Villain Retirement

Chapter 1052: The Plan

Chapter 1052: Chapter 1052: The Plan

"So, what you are saying... is that you're trying to get my brother into showbiz?"



A consistent tapping noise currently filled the Ross' residence; well, the Trials' Ross' residence, that is. Although there was no longer any more reason for Hera not to believe that her world was actually just a copy of some god-like being called Paige Pearson, she was still having a hard time processing things; which is usually completely foreign to her.

Everything about this world looked real-no. As Riley explained to her, it is real. This wasn't just some illusion, or a dream, or a copy; they just started calling it that since it was more convenient to do so. But in truth, it was a whole other reality altogether.

She also initially thought she and Riley would be sent back to when he killed himself, but according to the information she got from Riley, this was the start of the trial.

It was crazy. Just a day ago, she was getting ready for Megawoman's memorial, and now she was here. If it wasn't for her ability to adapt to anything, and of course, her outrageous acting ability, she would probably be fumbling right about now since she knew things others shouldn't.

...Like for the fact that she was actually sitting with a themarian who was stronger than Megawoman.

"Hm...? Is there something on my face?"

"No, it's just... you seem to be getting more beautiful, Mrs. Ross," Hera smiled as she did not realize she was actually staring at Diana.

"Oh my," Diana let out a small giggle as she touched her cheeks, "You're not trying to also recruit me, right? I told you, sweetie, that toner is doing wonders."

"Mom, she's not trying to recruit you," Hannah, who was sitting extremely close to Riley to the point their thighs were sticking to each other, squinted her eyes as she looked at Hera, "When... Did you even meet my brother?"

"Through photos and videos your father is sharing with us," Hera said without any hesitation.

"Father... is sharing our photos?" Hannah raised an eyebrow, "Dad, who is very careful not to leak his identity to the public?"

"Come on, sweetie," Diana let out a short but very deep sigh, "It's not like you don't know what your dad is like."

"Ugh," Hannah rolled her eyes before shaking her head, "Anyway I'm a fan of yours, Hera... but I don't think Riley's a good fit with whatever you want him to do. I've seen documentaries of what your industry is like, it's even more aggressive than war!"

"Well, I can take care of him personally," Hera smiled.

"Hm..." Hannah then started looking at Hera from head to toe, "...You're not some sort of pedophile, are you?"

"Hannah!" Diana raised her voice as she glared at her daughter, "Don't be rude to our guest. I'm really sorry about that, Hera."

"No," Hera let out a small chuckle as she raised both her palms, "I actually find it so sweet that she's protective of her brother."

"Of course, I am!" Hannah crossed her arms, "This guy can't even open a jar to save his life. But... what do you think, Blankface? Do you want to try modeling or something?"

"It could be fun, Sister," Riley shrugged, "But can I perhaps talk with Miss Hera alone for now?"

"Wh-" Both Hannah and Diana were slightly taken aback by Riley's words.

"Oh no..." Diana quickly wiped the tears suddenly shedding from her eyes, "...He's growing too fast. Sweetie, let's leave the two of them alone for now."

"M...Mom, you can't seriously be-"

"There is no need to leave, Mother," Riley stood up from the sofa while shaking his head, "Miss Hera and I will talk somewhere else. Perhaps she could tour me in her world."

"Wait, Riley. Are you serious!?" Hannah grabbed Riley's arm, "That world will eat you alive, you can't even go out without wearing sunscreen!"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," Hera joined in on the conversation as she grabbed something from her purse - a large umbrella.

"You... have an umbrella? It's not even raining," Hannah raised an eyebrow as she looked at the window.

"Well, I need to keep my skin fresh," Hera just shrugged, "It was truly nice meeting you, Ms. and Mrs. Ross I promise, I'll keep your son safe."


"Now, now..." Hannah was about to follow them and say something else, but before she could do so, Diana grabbed her by the collar and pulled her away, "...Let's not intrude on them and get in the way of your brother's opportunities."

"But Mom-"

"Shut up," Diana then whispered in Hannah's ears; her voice, no longer containing its sweet tone, "If your brother becomes famous, that means we can expect free tickets and even meeting more celebrities. And also... he'll be rich."

"Mom... we're one of the richest families in the world," Hannah raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Diana very lightly pinched Hannah's waist, causing her to move away, "But we can't spend any of it since we can't risk people finding out Dad is a superhero. Got it? I thought you wanted to drive a sports car or something? Just one commercial, you could start doing that."

"That..." Hannah then glanced at Riley before a small smile started to crawl on her face, "...Dude."


"You better not fuck this up," Hannah then finally gave a thumbs up... before suddenly glaring at Hera, "You better take care of my brother, or I sweat I'm gonna go online and scatter news that you like children."

"Sweetie, the age of consent in-"

"Mom, shut up!"

And finally, after convincing the women of the Ross family, Hera was able to get Riley out of the house as the two quickly drove away into the city where they could speak without the chance of Diana listening to them specifically as seeing her earlier, she might just be the

kind of mother who would do that.

"Is... she really a themarian?"


The two were now inside a coffee shop, with Hera almost completely covering her face with

her sunglasses and a hat.

"That... is insane," Hera unconsciously bit on her straw as she looked at Riley, "So... what do we do now?"

"I do not know, Miss Hera," Riley shook his head, "I thought you had a plan since you approached me first."

"Of course, I don't have a plan!" Hera slightly raised her voice as she leaned closer to Riley. But seeing as they looked more suspicious doing that, she just opted to change seats and sit beside Riley, "I don't even know what's happening right now."

"But we already explained it to you, Miss Hera."

"And you think that's enough...?" Hera sighed and grumbled. But after a few seconds, she

looked at Riley and once again leaned closer to him,

"... What if we look for this Paige Pearson person here?"

"Hm...?" Riley also looked at her as she said that.

"You said she was able to fully recreate the entire world, right?" Hera whispered, "So, what


...she also recreated herself?"

"You said you did not have a plan, Miss Hera," Riley breathed out, "I believe that is our next

step, and-"

"Oh my god, is that Hera!?"

And before Riley and Hera could even proceed to do anything else, a bright flash drowned the

two of them.

"What the..." Hera quickly covered her face, but it was already too late as she was snapped... leaning ever so close to a minor.

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