Villain Retirement

Chapter 1051: Guest

Chapter 1051: Chapter 1051: Guest

"It's really you!"

"Are... are you the Katrina I know...? Aunt Kat...? The... the real one?"

"Yes... it's me. It's me."

Even though Katrina already confirmed it, Karina was still in complete disbelief. She had already met the Katrina who was in the remaining universe, and their meeting was quite awkward.

Karina was disappointed then, but it had already been hundreds of years after their last meeting, so Karina just chalked it up to them just losing touch with one another - and now that she was meeting the original one, the touching reunion she had hoped for was finally coming.

She had always been close with Katrina, not only were their names similar to each other, but Katrina just had this energy around her that was easy to approach.

"How... how long has it been since we last met?" Karina asked with her fettered breaths.

"I... don't know, 200-300 years...?" Katrina chuckled, "I've missed you. And that... is he really Riley Ross?"

"Yes..." Karina awkwardly looked back and forth between the two, not knowing whether she should tell the fact that... a copy of her has a family with Riley, "... And you should probably talk to him about something."

"...About what?" Katrina could really only squint her eyes as she looked Karina in the eyes, "Is there something I need to know?"

"It's not for me to say," Karina once again winced as her words started to become stretched. Soon, however, she let out a short but very deep sigh, "Okay, I know it's not my position to tell, but I just can't help it - Dad has a child with you, Kat."

"I..." Katrina stared at Karina for a couple of seconds; her eyes very slowly squinting, "...I think I would remember if something like that happened."

"I mean-"

"Paige Pearson has created a perfect reality in the remaining universe in which you are included, Katrina." And before Karina could divulge the information, Riley stepped in without any hesitation and just told Katrina, "And in that reality, you and I happen to have sexual intercourse."

"W... what?" Katrina covered her extremely humongous breasts for some reason, "What... do you mean? You slept with a variant of mine?"

"It is not really a variant, per se...?" Karina winced, "It's like another version of you, a copy of some sorts, but not really since they have their own reality? Basically she is you in all senses of the word, but at some point your memory split up...? Basically Paige created it. I think that's the best way I can fucking explain it."

"Wait, hold up... hold up..." Katrina stared at Riley, "And you're saying that... we have a child?"

"His name is Lucifer, Katrina," Riley then nodded before grabbing a phone from one of his trusty pockets, "This is him."

Katrina hesitated to grab Riley's phone at first, but just took in a small gulp before quickly snatching the phone from him and looking at the photo.

"Lucifer..." Katrina whispered as she stared at the phone, "Wait... which one is he...? These are both girls. Are they... twins?"

"Lucifer likes to dress in women's clothing to irritate his sister, Katrina."

"I'm still weirded out by that," Karina breathed out, "And mind you, he's not gay at all."

"Then... who's this beside him?" Katrina seemed visibly confused to the point she found herself sitting down on the chair subconsciously. And as she stared at the photo and even started swiping to see the other photos, Riley started telling him about the family.

As for Hera who was just quietly listening to the side, she could not help but think of how ridiculous the scenario was. It was almost as if she was actually inside and participating in the drama of the century - even the most comical story wouldn't go this far, and yet it was happening right in front of her.

And as soon as Riley was done with his story, Katrina's face was already filled with tears; her cheeks, incredibly red from the rush of emotions she was still keeping in.

"Why..." Katrina whispered; her voice, extremely meek and quiet as a feather.

"I... don't really know what you're feeling right now..." Karina started offering words of comfort, "...but remember, that's not really you. Your actions are—"

"Then... why isn't it me?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why isn't it me...?" Katrina then glanced at Karina, "A family. I've... I've always wanted to have children and... I've always liked Riley."

"What?" Karina could not help but raise an eyebrow. Of course, she thought - the Katrina on the only Remaining Universe is practically the Karina that was in front of her right now, and that Katrina was madly in love with Riley. She should have actually expected this.

"I don't... I don't feel good for some reason," Katrina placed her hand on her chest; her hand, almost buried in her breasts as she did so, "Like... like someone else stole Riley from me."

"Uh..." Karina then turned to look at Hera, and Angela, who arrived after unsuccessfully finding another Hera. Karina looked as if she was almost asking for advice on what to do. Hera and Angela, however, just quickly looked away as soon as they noticed Karina looking at them. "Riley, I like you. I always have," Katrina then suddenly just confessed to Riley there and then, "I-I need some time to process this. Karina, can you-can you tell me more about this

other reality?"

"Uh, sure...?" Karina then just gestured to Katrina to follow her to the other table inside the tent, leaving Riley alone at the table. He wasn't alone for long, however, as Angela and Hera quickly joined him.

"That's fucked up, dude," Hera said, "I know I'm just new here, but your life is an entire movie in and of itself. That's crazy."

"I know, Miss Hera," Riley just nodded, "It has always been like that."

"That I can agree on," Angela nodded, "If it's not crazy, then it's not your life. I still remember what happened back then, when the cult who operated under your name terrorized

the country. That was... wow, that was several lifetimes ago."

"...Just what sort of things have you guys been through?" Hera commented.

"You're very lucky, Miss Hera," Angela let out a small hum, "You've lived in a much simpler


"...Megawoman died and we just got our asses handed down by this guy," Hera pointed at Riley with her thumb, "I wouldn't say it was simple. But... then again, compared to this... fuck, you're right. Anyway, speaking of simpler times..."

"Hm," Riley nodded his head as Hera looked at him. He then stood up, only glancing at Katrina for a few seconds before walking back to the Black Tower - and once again, the

people who were there stopped whatever they were doing as they saw Riley placing his arm through one of the holes.

"He's going already?" Karina glanced at her father before looking at Hera, "You-"

And before she could say anything to Hera, Hera just suddenly disappeared.

"This..." Katrina then also quickly stood up as she stepped out of the tent and looked at the images being projected on the Black Tower, "...That's the trial? I've... only heard of it earlier."


"Hm... here?"

Riley found himself blinking a couple of times as he found himself inside a dark room - his room. In truth, he was expecting to be thrown back to before he killed himself in front of the Hope Guild, but to think he was back to the first scenario of his 2nd Trial.

And to confirm it, a loud and extremely obnoxious voice barged into his room without


"Blankface! I swear, did you fucking wear my jacket again!? Where are you hiding it!?


"I... have never worn any of your jackets before, Sister."

Hannah barged into his room, saying the exact same thing she said during the first run of the


"Shut the fuck up. And what the fuck? It smells like shit in here. Why does your room look so clean and smell so bad at the same time, bro? What kind of albino rituals are you doing here?" "There is a weird smell, perhaps it is from you?" And Riley also repeated his words.

"Do you want to die, is that it...? And go out for a sec, I'll clean your room for you and find that fucking atrocious smell. Go watch TV with Mom or something, I heard Dad's supposed to be

on TV in a few hours...

...And what the-why can't I open your closet?"

This time, however, Riley made sure that Hannah would not be able to open his closet.

"What the fuck... you really wore my jacket, didn't you!?" Hannah tried forcing the closet open, even using her legs as leverage, "Open this, open this now!"

"I did not wear your jacket, Sister," Riley stood up from the bed and let out a small sigh, "But if it is missing, then would you just like me to buy a new one for you?" "You...?" And as soon as Hannah said that, she quickly let go of the closet and looked at Riley, "I want the most expensive one."

"Of course, Sister," Riley nodded as he walked out of the room, "We can go now if you want."

"R... really?" Hannah took in a small gulp as she tried her best to hide the smile crawling on her face, "You. You are going to buy me a gift?"

"Why are you so surprised, Sister?" Riley tilted his head to the side, "Have I never bought you

a gift before?"

"Not that I can remember," Hannah then just let her smile escape as she practically leaped toward Riley and placed her arm over his shoulder, "What are you gonna buy me, then?

Should we eat somewhere? How about-"

"Riley! You have a guest!"

And before Hannah could even finish her words, the sound of Diana's voice echoed throughout the entire house as she practically screamed from her lungs.

"What the..." Hannah squinted her eyes for a few seconds, "...You have a guest? What the-

even I have never brought a guest here! Who is it!?"

"It is probably Miss Hera, Sister."

"Haha," Hannah quickly mocked Riley, "Why would Hera even visit-"

"It's Hera!"

"Okay, what the fuck."

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