Villain Retirement

Chapter 1122: Tuesday

Chapter 1122: Tuesday

Somewhere between the border of the Known and the Unknown universe, in the opposite direction where Riley and Miss Pepondosovich traveled to, was a planet that was completely hidden away from the rest of the universe.

Hidden in a way that their planet is literally covered in some sort of dome which prevents them from ever being seen or detected by anything if they do not want to be found. And on that planet was a woman that looked almost exactly like Riley.

And as a matter of course, it could be none other than Olseyir — one of Riley's clones that have gained complete independence from him and was allowed to keep that independence for an indefinite amount of time.

And right now, Olseyir was just walking across a field filled with harvest. The farmers, who also had extremely white skin and white hair, all nodding and greeting her as she passed by. Olseyir, of course, returned all of this with a gesture of her own; seemingly not getting tired at all no matter how many times she does it.

The woman beside her, however, looked like she was at the last ammo of her patience. And after several more nods, the woman beside her blocked her path and just looked her in the eyes — and that woman, of course, was none other than her supposed daughter from the future, Aerith'Ross.

"What are we still doing here…?" Aerith'Ross let out a hampered breath filled with frustration; clicking her tongue at Olseyir. Olseyir, however, did not stop walking at all, causing Aerith'Ross to just walk backward in front of her, "I already told you what's going to happen in the future, Mother. If we don't act now, then the same thing is just going to happen! I'm not going to spend the rest of my life running away — I was sent here to the past for some reason, and the only reason I can think of is to kill Riley's children."

"You said that," Olseyir placed her hands on her back as she just continued walking and greeting the farmers, "You do not need to repeat yourself several times, Aerith'Ross."

"Because you're not listening!" Aerith'Ross gritted her teeth in frustration, "I have been here for more than a month, and yet you're not even doing anything!"

"Why would I need to do anything?" Olseyir just shrugged as she smiled at the farmers, "You said that whatever we do here, nothing is going to change in the future — you are the one who said that."

"Yes, I did!" Aerith'Ross raised her voice, causing the farmers who were just previously smiling and working the harvest to all stand up straight and glare at her all at the same time. But Olseyir just quickly raised her hand and gestured to them that it was alright — Aerith'Ross did not seem to care at all, however, as she now walked beside Olseyir and just continued to explain, "But I'm not trying to change the past, I am just trying to get rid of Riley's children so that they would no longer hunt and haunt me once I return to the future! And even if they do still exist in my version of the future, then I would at least know how to get rid of them!"

"Hm — you were much calmer and mysterious the first time we met, Aerith'Ross," Olseyir just blinked a couple of times before shaking her head and sighing.

"What does that have to do with—"

"The Queen is here! Open the gates!"

And before Aerith'Ross could finish her words, they arrived in front of a large wall — and as it opened, a city that was extremely alive welcomed them; the people, just walking and running around to do whatever it was they were doing.

There was no sign of technology at all in the city, the people were even using animals to carry their things and pull their carts.

"What were you saying?" Olseyir asked as she entered the city.

"I am saying that I will be hunted in the future," Aerith'Ross clicked her tongue before letting out a sigh, "And they will kill you too, Mother — I know it."

"Have you ever thought that what you are doing now starts the chain of events that led to what is happening to you?" Olseyir reasoned.

"No! Jennifer said that there is no relation at all — and we can't change the past," the tone of Aerith'Ross's voice turned weak as she shook her head.

"Now, I am just getting confused," Olseyir also let out a sigh of her own, "One moment, you said the future could be changed, and then the next, it can't be — you do not even know anything yourself…

…you just want to hurt the people who hurt you."

"And what's wrong with that!?" Aerith'Ross screamed. The animals, almost going wild from the sheer shockwave that rippled from her frustration, "They need to pay for what they've done to me! To you!"

"If I were you, I would just live my life peacefully," Olseyir shrugged as she just gestured to Aerith'Ross to continue to follow her, "Have you never thought that maybe, just maybe…

…you were sent to the past so that you could live your life in peace? Maybe even live with the Creator's children and experience what it is like to be with family."

"You are my family, Mother," Aerith'Ross breathed out.

"And yet you want me to die."


"What exactly do you want from me, Aerith'Ross?" Olseyir tilted her head to the side as she finally stopped walking and just looked Aerith'Ross in the eyes, "Go to war against the Creator and his children? His children which, individually, could wipe out entire universes on their own if they wished?"

"...You have me — I already killed one of them in the future," Aerith'Ross breathed in, "And I can do it again. And if my other mother joins my cause, then we could win against them."

"Your other mother?" And finally, Olseyir seemed to have experienced proper interest in Aerith'Ross's words, "Which one of the Aeriths is it? The original one, the Aerith that looks like Queen Adel, or the new Aerith from the Black Tower in the Outerverse?"

"It… doesn't matter for now," Aerith'Ross clicked her tongue as she looked away, "What matters is that I am capable of killing Riley's children."

"Then, why aren't you?" Olseyir shrugged, "To my information, the Creator is very far away right now into the Unknown — if there is a chance to strike, it is now. Why are you here instead of out there?"

"Far awa—wait…" Aerith'Ross started blinking a couple of times as she once again looked Olseyir in the eyes. She stared at her for a few seconds before squinting her eyes,

"...Why do you know so much about what's happening with them?"

"Because I have a contact," Olseyir just shrugged as she revealed extremely crucial information.

"You what!?" Aerith'Ross once again screamed — and this time, some of the animals who were pushing carts completely went wild and just started flailing and hitting everything. It did not last long, however, as Olseyir just raised her finger and caused the animals to float in the air.

"Why are you so surprised?" Olseyir let out a small sigh before shaking her head in disapproval, "Of course, I would know things — they are my Creator's children, how can I not be updated with what is happening with them?"

"Wait…" Aerith'Ross's eyebrows lowered, "...Do they know that I'm here?"

"Yeah, of course," Olseyir just shrugged.

"You… betrayed me!?"

"No — I just didn't think it was a big deal," Olseyir shrugged as she once again continued to walk — not letting the animals go down until they calmed down.

"What do you mean it's not a big deal!?" And once again, Aerith'Ross was back to following Olseyir.

"It's not a big deal," Olseyir just repeated her words, "I told them as soon as you arrived, and yet no one is still here to mess with you because they are all busy doing their own thing. Honestly…

…I don't even think they care about you."

"I literally almost killed Rennalyn!" Aerith'Ross waved her hand.

"Keyword 'almost'," Olseyir pointed at Aerith'Ross's face, "For someone who came from the future, you sure don't know anything about Riley and the people surrounding him. Gods declaring war? Someone ending the universe? A multiversal warlord? A woman from the future? That's just Tuesday for them at this point."

"You really told them I was here…?" Aerith'Ross could not help but just look to the side as she let out a short but very deep sigh; closing her eyes as her shoulders very slowly dropped, "Why… would you do that? I'm your daughter."

"Not yet," Olseyir shrugged.

"I still am!"

"Doesn't feel like it," Olseyir shook her head, "Everyone that is related to Riley Ross is chill — you don't seem chill."

"Because none of you lived my life!"

"Dear…" Olseyir sighed, "...How many times have you died?"


"How many times have you died?" Olseyir repeated her question, "Because Riley Ross has died hundreds of times — and the first few times of that is in the most brutal way possible."

"That's not—"

"Are you just a creation of someone who can bend reality, and you find out in the most nonsensical way that you're not even real?" Olseyir sighed, "Everyone is going through something — so, just take a moment to chill. Maybe go and ask Death so you could visit the Outerverse and try going through the trials of the Black Tower."

"...Why do you know so much about what's going on out there?" Aerith'Ross once again also asked, "...Who even is your contact?"

"Riley Ross."


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