Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 688: Heavenly Protagonists Get Betrayed

Chapter 688: Heavenly Protagonists Get Betrayed

Cui Lan leaned forward, giving Wang Jian a generous view of her cleavage as she spoke. “Master, Jiang Chen is utterly convinced that the Heavenly Jade Pavilion is his ally. He has no idea that I am yours, that the pavilion is but a weapon in your hands. When the time comes, I will ensure that the Heavenly Jade Pavilion strikes him down, and his Jiang Family will crumble along with him.”

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Wang Jian’s grin widened, his mind racing with the possibilities. With Cui Lan and the Heavenly Jade Pavilion under his control, Jiang Chen’s hopes of ascending to power were nothing but a pipe dream. The Jiang Family would fall, and Wang Jian would be one step closer to his ultimate goal.

Finally, Wang Jian’s gaze settled on Mo Yin, the leader of the Devil Race and the second wife of Huang Zhi. She was a stunning beauty, with long, dark hair that framed her delicate features and a body that radiated both power and sensuality. Beside her sat Celestial Maiden Yuqing, Huang Zhi’s mother-in-law and the leader of the Angel Race. Both women were Wang Jian’s mistresses, and both played crucial roles in his plan.

“My dearest Mo Yin, Yuqing,” Wang Jian addressed them, his voice dripping with satisfaction. “How are things progressing with Huang Zhi? Does he suspect anything?”

Mo Yin shook her head, a smile playing on her lips as she replied, “Master, Huang Zhi is completely in the dark. He believes that I am loyal to him, that the Devil Race is his to command. He has no idea that I have been playing him all along, that the Devil Race will turn on him at your command.”

Celestial Maiden Yuqing added, her voice soft and melodic, “And my son-in-law remains blissfully unaware that his beloved wife, Lu Rong’er, and I have both pledged ourselves to you. The Angel Race will follow your orders without question. Huang Zhi’s fate is sealed, and The will never see it coming.”

Wang Jian’s laughter filled the chamber, a deep, resonant sound that echoed off the walls. He reveled in the brilliance of his plan, the way he had woven deceit and manipulation into every faction, every alliance. Each of his enemies believed they were on the verge of victory, unaware that the ground beneath their feet was crumbling, ready to collapse at any moment.

Wang Jian’s mistresses, each more beautiful and cunning than the last, had played their parts to perfection. They had seduced, lied, and manipulated their way into the hearts and minds of his enemies, ensuring that when the time came, those enemies would fall without ever knowing what had hit them.

With a satisfied sigh, Wang Jian leaned back in his seat, his hands roaming over the soft, supple bodies of his mistresses as they pressed themselves against him. His fingers traced the curves of their breasts, eliciting soft gasps and moans as they responded to his touch. They were his, body and soul, and they would do anything to please him, to see his plans come to fruition.

“Remember,” Wang Jian said, his voice low and commanding, “when the time comes, you will each strike swiftly and without hesitation. Yun Tian, Dong Zhuo, Jiang Chen, and Huang Zhi are all fools, blinded by their arrogance and their trust in you. Use that trust against them. Destroy them from within. When they fall, the world will be ours.”

Yun Qianying, the Nether Empress, Qing Fenghua, Cui Lan, Mo Yin, and Celestial Maiden Yuqing all nodded, their eyes gleaming with a mix of anticipation and devotion. They were ready, eager to see Wang Jian’s plan come to fruition, to witness the downfall of the men who had once thought themselves invincible.

Wang Jian’s lips curved into a wicked smile as he pulled Yun Qianying closer, his hands sliding up her sides to cup her large, firm breasts. She gasped softly, her body arching into his touch as he began to play with her, his fingers teasing her sensitive flesh.

“You have all done well,” Wang Jian murmured, his voice thick with lust as he continued to toy with Yun Qianying’s breasts, his other hand moving to the Nether Empress’s waist to draw her closer as well. “And you will be rewarded for your loyalty. But first, we celebrate. Tonight, you are mine to enjoy.”

The mistresses responded eagerly, their bodies pressing against Wang Jian’s, their hands roaming over his muscular form as they sought to please him. They knew what was expected of them, and they were more than willing to fulfill their master’s desires.

As Wang Jian indulged in the pleasures of the flesh, his mind remained sharp, focused on the grand plan he had set into motion. Each touch, each kiss, each moan that escaped the lips of his mistresses was a reminder of the power he held, of the control he had over them and the world around him.

In the coming days, his enemies would fall, betrayed by the very women they had trusted, by the factions they had.

The time had come.

Yun Tian, Huang Zhi, Dong Zhuo, and Jiang Chen, each with their own ambitions, had finally united with a common goal: to eliminate Wang Jian and assert their dominance over the world. They had meticulously planned their attack, gathering their forces and preparing for what they believed would be the final battle. Yet, unbeknownst to them, the very heart of their alliances had already been compromised.

As the four leaders gathered in a hidden chamber deep within Yun Tian’s stronghold, the atmosphere was tense. The flickering light of the torches cast eerie shadows on the stone walls, and the air was thick with anticipation.

Yun Tian, with his long silver hair and piercing blue eyes, stood at the center of the group. His aura was imposing, radiating the power of the Dragon Emperor Star God. “The time is near,” he declared, his voice steady and commanding. “Wang Jian will fall, and with him, the darkness that threatens our world.”

Dong Zhuo, the burly leader of the Corrupt Dragon Clan, nodded in agreement. His massive frame was draped in dark armor, and his eyes gleamed with the hunger for battle. “My forces are ready. The Corrupt Dragon Clan will tear through his defenses.”

Jiang Chen, ever the strategist, adjusted his robes and added, “The Jiang Family and the Heavenly Jade Pavilion will strike with precision. We will not fail.”

Huang Zhi, his handsome face set in determination, spoke last. “The Devil Race and Angel Race stand with us. Wang Jian’s reign of terror ends today.”

But as their words echoed through the chamber, an unsettling silence followed. There was a sense that something was amiss, a lingering doubt that none of them could shake.

And then, the betrayal began.

Yun Qianying, the Brahma Divine Star Goddess, stood at the forefront of Yun Tian’s vast army. freewebnσ

Her beauty was mesmerizing, her golden robes flowing elegantly as she led the troops toward what they believed would be a glorious victory. But beneath her serene exterior, she was a viper, poised to strike.

As the army marched forward, Yun Qianying subtly shifted her position, sending a silent

signal to her trusted aides. The aides, all secretly loyal to Wang Jian, began to sow chaos within the ranks. Orders were miscommunicated, supply lines were sabotaged, and key commanders were discreetly eliminated.

The Dragon Emperor Star God faction, once a well-oiled war machine, began to falter. Troops became disoriented, unable to understand why their once-cohesive force was unraveling before their eyes. Yun Tian, sensing something was wrong, turned to Yun Qianying for


“Brahma Divine Star Goddess, what is happening? Why are our forces in disarray?” Yun Tian demanded, his voice laced with confusion and rising anger.

Yun Qianying’s expression was one of feigned concern. “I do not know, Your Majesty. Perhaps there is a traitor within our ranks. I will personally lead a contingent to restore order.”

Yun Tian nodded, trusting her implicitly. As she rode off, her mind raced with thoughts of the destruction she was orchestrating. Once out of sight, she met with the Nether Empress, who had been working alongside her to ensure Yun Tian’s demise.

“Is everything in place?” Yun Qianying asked, her voice low and urgent.

The Nether Empress, her dark eyes gleaming with malice, nodded. “The Ghost Emperor Astral Spirit faction is ready to betray at the opportune moment. Yun Tian will be left with nothing but ashes.”

In the meantime, in Dong Zhuo’s camp, Qing Fenghua, the seductive leader of the Nature Clan and Dong Zhuo’s trusted mother-in-law, had begun her own work of deception. She had long played the role of the dutiful ally, offering wisdom and guidance to Dong Zhuo as he prepared for war. But her loyalty had always been to Wang Jian, and now, her true allegiance would be


Dong Zhuo had stationed the Nature Clan to protect the eastern flank of his army, confident in their abilities to hold the line. Qing Fenghua had assured him that her forces were well- prepared and would fight to the death. But as the battle loomed, she issued a series of covert commands that would lead her forces to withdraw at the crucial moment, leaving Dong Zhuo’s army exposed.

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