A Journey That Changed The World

Chapter 783 Make Me Your Master Of Coin

Chapter 783 Make Me Your Master Of Coin

While checking his status, Archer started to fade and wondered who was summoning him. But he soon found himself on a random road in the Crownlands where Avalonians were locked in combat with the Swarms monstrous creatures.

Amidst the chaos, something drew his attention: a Mutant Creature resembling a human, gripping his Opa Albert by the throat. Enraged, Archer swiftly transforming into his Shadow Prince form as he scanned the monster.

[Mutated Human]

[Rank: Supreme Mage]

Overwhelmed by anger, Archer rushed at the mutant, using the shadows to vanish. He confused the creature before he lunged out of the darkness and tore the monster apart effortlessly despite its inferior rank.

Albert collapsed to the ground, barely breathing, but Archer couldn’t help him immediately, as he had to deal with the other monsters fighting the other soldiers. He dived into the shadows before lunging at the remaining mutants and Ratlings like a jack in the bow.

He would snap at them with his sharp teeth while slicing into them with his claws. It took minutes to deal with the creatures before the road was clear. His head snapped in Albert’s direction, causing him to rush over to the old man, who was smiling weakly.

”Grandson, I knew you’d come,” the old man weakly said. ”The creature was hunting you, seeking your whereabouts.”

Archer cast Aurora Healing on him, watching as the wounds closed miraculously, prompting a chuckle from the old man. ”It’s good that my grandson is a powerful mage, or I’d die one of these days, and your grandmother would come to kill me a second time.”

Shaking his head while chuckling as Albert always fooled around, ”Shut up, you stupid old man. You know I will always come when you summon me, Opa,” he said while helping him. ”We’re family, aren’t we?”

He noticed Albert wasn’t saying anything but suddenly embraced him with a bear hug and crushed him. He chuckled, but the old man soon let him go before speaking, ”Yes, we are. Now, let’s return south. Your grandmother will want to hear about this.”

Archer nodded before approaching the surviving soldiers and casting Aurora Healing on them, healing their injuries. The men and women bowed toward him as he opened a Gate back to Starfall City.

Albert waved his hand dismissively, shooing them back to the barracks like he was herding cats. They scampered through the violet portal quicker than a squirrel stealing a nut. With a grin plastered on his face, the old man sidled up to Archer, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

“Now, grandson, onto the real challenge,” he announced, barely containing his laughter. “Facing your grandmother. Brace yourself, my boy. She’s a force to be reckoned with, but together, we might stand a chance and win.”

Archer chuckled when hearing his Opa being ridiculous. But he did know his grandmother would soon descend upon the old man like a whirlwind of fury. He could already hear her scolding Albert for his reckless escapade, wagging her finger as if she were scolding a misbehaving child.

After speaking, the two stepped through the Gate he opened to the Silverthrone Mansion, where they saw a group of maids gossiping while taking a break outside. When the women spotted Archer and Albert, they jumped up before returning to work.

The old man started chuckling, ”They scatter like scared mice,” he said. ”I find it hilarious that they think I will say something when Mia deals with the maids and all that stuff as I’m useless at it.”

Archer nodded and thought, ‘I must hire some maids when the palace is completed. Maybe the dragonkin women will volunteer?’

With that thought in mind, the two entered the mansion, and Albert led him through the maze-like corridors, where he spotted paintings of men and women who looked like his family members.

When Albert saw his expression, he stopped with a joyful smile and looked at a portrait of a man standing in a garden with long, flowing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that commanded attention.

The old man started talking while Archer listened, ”This is my ancestor Hal Silverthrone. He fought with the first emperor during the War of a Thousand Tears when the Avalon Empire was founded, and Marcus Avalon drove out the barbarians that inhabited what now is the Crownlands.”

”Was he strong?” Archer questioned while studying his ancestor.

”Yes, he was one of the twelve Avalion Demigods that helped the founder establish the empire and fight in the following wars until the world finally found peace when the Novgorod and Nightshade Empires took the Verdantia Continent for themselves and signed the peace treaty that still holds between the two powers.”

”Not for long, Opa, not for long,” Archer said as the fire inside him ignited.

He wanted to conquer the world and create the Draconia Empire. ”What do you mean, Archer?” Albert asked in a curious tone.

”War will come, realms will fall, and people will suffer, but Draconia will still stand strong. Once my legions are ready, they will wash over the world, raising my banner over every capital until the Pax Draconia is established worldwide and peace reigns supreme,” Archer declared, which fascinated Albert.

”How will you do such a thing, Arch? You cannot beat the Novgorodians or the High Elves of the Nightshade Empire,” Albert questioned.

Archer laughed before speaking, ”Let’s get Oma, and I will give you a tour of my shipyard so you can see my new navy.”

The old man’s eyes glowed with excitement before he rushed to get his wife, making Archer laugh as he followed. When the two arrived at an office, Albert barged in, shouting, ”My beautiful Mia! Get your coat on. We are getting a tour of our grandson’s kingdom!”

Albert’s sudden entrance sent Mia’s heart racing faster than a cheetah chasing its prey. Startled, she leaped from her seat with a shriek that could wake the dead, sending the maid tumbling off her chair like a clumsy acrobat.

Unable to contain himself, Archer erupted into laughter at the sight of his typically composed grandmother flustered and red-

faced. Mia exploded like a firecracker, ”You daft old fool! Can’t you see I’m working? Why must you barge in like a charging rhino?”

The old man scratched the back of his head, retreating slightly, but Mia rounded on him, “Why not knock? You made Macy fall to the floor, and my heart is racing like that time when those Shadowclaws monsters ambushed us.”

Once Mia calmed down, she turned to Archer with a sweet smile, “Did you rescue this old coot again, handsome?” she said teasingly. “Whenever the two of you appear together, that’s usually the case.”

Archer smiled and nodded, prompting the older dragonkin woman to beam as she approached him, “Thank you for saving your silly grandfather once again, Arch.”

Mia embraced him in a loving hug, intentionally pushing his head into her cleavage as she pulled him toward her, given Archer’s taller height. Her playful teasing continued as she whispered, “Enjoy Oma’s soft pillows, my handsome grandson. I shall divorce your grandfather and snatch you away from all your ladies.”

Archer felt his cheeks flush red, prompting him to try to back away. Mia’s delighted reaction to his embarrassment only encouraged her to tease him further, “We can find a small farm somewhere and make love all night and work all day. It would be a wonderful life.”

The older woman continued teasing, but Albert came to Archer’s rescue, ”Okay, you made your point, Mia,” he said. ”Can’t you see the boys going red?”

When Archer heard this, he became embarrassed, which was new to him. However, he concluded that his grandmother had a certain charm that caught him off guard. While thinking that, he internally prayed that none of his wives were like her.

Mia backed off and looked at him with a Cheshire cat smile, commenting, ”I was enjoying embarrassing the infamous white dragon, which I thought was impossible.”

His grandparents started laughing, causing Archer to open a Gate to the Bastion Fortress on Draconia and step through. Shortly after that, Mia and Albert followed behind and were amazed when they saw the courtyard they were in.

The architecture was a mix of fantasy and gothic themes with open spaces and tough walls. Albert looked around in shock as he approached Archer and questioned, ”Did your people build this?”

”Yes Opa,” Archer answered. ”I instructed the Dragon Marshals to have the armies work on building projects all over the kingdom.”

When the old man heard this, he beamed, asking another question, ”How do you fund such endeavors? It must cost a fortune.”

”The Church Of Light, I’m currently looking after the wealth they amassed on Plouria, and I looted two levels of an abandoned dwarf city, which brought in so many coins it allowed me to fund my first fleets and finance the kingdom until its functional.”

”That won’t do, Arch,” Mia said while standing beside him. ”We need to balance your books and ensure every coin is spent correctly.”

Archer turned to the what with a confused expression, ”Oma?”

Mia was about to explain, but Albert beat her to it, ”Your grandmother is an expert at making coin Arch,” he revealed. ”She’s the reason behind the Silverthrone fortune and our success as a family.”

The older woman proudly nodded before she declared, ”Make me your Master of Coin and watch Draconia flourish like no other kingdom.”

She approached him with a gleam in her blue eyes, ”We can build a utopia together. The Silverthrone Family can finally have a purpose.”

When Mia finished speaking, she spun on Albert and spoke, ”Order the family to pack up. We will be living here for a while to help our grandson.”

Albert looked confused until she repeated, ”Go now! We have a job to do.”

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