Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 689: Wang Jian Comes To Mock

Chapter 689: Wang Jian Comes To Mock

As Dong Zhuo and his Corrupt Dragon Clan prepared to engage the enemy, he suddenly

noticed a lack of movement from the eastern flank. Panic set in as he realized that the Nature Clan was not where they were supposed to be.

“Where is Qing Fenghua?!” Dong Zhuo roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield. “Why are her forces not in position?!”

But Qing Fenghua was nowhere to be found. She had already retreated to a safe distance, watching as the trap she had set for Dong Zhuo began to spring shut. Without the Nature Clan to hold the eastern flank, Dong Zhuo’s army was quickly surrounded and overwhelmed.

As the Corrupt Dragon Clan warriors began to fall, Dong Zhuo’s eyes widened in disbelief. “No… This can’t be happening… Fenghua, where are you?!”

But there was no answer. Qing Fenghua’s betrayal had sealed Dong Zhuo’s fate.

At the same time, within the ranks of Jiang Chen’s forces, the beautiful Cui Lan, the Pavilion Mistress of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, was executing her part of Wang Jian’s plan. Jiang Chen had placed great faith in the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, believing that their support would tip the scales in his favor. But Cui Lan, with her voluptuous figure and beguiling smile, had other plans.

As Jiang Chen’s forces advanced, Cui Lan ordered her pavilion’s disciples to feign support, leading Jiang Chen’s troops into a carefully laid ambush. At the last moment, when victory seemed within reach, Cui Lan’s disciples turned on Jiang Chen’s forces, cutting them down with ruthless efficiency.

Jiang Chen, witnessing the massacre of his men, felt a cold dread settle in his chest. He turned to Cui Lan, his eyes wide with shock and betrayal. “Cui Lan… Why?”

Cui Lan’s lips curled into a cruel smile as she stepped closer to him, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. “Did you really think I would ever serve you, Jiang Chen? My loyalty has always been to Wang Jian. Your ambitions were nothing but a fool’s dream.”

Before Jiang Chen could react, Cui Lan drew her sword and slashed across his chest, leaving him gasping for breath as he fell to his knees. The Heavenly Jade Pavilion had betrayed him, and now his forces lay in ruins.

Meanwhile, Huang Zhi was facing a betrayal of his own. The Devil Race, led by his second wife Mo Yin, had been a key component of his strategy. He had also counted on the support of the Angel Race, led by his mother-in-law Celestial Maiden Yuqing. Both women had assured him of their loyalty, but now, as the battle began, Huang Zhi realized the horrifying truth.

Mo Yin, with her dark beauty and captivating presence, had led the Devil Race to the battlefield, but instead of engaging the enemy, she turned her forces against Huang Zhi’s own troops. The Devil Race warriors, once his allies, now attacked with ferocity, cutting through his lines with devastating efficiency.

Huang Zhi’s heart pounded in his chest as he desperately searched for Mo Yin, hoping against hope that there was some mistake. But when he found her, she was standing beside Celestial Maiden Yuqing, both women watching the slaughter with cold, indifferent expressions.

“Mo Yin! Mother-in-law! What are you doing?!” Huang Zhi shouted, his voice laced with panic.

Mo Yin’s eyes met his, and for a brief moment, he saw a flicker of emotion-pity, perhaps, or regret. But it was quickly replaced by a steely resolve. “I am sorry, Huang Zhi,” she said softly, her voice carrying over the sounds of battle. “But my loyalty belongs to Wang Jian. You were always a means to an end.”

Celestial Maiden Yuqing stepped forward, her ethereal beauty untouched by the violence around her. “Huang Zhi, you were never meant to succeed. Wang Jian is the true ruler, and we serve him now.”

Huang Zhi’s world crumbled around him. The Devil Race, the Angel Race, even his own wife Lu Rong’er-who had remained silent, her face a mask of sorrow-all had betrayed him. The realization hit him like a hammer blow, and he staggered backward, his legs weak beneath him.

“No… No, this can’t be happening…” Huang Zhi muttered, his voice breaking. But the truth was undeniable. His allies had turned against him, and there was nothing he could do to stop


As the dust settled on the battlefield, Yun Tian, Dong Zhuo, Jiang Chen, and Huang Zhi were left with the bitter taste of betrayal. The armies they had once commanded with pride now lay in ruins, their dreams of victory shattered by the very women they had trusted.

The four men, battered and bloodied, gathered in a remote valley, far from the carnage that had decimated their forces. Their faces were grim, their eyes filled with a mixture of anger, sorrow, and disbelief.

Yun Tian was the first to speak, his voice low and filled with rage. “Wang Jian… That bastard. He’s been playing us all along. Yun Qianying, the Nether Empress… They were his spies from the start. How could I have been so blind?”

Dong Zhuo clenched his fists, his muscles bulging with barely contained fury. “Q

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ing Fenghua… That treacherous witch! She led my men to their deaths. I’ll kill her with my own hands.”

Jiang Chen, nursing a deep wound on his chest from Cui Lan’s betrayal, grimaced as he spoke. “We were all fools. Wang Jian used our trust against us. He’s more dangerous than we ever


Huang Zhi, his voice hollow and filled with despair, simply shook his head. “Mo Yin… Yuqing… Even my own wife… They were all his puppets. Everything we built… destroyed.”

The four men stood in silence, the weight of their defeat heavy on their shoulders. They had been outmaneuvered, not by Wang Jian’s armies, but by his cunning and manipulation.

The atmosphere was thick with tension as Yun Tian, Dong Zhuo, Huang Zhi, and Jiang Chen stood in the valley, their eyes still reflecting the disbelief and anger that coursed through their veins. But soon, that tension shifted to something darker as the sky above them darkened, and a massive shadow loomed overhead.

From the heavens descended a colossal battleship, its surface gleaming with dark, ominous metal. The size of the ship dwarfed everything around it, casting the valley into shadow as it hovered in the air with a menacing hum. Upon its command deck, Wang Jian stood, his figure framed by the sheer power of the vessel, radiating dominance and control.

Next to him stood his mistresses-Yun Qianying, the Brahma Divine Star Goddess, exuding celestial elegance; Mo Yin, the dark and sultry Devil Race leader; Qing Fenghua, the alluring leader of the Nature Clan; Celestial Maiden Yuqing, with her angelic beauty; Cui Lan, the voluptuous Heavenly Jade Pavilion Mistress; and Lu Rong’er, Huang Zhi’s betrayed wife. Each of them clung to Wang Jian, pressing their large, supple breasts against his muscular body, their gazes filled with nothing but admiration and lustful devotion. Their soft skin contrasted with the hard lines of his chiseled physique, the sight creating an imposing and erotic display of dominance.

Yun Qianying, her golden eyes gleaming with a mixture of desire and devotion, rested her head against Wang Jian’s broad chest, her ample breasts pushing up against him as she whispered, “Master, they look so pathetic from here.”

Mo Yin, with her dark eyes filled with mischief, wrapped her arms around Wang Jian’s waist, her full figure accentuating every curve as she pressed closer. “They thought they could challenge you,” she purred, “but now they see what true power is.”

Qing Fenghua’s voice was soft but filled with a serene satisfaction. “They never stood a chance. They are but insects compared to you, Master.”

Each of his mistresses echoed similar sentiments, their voices blending together in a harmonious chorus of praise and submission. Their bodies clung to Wang Jian’s, soft and warm, their loyalty evident in every touch, every glance. They were entirely devoted to him-

heart, soul, and body.

Wang Jian smirked as he looked down upon the defeated figures of Yun Tian, Dong Zhuo, Jiang Chen, and Huang Zhi. His eyes gleamed with contempt as he addressed them, his voice booming across the valley like a god’s decree.

“Look at you,” Wang Jian sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. “Once, you thought you

could stand against me, that you had the power to challenge my reign. But now? Now, you are nothing but broken men-your armies decimated, your trusted allies turned against you.”

Yun Tian clenched his fists, his blue eyes blazing with fury as he glared up at Wang Jian. “You coward! You didn’t win by strength or honor-you used deceit! You tricked us!”

Wang Jian laughed, a deep, mocking sound that echoed across the battlefield. “Honor?

Strength? Those are the ideals of fools like you. True power is not about brute force-it’s about control, about bending others to your will. And you,” he gestured to the four men with a dismissive wave, “were nothing more than pawns in my game.”

Dong Zhuo, his face red with anger, growled, “You think this is over? You think you’ve won?”

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