A Journey That Changed The World

Chapter 784 My Beautiful Prime Minister

Chapter 784 My Beautiful Prime Minister

Archer opened a portal back to the mansion so Albert could step through. When the old man vanished, Mia turned to him and said, ”Introduce me to the people who run your kingdom, and I will stay here for a while until I train a replacement.”

She put her hands on his shoulders before staring into his eyes with a serious expression, ”You’re a ruler now, Arch, and you must lead your people to a future worth dying for,” she said with conviction. ”You need to be the king. They need to survive the descending chaos.”

He nodded ”Whoever comes to Draconia will only find death; our shores will be the graveyard of empires and old kingdoms.”

Mia gave him a radiant smile, ”I know you will; now, let’s get down to business.”

Archer used the Gate to take Mia to Drakonia, where Aisha’s office was. They appeared just outside the city, which amazed the older dragonkin woman. It had changed even more since he last visited.

Many more buildings were alongside the apartment blocks he designed, confusing the builders, but they were happy once they saw the finished product. People were coming and going from the city.

He noticed the Homeguard Soldiers patrolling the walls and the gate, checking the citizens before they entered Drakonia. Archer grabbed Mia’s hand before casting Blink to reappear on the wall, shocking some of the guards.

They reacted angrily, but as soon as they noticed it was Archer, they knelt, causing him to laugh and praise the soldiers for doing their jobs. After that, he summoned his wings before turning to Mia, ”May I carry you, Oma? Flying is quicker.”

”Of course,” she replied with a grin as she ran a finger down his chest. ”Who wouldn’t want to be carried by a handsome dragon who is very strong.”

He went red when he heard her words and felt her touch, causing Mia to giggle. ”I love it when you blush. This will be fun.”

Archer ignored her laughing and picked up the woman before taking off. He was flying toward Aisha’s office as they passed over hundreds of buildings that lined the streets, which were busy with customers.

”I wish I weren’t your Oma sometimes; I want to see how it feels to be claimed by such a dragon,” Mia casually said, catching him off guard with a snicker.

His wings fluttered because of the distraction. A vision of the two making love popped into his mind, throwing him off entirely and causing them to plummet toward the streets below and, luckily, missing all the tall buildings.

Archer sighed before casting Blink and wrapping Mia in his wings before they crashed into the street when he reappeared. He looked at the older woman who never stopped teasing him and decided to get his revenge on her.

Rising to his feet, Archer assisted his Oma and met her gaze with his own before stepping closer to her. However, Mia’s reaction was one of panic as she swiftly pushed him away. Archer couldn’t help but burst into laughter so intense that he doubled over.

Upon realizing Archer’s playful retaliation, Mia couldn’t help but join in the laughter. “Okay, fair enough, I’ll stop the teasing,” she conceded with a chuckle.

He smiled in response, and they resumed their journey. After a while, they arrived at a grand mansion on the city’s eastern edge. Archer noticed it was built beyond the wall and was surrounded by the Dragon Legionnaires.

The duo entered the gate after two soldiers opened it, only to be greeted by three women. Aisha Ashcroft, the caretaker of Draconia Kingdon, Prime Minister Meera Sharma, and Defence Minister Jaya Darkwater.

They all bowed as Aisha spoke, ”Your Majesty, it’s good to see you. There are a few things we need to talk about regarding the kingdom.”

Archer nodded before introducing Mia. ”This is my Grandmother, Mia Silverthrone,” he said. ”She will aid us in making the kingdom wealthy. Do me a favor and summon Finance Minister Brie.”

After giving her his orders, Archer remembered the dwarf wealth he collected and decided to give some to the kingdom for the ongoing projects, ”Also, have a is a cohort of White Dragon Knights report here.”

Aisha nodded before summoning a maid and giving her orders to rush to Dragonheart City to fetch Brie. Once done with them, the beautiful dragonkin woman led the group into the nearest lounge.

Everyone sat down as Aisha started speaking. ”We are gathering taxes for most things in the kingdom, which is bringing in a little over one hundred thousand gold coins, which is just for the basic taxes we’ve introduced.”

She pulled out some papers before flicking through them, ”Once we introduce everything we’ve spoken about, I believe the kingdom would pull in over two million gold per month, and that’s the bare minimum as refugees continue to pour in as the other continents are falling into war and chaos.”

Archer nodded and decided to get Llyniel’s garden created while bringing Hacate Dragonheart Company to Draconia. That was news to him when he heard about it when he and the girls gossiped in bed.

Hecate’s shop was bringing in so much coin that they had to expand, so she hired an all-women team to run a company that mass-produced her potions to sell to militaries and other realms.

This has made the moon elf a very wealthy woman, so she branched into cosmetics and other stuff, bringing in even more coins for them. She shocked him by telling him that his portion of the profits, which amounted to five million gold coins, was in the Avalonian Bank.

Archer hadn’t withdrawn it yet as he had the dwarf treasures to spend and everything else he would add to his lair. He greenlighted everything planned with that thought and dumped out a million coins, shocking the four women.

After that, the White Dragon Knights took the wealth to the Draconian Bank. Once Aisha was dealt with, Jaya informed him that the first, fourth, and fifth legions were still on the Forsaken Isles, looting everything and fighting the creatures.

But what shocked him were the four new legions that have been raised and are currently being trained. Meera suggested that the fourth and fifth should be cycled with the new ones so they all could gain battle experience, which Archer agreed to as more new recruits poured in daily.

Once the army was dealt with, Aisha said the navy was nearly complete. She said the dwarves and their workers were building the last ten frigates and transport ships, and then the First Fleet would be ready to go once the ammunition factories started creating the shells needed for the cannons.

When Archer heard that, he was excited as the dwarf family had already built a flagship, sixteen battleships, forty cruisers, destroyers, and frigates, which shocked him. Still, he remembered he was in a world of magic, and nothing was impossible.

Upon learning of these developments, Jaya informed him that the sea wall defenses had been finalized, with the Homeguard already stationed to protect the border. Additionally, she relayed the news of an incoming fleet of pirates, who met their demise as the Shadowbane and Titan Wrath Cannons obliterated them, leaving no trace behind.

After Jaya finished her report, Archer asked Aisha what must be done in the cities and towns. She said they were building the sewers he suggested and other amenities for the people.

Some roads and other port cities needed to be built, which he agreed to. He dropped half of the dwarven treasures into a dozen storage rings he had in his Item Box and gave them to Aisha on the condition that more fleets be built, more soldiers be recruited, and the families of the fallen be taken care of.

When redhead dragonkin saw what was in the rings, her jaw dropped before the other two women grabbed them and had the same reaction before Meera spoke first, ”Why are you giving away so much of your wealth? Aren’t dragons greedy and hate to spend their gold.”

Archer laughed at the tiger woman before revealing as he stood up, ”My beautiful prime minister, what good is wealth if it collects dust? I’m a king and want the strongest kingdom for my people, so I spend what I have and can always get more.”

Meera nodded in understanding, and when Mia saw this, her eyes sparkled before asking, ”Handsome! I have some plans for long-term investment. Can I help?”

”Yes, go with these three to the government section in Drakonia and organize everything. When Opa is ready, I’ll send him to the city square, so don’t let the old man get lost,” Archer smiled.

Mia nodded and started talking to the women before Archer cast the Gate to the outside and stepped through while summoning his wings. He took off and flew toward Dragon Cove’s naval base, where the First Fleet was.

It took Archer just under an hour to reach, and when he saw the rows of black ships, his eyes widened in amazement. They reminded him of sleeker versions of the battleships of Earth, but it was the flagship caught his attention.

The warship was three times the size of any other ship and had dozens of fierce-looking cannons. Archer got closer, and when he did, his senses kicked in causing him to cast Cosmic Shield only to have a mana blast slam into it.

He was sent flying into the mountains that protected the island. Archer crashed into the dirt, causing a landslide that buried him. When this happened, he couldn’t help but laugh, as he was proud that the soldiers were doing their job.

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