Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 165: Making a Grave Mistake

Chapter 165: Making a Grave Mistake

It had been some time since Alex murdered Richard in a brazen shootout, which claimed the lives of not only the scoundrel and his only son but also that of several dozen private security officers. The identity of the shooter was still officially unconfirmed, despite the FBI’s best efforts to learn who was behind this attack.

But lately some rumors started to appear on the internet which were started by an anonymous user on a popular image board who claimed to be a freelance assassin one that had been previously contracted by Richard to assassinate his soon to be ex-wife and her only son.

The anonymous user started off by posting several images that corroborated his background, before stating that he knew the identity of the shooter to be the one and only Alex Smith. Though the original poster could not confirm that Alex was indeed the shooter, he had stated that he was paid by “powers that one should never fuck with” to leave Alex alone after Richard had perished. This was despite the fact that he had been paid in advance to complete the job.

This meant as the user pointed out that either Alex was the shooter, and had gotten his own vengeance, where he then used his connections with powerful criminal organizations to intimidate the other assassins into backing off. Or Alex had used these same connections to hire a professional hitman who was more than capable of pulling off such an insane attack.

Either way, rumors began to spread across the internet like wildfire that Alex was either the shooter in question, known as “happy the trigger-happy clown” or was involved with a powerful criminal organization like the Mafia.

Naturally this news reached the ears of Richard’s relatives, causing Nicole to believe them wholeheartedly. Like the previous day, when she had met up with her little brother, she was now in the middle of his house, demanding that something be done about Alex once again.

“Did you see this shit? That little brat is the one who killed Richard! You know what this means, right? Blood demands blood! We have to kill the little shit!”

Victor was far more relaxed and calm than the previous night. After all, he had time to overcome his anger. And instead he stared at his elder sister as if she were an absolute idiot.

“So let me get this straight… According to the internet, this man is a professional cage fighter by day, where he knocks out men who are experts at hand to hand combat, while he is also the gunman, who stormed Richard’s casino, and murdered several dozen armed security guards by himself, while escaping from the police, and covering his track so well that the FBI is still unable to confirm whether these rumors are true. And you want to murder this man? How exactly do you plan to do that, Nicole? Are you even listening to yourself right now!?!”

The older woman, however, was absolutely livid with what she had read on the internet and demanded justice for what happened to her older brother. And she did so with a particularly hideous scowl on her face.

“Richard is dead because of this brat! And if you don’t have the balls to avenge our brother, then I will myself!”

After saying this, the mature beauty stormed out of her younger brother’s mansion and returned to her own luxurious abode, where she plotted and schemed to have Alex killed once and for all.

It was while Alex was driving to his university in his new Bugatti that he received a phone call from an anonymous number. Curious about who might be calling him, he accepted the call, while turning down the song that was blaring out of his vehicle.

“Is this Alex Smith?”

Alex smirked as he responded to the voice on the other line, while confirming that the man was indeed speaking to him.

“Yeah, who is this?”

There was a deep sense of anxiety in the tone of the man’s voice as he spoke to Alex from the other end of the line, along with the sounds of a casino operating in the background.

“You can just call me a friend… Listen, my employer, one Miss Nicole Johnson is planning something sinister… I don’t know the exact specifics, but she is plotting to kill you, as she believes you are responsible for Richard’s death. But more than that, she wants the fortune you inherited. So if I were you, I would watch my back. Because you never know who is going to try to kill you. I have to go, I have already said too much…”

After saying this, the man hung up, leaving Alex in a foul mood. It would appear that he had underestimated the greed of Richard’s family and the lengths they would go to get their hands on the fortune that the man had left behind.

Alex had already looked into the background of Richard’s siblings and their families. Especially after they tried to swindle Diana and her daughters out of their inheritance. He knew their names, where they lived, and where they worked. Hell, he even knew their daily schedules. But there was just one problem…

This was a problem that needed to be ripped out of the roots. Meaning not only did Nicole have to die, but so did her entire extended family. Alex was now talking about the deaths of several dozen people. And he alone could not manage such a feat, not without revealing that he was the murderer. Thus, he sighed heavily, and dialed a number that he had only connected to once prior.

Interestingly enough, the line picked up immediately, where a sultry and mature voice responded, almost as if she were both deeply curious about why Alex had called her, and enticed by the prospect.

“Well, look who it is… Everybody’s favorite homicidal clown. Amahle has told me a lot about you ever since I came to visit… I must say I was surprised to learn the things she told me…. So lover boy… What can I do for you? After all, you wouldn’t contact little old me unless you really needed something….”

Alex’s voice was stern as he pulled into the parking lot of his university, he then closed the top of his convertible making sure that nobody would be able to hear him, before asking La Madre a serious question, one that he wanted to remain between him and her.

“Let me ask you something… Are you involved with the cartel?”

There was a slight giggle from the other end of the line, almost like that of a mother who was entertained by her child’s nonsense. The mysterious woman then began to speak in a playful tone, as she mocked Alex for his lack of due diligence.

“My oh my… You called me without even doing any research into my background. How adorable! But incredibly Naïve…. Kid, I am the cartel… Even someone like you has surely heard of the Zetas right? So what exactly do you need, sweetheart?”

Alex was slightly surprised that the woman he was speaking to was a Drug Lord of the infamous cartel known as the Los Zetas. Because of this, he became incredibly cautious, as he rethought whether or not he wanted to get involved with such a dangerous individual.

But ultimately, he knew that the Johnsons would never stop coming for him, his loved ones, or his fortune, not unless they were completely annihilated. And the Zetas were the perfect weapon to wield against the billionaire gambling dynasty. Thus, with a heavy sigh of defeat, Alex made his request, knowing that he would pay severely for doing so in the near future.

“I have a request… One that I am confident that only you can fulfil… You know the Johnsons, right? The family that Richard belonged to? Well, they aren’t letting this matter go, and are coming after me and my family again… I need them taken care of… You understand me? Every single one of them… Leave no stone unturned!”

There was cold silence on the other end of the line for some time. Almost as if the infamous drug lord known only by the name “La Madre” to Alex was reassessing the man that she was speaking to. And then, finally, she responded. There was no playful tone in her voice, or no attempt at seduction. All of that false pretense had been dropped as she spoke to Alex in a very grim and somber tone.

“You do understand what you are asking of me, right? I mean, when you say every single one of them, you’re not just talking about the men and the women, but the children, too. Am I correct?”

Alex pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. He took a deep drag of the tobacco before exhaling a plume of smoke into his vehicle. After doing this, he responded to the woman’s question in a cold and callous tone.

“There are always unintended casualties in war. The Johnsons should have thoroughly thought about the consequences of their actions before trying to kill me and my mother. I gave them a chance at peace, and they spat in my face. Now the entire bloodline must pay the price. You know I am a man of many resources. Name your price, and I shall pay it. So long as you complete the job.”

There was almost a wicked tone in the woman’s voice as she responded to Alex in a way that made the man deeply unsettled.

“You know… I will take care of your little problem for you. And make no mistake, the job will be completed precisely by your terms. But I do not ask anything of you for this favor, just know that one day in the future I will call upon you for aid, and when that day comes I expect you to drop everything and fly out to meet me…. Good bye Alex, we will meet again soon enough…”

After saying this, La Madre hung up on Alex, leaving him to wonder if he had really just made a grave mistake or not.

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