Villain: The Play of Destiny

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

“I am sorry, Fei.” Baobao apologised for losing the race, and it was clear that she was upset with herself.

“You did well, Baobao.” Feifei stepped forward and hugged her, cheering her up. “You came in second, and you were only two seconds behind that guy.”

“Yes, but I should have won.” She frowned but felt better when her friend giggled her at words, making it clear that it was not an issue.

“The downhill drifting is not easy, Baobao. I am just glad that you are safe and came in second. We are still leading the charts.” She pointed at the holographic screen that displayed the points that their group had acquired in tonight’s games. “Iseul has finished first in the Quarter-Mile Drag Races.”

“She did?” The girl looked at the quarter-mile times in amazement. “She’s brilliant!” And now she felt a lot better.

“Mhm.” Feifei nodded to her and then looked at the other screen.

“It’s Master Keith’s turn?” Baobao saw the race that was being broadcast on the other screen, and her eyes brimmed with excitement.

All of them had seen how good Keith was behind the wheel, and it was all because of him that they had won both the Relay Races. His lap times were also the new records in the event, something that no one was expecting at all.

“Yes. And he’s winning this one too.” Feifei grinned.

“Of course!” Jin, who had just arrived at the scene in his Senna, happily walked over to them. “You did great Baobao!” He smiled at the bob-cut girl, who blushed a little at his comment and nodded her head.

“Ahem.” The little Miss Wei saw her friend’s reaction to her cousin’s compliment and tried to tease her a little. However, Jin came to her rescue as always.

“Why did they choose the Modified Lambos for the Half Miles?” He frowned when he watched the cars that were lined up, and his question made their group frown.

“Weren’t they supposed to use the Challengers?” Baobao curiously looked at Feifei and found her friend wearing an unhappy expression.

“It’s because they want to hinder Keith.” She told them. “He is tall, and so Wang Zemin chose the car he wouldn’t exactly be comfortable inside.”

“So they have already admitted defeat,” Jin smirked, but it was clear in his eyes that he was displeased at their methods.

“Master Keith still needs to win this one or at least take the second spot. We are only four points ahead of their team, and we don’t know what will happen in the Finale.”

“Don’t worry. We have got this.” Both Jin and Feifei assured Baobao, and then the three of them, together with Feifei’s bodyguards, focused on the screen.

The races had already started, and people were warming up their tyres, waiting for their turn to register the best half-mile time.

Since all these cars had the same modifications, it was all up to the drivers behind the wheels to win the races.

The issue with half-mile races was that they were dangerous in these modified cars, which were not easy to control, raising the risks of accidents.

Even though the goal was to register the best Track Times, you did not have the track all to yourself and you had to race another car on your turn. And as always, drag races heavily depended on the driver’s reaction times.

“That’s brave of him,” Jin smirked when he saw Wang Zemin take part in the race on his group’s behalf, and he chose to race Keith in an attempt to register the best time.

The countdown began at 10, and when the clock hit 0 and the lights turned green, the two beasts of the cars roared to life, and with the screech of the trees, they were off, leaping into freedom.

Their hearts pounded against their chests as they watched one car in a clear lead, and with every passing second, their emotions raged.

“Yes!!!” Feifei jumped up in the air and happily hugged Baobao as soon as Keith crossed the line first, and soon cheers broke out in their lot.

“How’s this possible?” Jin’s body was shaking as he dumbly looked at the screen, seeing a registered time of less than 10 seconds for the Half-Mile race.

Yes, the cars were modified, but this was simply outrageous that a driver managed to reach the theorised numbers and even bested them.

“He’s the best.” Feifei just grinned at his reaction, but she too became a little nervous when the screens replayed the race over and over again as the judges checked whether Keith had left the starting line ahead of time.

“Wow…” Jin was still in shock as he watched how impeccable the start was for Keith, and the slow-motion replay excited him even more.

Yes, it was a premeditated start, but it was still outrageous.

Soon, the young boy was laughing merrily, and the results were made official, adding seven more points to their Group’s Tally.

“How much have we made so far, Fei?” He asked his cousin, who was texting someone on her phone.

“Over 300 million Yuan.” She informed him with a light smile and put her phone away. “Yes, you can have your share and order the car you plan on buying.”

“Thank you!” Jin laughed again and then quickly rushed to his car to take out a bottle of champagne.

“I will tell Aunty that you were drinking.” Feifei narrowed her eyes as she watched her cousin hand glasses to Baobao and her bodyguards before he opened the bottle.

“Come on, Fei. We should celebrate! And it is not like any of us are participating in the Finale. Master Keith, you, and Miss Iseul will enter it.”

“You are right about that, but drinking is not good.” She did not hide her displeasure, but they all already knew that Feifei hated alcohol and ignored her. “You still have to drive back home.” She reminded Jin as she watched him drink out of the bottle after he poured it for everyone else.

“I will be fine!” He grinned.


Feifei decided to ignore them and then turned to look at the car that entered the parking lot.

As soon as Keith got out, those who had mustered up the courage and were brimming with excitement, immediately surrounded him, congratulating him on his victory. And this gave courage to more people as Keith seemed quite amiable.

The girls flocked to him, clearly fawning over him, and when Feifei watched Keith agreeing to take pictures with them, she did not know why she felt sour in her heart.

“Congratulations.” She dryly said to him when he finally joined them, and he just gave her his insufferable smile before he started chatting with Jin and Baobao.

And after Fiona and Iseul returned, having taken a run around the eight-mile track that was set for the Finale, she watched him kiss his maid and unabashedly flirt with her, which irritated her even more.

“You know, they can still win.” She reminded everyone, catching their attention. “Don’t act so carefreely.”

“Come on, Fei. The only way they can win is if they take the First, the second, and the third spots in the Eight-Mile Track. That’s not happening with the three of you around. And as long as one of you ends up on the podium, it is game over for them.” Jin reminded her but became a little nervous when Feifei threw him a glare.

“We will be fine, Fei.” Keith lightly said, and she frowned at his words before nodding her head and walking towards the railing.

“What’s up with her?” Jin curiously asked as he watched his cousin silently look at the lake.

He was quite confused as to why Feifei was suddenly not so happy with their win, and no one had an answer for him.

“I will ask.” Keith smiled as he excused himself to join her. “Is everything okay?” He asked, leaning onto the railing, and when Feifei raised her head and met his eyes, he clearly saw her irritation behind them.

“I am fine.” She told him, “I just don’t have a good feeling about what is happening.”

“Oh?” He curiously raised his brow at her words, and then he was lost in his own thoughts.

The two of them stood side by side in silence for several minutes, and both Jin and Baobao threw them curious glances from time to time.

They, of course, had a lot of questions on their minds, considering how familiar and close Keith and Feifei seemed with each other, and they were keeping their questions in their hearts for another time.

“Do you really care about everyone in your life?”

The question brought a smile to his lips, and when he glanced to his left, he met Feifei’s curious eyes.

“I do care about my family.” He told her, and then under her curious gaze, he took out a pendant from his pocket.

It was a strange pendant, inexplicably beautiful, but strange.

Feifei did not know why she felt that it was incomplete as she stared at the tear-shaped pendant, but then she quizzically raised her brow as she heard him say his next words.

“I will lend it to you for the night.” He told her, and then without asking for her permission, stepped forward and put it around her neck.

“Don’t take it off.” He clearly told her, piquing her interest.

“Is it something special?” She curiously asked.

“It is.” He nodded to her and then glanced at their group. “Let’s go. It is time for the Finale.”

Feifei watched him return to their group with conflicted feelings in her heart, but when she looked down at the pendant, she felt a little warm.

The feeling was inexplicable, and she was genuinely curious about why this pendant was so special. She decided to ask him for its details later.

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