought.

After inspecting the book, he returned it to Olivia, who accepted it with a smile as he spoke, ”Can you tell me about the First Fleet Admiral?”

”Of course,” she said. ”Well, let’s start with the Flagship, which is one powerful warship. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen; the amount of cannons it has is overwhelming.”

Olivia pointed at the ship before continuing, ”There are thirty Super Heavy Cannons, thirty main battery guns that make up the main firepower of the Tiamat Class Battleship, which will be the pride of the Royal Draconia Navy, Your Majesty,”

The Flagship was a monster, bigger than anything Thrylos had ever seen. It would shock everyone who saw it and decimate any fleets that came up against it.

Archer nodded as she pointed at the battleships before explaining. ”These are the Ella Class Battleships, which are the main battle force for the fleets or will be lead ships if the fleet breaks up into squadrons. They would confront enemy vessels armed with ten Heavy Stormbreaker Cannons, complemented by thirty main battery guns capable of bombarding other fleets or coastal fortresses.”

“How many personnel can the Flagship and Battleship hold?” he inquired.

Olivia paused momentarily before responding, “The Flagship requires 5500 Dragon Sailors and 2000 Dragon Marines, whereas the Battleship can accommodate 3500 Sailors and 1000Marines.”

After that, the three moved on to the other ships, and Archer learned that the Dwarf sisters named each vessel after the girls, which made him smile. Olivia told him the Teuila Class Crusiers would be used for scouting missions, escort duty, and long-

range bombardment.

She said the ship’s weapons comprised forty main battery guns, twenty Doompulse, ten Howler, and Dragonfire Cannons. There would be 2500 Dragon Sailors, 800 Dragon Marines, and all the command staff.

After that, they moved on to the Seraphina Class Destroyer, which resembled the one on Earth, but Archer’s ones were a little bit smaller, sleeker, and even stronger. It was half the size of the Ella Class Battleship and Crusiers.

Equipped with twenty main battery guns, it served multiple purposes, including anti-aircraft, anti-land, escort duty, scouting, and patrol. The Destroyer would be home to 1500 Dragon Sailors and 600 Dragon Marines.

Olivia then told him and Sarina about the Nefertiti Class Frigate, which, much like the Destroyer, would guard Draconia’s Trade Fleet and harass enemy ships or coastal fortresses. The ship would hold 600 Dragon Sailors and 300 Dragon Marines living on it whenever they were at sea.

After the Frigate, they moved to the last ship, the Hemera Class Corvette, the smallest ship in the Draconian Royal Navy. Olivia explained that the ship was armed with four main battery guns and other weapons and would be used to patrol Draconia’s coast and escort merchant ships.

Archer spotted the ship and noticed it was smaller than the Corvette and only had 300 Dragon Sailors and 150 Dragon Marines. The fleet pleased him greatly, and he was glad all the gold coins he had spent were worth it.

They approached the last vessel, the Hecate Class Transport Ships, which would ferry soldiers, materials, and other items with the fleets during an invasion. They’re currently used to transport stuff between Draconia and the Forsaken Isle up north, where the legions are looting the Ironfoot Kingdoms’ underground cities.

After the fleet tour, Sarina spoke in an annoyed tone, ”Arch, I have to get back to the seawall, but can we meet another time?”

Archer nodded while taking out a bracelet from his Item Box and handing it to the dragonkin woman. She had a confused expression, which caused him to explain, ”Send mana into the bracelet to contact me and let me know when you’re free.”

Sarina nodded before stepping forward and pecking him on the cheek. Afterward, she darted away, causing Archer to chuckle at her actions. From the side, Olivia commented, ”No wonder the female recruits are obsessed with you, Your Majesty.”

”What do you mean?” Archer asked with a grin.

This chaptr is updated by fr(e)ewbnov(e)l.com

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