A Journey That Changed The World

Chapter 782 Quiet Treehouse

Chapter 782 Quiet Treehouse

”Shut up, dragon,” Zarion retorted. ”Both of you are menaces to my life with you causing trouble everywhere you go, and Thundera’s stubbornness will be my death.”

Archer chuckled at the man’s complaining before the two spoke about life and the Swarm attacks. The older man turned to him and warned in a concerned tone, ”Those vile creatures have found weaknesses for you and us Primordials, so we have to be careful when fighting them in the future.”

”I know. I’ve experienced something similar called the Dragon’s Kiss Poison, which affects my mana and causes it to spread throughout my body.”

Zarion nodded, ”I know,” he said. ”They have something similar for us Primordials that weakens us over time before they send their assassins after us.”

Once they finished talking, the Primordial Thunderbird took off and flew into the distance. He watched Zarion leave before checking his status, which impressed him.

[Experience: 2300000/4000000]

[Experience Gained: 800000]

[HP: 38500>39000]


[Stamina: 41300>42000]

[Intelligence: 36600>37000]

[Shadow Prince: 5>6]

”I’ll be leveling up soon,” he mumbled to himself. ”I should hunt more.”

”I can show you a good hunting ground dragon,” a voice behind him said, causing him to turn around.

That’s when he spotted Zarions daughter Thundera. Her short yellow hair was blowing around in the breeze, and her yellow eyes glowed with fascination as she looked at him with a neutral expression.

Archer nodded, ”That would be good,” he said. ”Thank you.”

Thundera ignored his words as she transformed into her beautiful Thunderbird form as she answered, ”Get on.”

Listening to her words, Archer mounted her back, settling into the plush, silky feathers. Thundera glanced back to ensure his comfort before launching into the sky, effortlessly gliding through the air.

Archer felt the rush of wind against his face as they climbed higher into the boundless expanse of Elysium’s skies. Below, he marveled at the landscape as the rivers shimmering like liquid silver ribbons under the sunlight.

As Thundera flew, Archer marveled at the scenery where mountains pierced the clouds while slipes and jagged cliffs dotted the side of it. He even saw a waterfall falling from the top and ending at a lake at the bottom.

Beyond the mountains, he saw vast plains that stretched out as far as the eyes could see. Beautiful green grass swayed in the breeze as herds of monsters roamed the landscape below.

After flying for an hour, they arrived at another mountain with a secret world hidden in a gigantic cave. Thundera dived through the entrance before slowing down and gracefully landing.

Archer jumped off her as Thundera turned to him, ”Use this place until it’s useless to you,” she said. ”Afterward, I will show you a better area with stronger monsters.”

He nodded, ”Thank you.”

She looked at him before taking off and vanishing into the sky. Once she was gone, Archer studied his surroundings and noticed how dense the vegetation was, but that’s when something erupted from a nearby bush.

When that happened, Archer cast Cosmic Shield, causing the weird insect creature that reminded him of a centipede to crash into the barrier. When seeing this, he instantly cast an eldritch Blast at it.

The violet blast slammed into the monster, which sent it flying backward. Archer quickly scanned it.

[Bush Striker]

[Rank: SSS+]

‘What the hell is this?’ he mused to himself. ‘Where did Thundera bring me?’

Archer quickly spotted the centipede monster lunging at him, but this time, it sprayed something that burned the shield, which shocked him. He used Blink to get out of the way, but the creature kept chasing him.

Soon, he got fed up and transformed into his Shadow Prince form before vanishing into the shadows below him. It was baffled when the Bush Striker saw this, but Archer lunged from the darkness and struck it several times.

The monster’s chiton armor cracked, making him smile before he cast a dozen Eldritch Blast and Plasma Missiles into it. When the spell connected, a massive explosion erupted, but thanks to his Anti-Magic, it was short-lived.

Archer felt the experience flowed into his body when the monster died, causing him to sigh with relief. With a shake of his head, he dived into the shadows and started traveling through the jungle, hunting several creatures along the way.

He spent hours roaming around the underground jungle and killed many monsters that resembled animals from Earth but were twisted and malformed. Archer didn’t know what to think about it all.

‘I wonder if there are any monsters stronger than me down here,’ he thought while traveling through the forest.

As Archer walked deeper into the jungle, he was enveloped by the sounds and sights unlike anything he had experienced before. Towering trees, their ancient branches tangled with vibrant foliage, reached toward the cave ceiling, creating a dense canopy that filtered the mana light.

But soon, he came across his next target and spotted an orc camp, causing him to smile while melting into the shadows. Archer reappeared in the center of the group of monsters before slashing and slicing with wild abandonment.

Orc body parts and guts flew all over the place. Archer went to work and butchered the monsters. Ten minutes later, the camp lay in waste, and he was breathing heavily while sitting on a chair the monster leader was sitting in.

After relaxing, he got back up and started hunting even more, causing him to run into a herd of rhino-looking monsters grazing in a large grassland. They were the size of elephants from Earth, but what caught his attention was their longhorn.

It was the same size as him and looked dangerous. Archer counted over twenty creatures roaming around, causing him to grin as he transformed into his shadow form before he started hunting them.

After hours of doing this, Archer decided to head back to the domain and get some sleep as the fights were happening the next day. He opened a Gate and stepped through it to appear in a quiet treehouse.

He sent the girls a message and found out they were hanging around with Leonora, Nalika, and others. He told them to have fun and use the Dragon orbs to summon him if there was any trouble.

Once Archer received their reply, he started to make some food, which consisted of grilled meat and toasted bread. The aroma caused him to cook as much as he could before making his way to the balcony with a plate covered in food.

When outside, Archer sat down and started eating while waiting for the sun to set over the domain, which he always found beautiful. He soon finished the food and felt content while developing a good idea.

Archer closed his eyes before using his mana to create a very comfortable chair that would allow him to watch the colorful landscape. It only took him a couple of minutes to finish, and when he was done, he stood up.

He yawned before walking over to the new chair and took a seat, melting into the soft cushions, causing him to relax completely. Archer lounged on the balcony of his treehouse, his gaze fixed on the sprawling domain stretched out before him.

The last traces of sunlight painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the landscape below. From his vantage point, Archer could see the majestic mountains in the distance, their peaks crowned with snow even in the warmth of dusk.

The rivers meandered through the valleys like veins of silver, reflecting the fading light in shimmering ripples. As the breeze whispered through the leaves of the surrounding trees, Archer closed his eyes, letting the gentle caress of the wind wash over him.

It carried the scent of fresh foliage and the distant promise of rain. With a contented sigh, Archer leaned back in his chair, fully immersing himself in the moment’s tranquility. The sounds of nature surrounded him.

As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, Archer stirred from his slumber, the warmth of the morning sun kissing his face gently. Blinking groggily, he slowly became aware of his surroundings, the tranquil chirping of birds greeting the new day.

Stretching languidly, Archer yawned and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His heart swelled tenderly as he glanced around at the sight before him. Curled up beside him were Sera and Hemera, their forms nestled against his own.

Their faces were illuminated by the soft golden light of morning. With her vibrant red hair cascading around her like a fiery halo, Sera snuggled closer to him, a contented smile on her lips.

Hemera lay beside him, her head nestled gently on his chest, her rhythmic breathing a soothing melody that echoed in the morning air. Archer cherished the sight of her, her golden hair shimmering in the sunlight as he ran his fingers through it with affection.

A smile graced his lips as he glanced at his beautiful girl, their presence filling him with a deep sense of peace and belonging. With care not to disrupt their serene sleep, he tenderly brushed a stray lock of hair from Sera’s forehead, his touch as light as a feather.

After that, he decided to get up and check his status after hunting in the new place Thundera showed him. When thinking about the centipede creature, a shiver ran down his spine.


[Experience: 3300000/4000000][Experience Gained: 1000000]

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