Chapter 166: Taking Care of Business
Chapter 166: Taking Care of Business
Nicole was starting to freak out. Every single hitman she tried to contact to assassinate Alex ended poorly for her. At first, they were all excited to kill for the money she promised them. But the moment she revealed the identity of their target, they immediately declined the offer, some of which were rude enough to outright hang up on her.
Perhaps the rumors were true, and Alex was being protected by a powerful criminal organization. But just who had the ability to put the fear of god into a bunch of hired guns? Ultimately, the woman decided to take a drink, as she had a glass of wine in her hand. While watching her family as they sat in their home theater enjoying a film that had yet to make it to theaters.
The woman could only sigh in defeat, knowing that there was no way she was going to be able to hire someone to kill Alex. And it was then that a certain sound alerted Nicole. At first she thought it was the sound from the film, but it became increasingly clear that someone had broken into their home.
Nicole panicked while her husband approached her, telling the woman to protect the kids and to call the police. At the same time, the man grabbed a baseball bat from nearby and went to confront the intruders, mistaking them for a couple of crackheads who had somehow managed to break into their estate.
Unfortunately for Nicole’s husband, his bravery turned out to be absolute foolishness. Because the moment he entered the living room of his house, he found his staff bleeding out on the floor. While a group of heavily armed men dressed in all black pointed their m4 carbines at him. The man could only see his life flash before his eyes, before he was lit up by gunfire from the heavily armed Sicarios.
Nicole heard the automatic gunfire… After all, despite the weapons being suppressed to hearing safe levels, they were still clearly audible. Now she was certain that this was no longer the gunfire from the movie. And instead, it was entirely likely that her husband was dead. An overwhelming sense of horror flooded the woman’s mind, petrifying her on the spot.
Her kids were crying as they tugged on their mother’s clothes in a desperate attempt for her to save them from what was clearly a very dangerous situation. And then the door opened. To reveal several masked gunmen, dressed in all black. Knowing that these were the last of their targets, the Sicarios pointed their weapons at Nicole and her kids, this of course caused the woman to break down and fall to her knees as she begged these men to spare her life and that of her children.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know! I should have never tried to kill him! Please! Please, I beg you! Show mercy! If not for me, then for my kids! They are innocent in this! Please don’t kill us!”
Yet the woman’s sobs and begging fell on deaf ears. These were Zeta sicarios who she was pleading with. Some of the most ruthless and vicious killers on the planet. The lives of Nicole and her children meant nothing to them. And thus, they simply raised the muzzles of their rifles, and unloaded upon the group of them, sending Nicole and her children to the afterlife.—
Victor was at his corporate headquarters when Nicole and her family were murdered in their own homes. He had been trying to call the woman for quite some time, begging her not to go through with her plan to assassinate Alex. But for the last two hours, he could not get a connection. Whether it was Nicole’s phone or that of her family, nobody answered. And thus filled the man with dread.
Thus, he decided to take the night off from work. After all, he worked well past midnight every day. But with his family not picking up, something came over the man, and thus, he entered the parking lot of his car, where he used his key fob to unlock his luxurious Porsche. The man had just entered the vehicle, and set his briefcase down in the passenger seat, when he inserted the key into the ignition.
At first, the car didn’t start, which caused the man to smack the wheel and curse it before going for another twist. And before he even realized what had gotten him killed, the car exploded. Killing Victor instantly and blowing up another three cars in the parking lot with it. Luckily, they were all vacant.
Victor’s family received a similar treatment, having their home invaded by the Sicarios of the Los Zetas before being ruthlessly gunned down in cold blood. It was not just victor and Nicole’s families who were murdered. Their cousins’ families as well were completely wiped out. By the time it was three AM, the entirety of the Johnson Dynasty which had helped build Las Vegas into the city it was today were completely and utterly annihilated in a series of brutal murders.
Alex was in bed, resting next to Emily and Jade, when his phone was alerted by a single text message. He immediately leaned over Emily’s naked body, and grabbed hold of the phone, where he typed in his passcode before looking at the text that contained two words from a blocked number.
“It’s done….”
Knowing exactly what this meant, Alex scurried out of bed and walked out onto the balcony of his luxurious penthouse. There was a large infinity pool that stretched out long enough to be considered a proper lap pool, but Alex did not enter it.
Instead, he leaned on the glass railing and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Which he quickly lit one such device, and took a deep drag, all while dialing the number of the infamous drug lord, who he had sold his soul to in order to protect himself and his loved ones.
Like always, the voice that answered his call to this number was sultry and playful, as La Madre spoke to Alex in a deeply intimate way.
“Oh? Well, isn’t this a surprise… I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon after our last talk? What is that you want, darling?”
Alex wore a stoic expression as he asked a simple question to the woman in a callous tone.
“Is it done… Are they all taken care of? Every last one of them?”
La Madre’s voice turned sinister as she responded to this question in a way that led Alex to believe that she was nodding her head on the other end with a wicked smile.
“Of course, my boys are very thorough. Although I have to say, by sending a few of my best men north of the border to take care of your little problem, I have left my own territory open for a few ravenous wolves to take advantage of. It will appear that I may need your expertise sooner than I thought.
But I won’t take you away from your loved ones so quickly. After all, my current circumstances aren’t dire enough to drag you into them just yet… So relax, and enjoy your newfound power and security. I hear you are building quite the casino empire….
Well, you inherited one, but from my understanding, your business tactics have actually allowed a significant amount of growth in a very small amount of time. Perhaps I should make you one of my lieutenants? Imagine what you could do with billions of dollars with of drugs and guns at your disposal?”
Alex simply chuckled when he heard this before responding to the woman in a tone that made it seem like he was interested, but only on the surface.
“A tempting proposal… But I fear your boys wouldn’t take too kindly to some gringo suddenly being made their superior. I’ll have to pass for now… Although my word is as good as gold, whatever favor you require of me, I will fulfill it. I owe you one, despite my misgivings about this whole ordeal.”
La Madre seemed almost depressed over the fact that Alex had declined her offer, and was quick to voice such a sentiment with a pouty tone in her alluring voice.
‘That’s a shame. I think you and I could accomplish some great things together… But I will make sure to call upon you when you are finally needed. Until then, enjoy yourself sweetheart…”
After saying the brutal female drug lord hung up on Alex, leaving the man in a state of bewilderment. He supposed after all of this, he should destroy his phone and get another. Thus, he tossed it inside his pool. Ensuring that it was completely drowned, before recovering it.
With this nasty business taken care of, Alex really only had one objective on his mind. To finish this American arc and conquer Vanessa. Once he had done that, the Queen of Hearts would tell him more of what he had to do next.
But that would have to wait until tomorrow. Thus, after taking a quick dip in the infinity pool, Alex climbed back into bed with Emily and Jade, who were both fast asleep, and had not even realized that their lover had disappeared.
Little did Alex know that La Madre would be calling upon him sooner than he initially thought. Before he even realized it, Alex would be travelling to Mexico. Where he would begin an exciting new arc of his story which involved the dangerous businesses of drug trafficking and gun running.