Villain Retirement

Chapter 1121: Ridiculey

Chapter 1121: Ridiculey

"That thing… it looks so beautiful."

"...You and I have very different definitions of beauty, Aura."

Aurora and Miss Pepondosovich were currently staring into the colorful expanse of the Grand Triangle — no matter how much one would look out and enjoy the view, it would seem that one would see something new every time. But right now, however, there was currently a colossal octopus the size of an entire building flying in front of them.

The way it turned its tentacles seemed slow, but that was only because it was quite a distance away from them. Even with the distance, however, Miss Pepondosovich could not help but just wince as she saw the octopus' teeth that seemed like several layers of an inverted circular saw. If their ship were to happen to be anywhere near its mouth, it would surely just crumble into pieces almost instantly.

"Come to think of it… how are the creatures here even flying around without any gravity to leverage?" Miss Pepondosovich squinted her eyes, "I get why they can live since there's like air and stuff — but to move as if they're swimming?"

"You have not tried exploring the Grand Triangle without a ship?" Monkeh, who was just lazing around while spinning on her chair, could not help but stand up and join the two, "You truly haven't been here for long, eh?"

"The expanse of the Grand Triangle has density, almost like fluid," Aurora explained, "Everything gains some sort of buoyancy here. I don't really know the exact details — Blue Helmet is the one who knows all the details about that… but we left him."

"Like swimming in the air, huh… that's highly convenient," Miss Pepondosovich could not help but just blink a couple of times as she let the colors of the Grand Triangle continue to reflect in her eyes, "The more I hear about this place, the more I think that it's very convenient to live here — this place is huge, right?"

"A mid-size stellar system," Aurora nodded, "If only it was possible."

"You say that, but when you start hearing about all the people lost and stranded in the middle of nowhere, you're going to start changing your minds," Monkeh let out a high-pitched giggle.

"Right… I could see how that would be a problem," Miss Pepondosovich pointed at Monkeh.

"Uh…" Aurora then just suddenly took a step back and she started tapping Miss Pepondosovich's ears.

"What!? What!?" Miss Pepondosovich quickly grabbed her ears to get them away from Aurora, "What is it!?"

"Is it just me…" Aurora gulped, "...or is that octopus actually getting closer and closer to us?"

"Hm?" Both Monkeh and Miss Pepondosovich leaned their head closer to the window and squinted their eyes.

"Oho…" Monkeh was the first to respond as a little smirk crawled on her face, "...It would seem so."

"...Where's Riley?" Aurora quickly started searching for Riley to ask what they should do, only to find that he was nowhere to be seen on the bridge, "Wait, what do we do!?"

"Why are you looking at us?" Miss Pepondosovich raised an eyebrow as she noticed Aurora looking at her, "Without Riri, you're in command."

"What!?" Aurora screamed.

"That makes sense," Monkeh shrugged.

"What…? Where did Riley even disappear off to!? It—" And before Aurora could finish her words, their window shield suddenly started sliding open. And before anyone could even wonder who opened it, Riley just randomly appeared on the bridge out of nowhere — now wearing an outfit that seemed incredibly similar to old astronaut suits; even complete with the helmet,

"...Where did he even get that? Wait—that's not the important thing right now!" Aurora quickly shook her head several times as she watched as Riley very slowly start to float through the opened window; his limbs, completely stiff.

"Oh, this should be fun," Monkeh placed her hands behind her head and started giggling, "I knew it was the right decision to join this little adventure of yours."

"W…what?" Aurora could really only blink a couple of times as she continued to watch Riley just slowly spinning in the air, seemingly without any care at all that he was heading toward the sharp teeth of the colossal octopus, "Shouldn't we… stop him?"

"You can try," Miss Pepondosovich just shrugged.

"How would I even—Eep!?"

And before she could finish her words, she felt herself just suddenly flying into the air; her vision shifting and rotating violently. And once again, she was fortunate that she was trained to be calm in all situations as she quickly collected herself; swinging her limbs so that she would stabilize herself. And as soon as she did so, she quickly faced the ship…

…only to see Monkeh waving at her with a big smile on her face.

"Did you just push me!?" Aurora screamed, "Why would you do that!?"

"I thought it would be funny," Monkeh just showed her teeth; the smile on her face as wide as she could be before she dragged a chair in front of the window shield, which was now once again closing. As for Miss Pepondosovich, the only thing she really did was let out a sigh before just giving Aurora the thumbs up.

"What… what am I even supposed to do here!?" Aurora raised her voice even more. And very soon, Riley was beside her, still spinning slowly toward the mouth of the octopus, "Riley!"

The only thing she could really do was grab Riley to fix his position.

"What are you doing!?" Aurora looked into the helmet, only to see Riley with a completely blank expression on his face.

"I'm an astronaut, Aurora."

"What do you—"

[Who's that, Father? Do not tell me that you are going to bring home another woman.]

"What the!?" Aurora quickly turned to look at Riley's hand, only to see him holding a phone, "You're actually on a video call right now!?"

"I am showing my children the octopus, Aurora," Riley just shrugged before pointing the camera at the octopus.

[Woah… I wonder how that tastes like.] Lucy stuck his face on the screen — and it wasn't only him. Enel, Arthas, and Renna were also on the screen.

"Why do you even have a helmet on!?" Aurora just completely decided to ignore what was happening and just screamed in frustration, "Can we just return back to the ship, please!?"

"Why would we do that, Aurora?" Riley blinked a couple of times before pointing at the mouth of the colossal octopus, "We are almost near our destination."

"Since when did the mouth of a giant beast become our destination!?"

"Since I decided to cook it, Aurora."

"What!?" Aurora wanted to pull all of her hair out there and then due to the frustration rising up from within her, "We're going to die, Riley!"

"No," Riley shook his head, "You are going to die, my body is already strong enough to withstand a supernova, Aurora."

"Thank you for saying that," Aurora could really only click her tongue before wrapping her arm grabbing Riley's arm and swimming back to the ship — but alas, for some reason, even though Riley was not moving at all, Aurora found herself stuck and unable to advance, "W… what the!?"

"It is coming, Aurora," a wide smile started to crawl onto Riley's face as the teeth of the colossal octopus reflected on his helmet.

"R…Riley, please!" Aurora gripped Riley's arm even tighter—no. She was now practically hugging his arm as she watched the teeth of the octopus grow closer and closer — and now, it was all that she could really see. If her stomach was any weaker, then she would have definitely already puked there and then from the stench the beast was emitting from its mouth,

"Riley!" And although she knew it was futile, Aurora grabbed her sidearm and just started shooting at the octopus; screaming Riley's name from the top of her lungs — and to her surprise, as soon as her bullet hit the colossal octopus…

…it just suddenly exploded into pieces.

"W…what the…?" Aurora could not help but blink a couple of times as she looked at her gun. But of course, it was obvious that her gun did not do that at all — and so, she just turned her eyes toward Riley, only to see several parts of the octopus flying toward him,

"Okay…" Aurora's eyes started to become empty as she stared at Riley, "...I give up. Please, just tell me if you are going to do something ridiculous next time."

And with those words, she just swam back to the ship on her own and let Riley just do whatever he wanted — as Miss Pepondosovich advised her, it was time to let her common sense go.

"..." And as soon as she was back on the ship, she watched as Riley just pulled out a colossal knife from the pockets of his astronaut suit — how that was even possible, well, it didn't matter anymore.

"Wait…" A wide smile crawled on Monkeh's face as she realized what Riley was doing,

"...Is he going to cook the entire octopus!?" 

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