Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 678 Dong Zhuo Vs Jiang Chen

678 Dong Zhuo Vs Jiang Chen

The Northern Cosmos had always been a battleground for power, where the strong thrived, and the weak were crushed. The shifting tides of influence had always played a crucial role in determining the fate of factions, and at this moment, the Corrupt Dragon Clan was on the brink of a significant upheaval.

Dong Zhuo, once a force to be reckoned with, had seen his influence wane considerably. His connection to the Divine Wooden Dragon, a source of his strength, had weakened, making him vulnerable. The rumors were true: his once formidable wooden abilities had lost their edge, and it was no longer the same fearsome force that had kept many challengers at bay. This weakening had not gone unnoticed, especially by those who were always on the lookout for opportunities to strike.

Among those who had been watching closely was Jiang Chen, the head of the Jiang Family, a man whose ambition was only matched by his growing power. The legacy of the Chaotic Storm Fairy had given him an edge that few could rival, and now, with Dong Zhuo’s decline, Jiang Chen saw an opening. The Corrupt Dragon Clan, once a mighty force, was now a target ripe for conquest.

One evening, as the pale moonlight bathed the Northern Cosmos in its ethereal glow, Jiang Chen stood at the balcony of his family’s main stronghold, the Stormcloud Citadel. His gaze was fixed on the horizon, where he could almost sense the weakening presence of Dong Zhuo’s faction. He could feel it in the very winds that swirled around him, the Chaotic Storm Fairy’s power resonating with the natural elements. It was time.

Jiang Chen called for a meeting with his closest advisors and family members. The Jiang Family was known for its cohesion and strength, and when Jiang Chen spoke, they listened.

“We’ve all seen it, haven’t we?” Jiang Chen’s voice was calm, but there was an underlying intensity. “Dong Zhuo’s power is slipping through his fingers like sand. His Divine Wooden Dragon is no longer the force it once was. This is our chance.”

His advisors nodded in agreement. Jiang Chen’s elder sister, Jiang Mei, who was known for her tactical brilliance, leaned forward. “The reports are consistent. His wooden abilities have significantly weakened. The Corrupt Dragon Clan is losing its grip on the Northern Cosmos. But,” she paused, “Dong Zhuo is still a dangerous opponent. This won’t be easy.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly. “I’m not underestimating him. But my Chaotic Storm Fairy legacy has only grown stronger. The power of the storm is with us. We’ll move with the ferocity of a tempest and crush him before he has a chance to regroup.”

And so, the decision was made. The Jiang Family would strike, and they would strike hard.

The war that erupted between the Jiang Family and the Corrupt Dragon Clan was one for the ages. The skies above the Northern Cosmos were torn asunder by the clash of titanic forces. Jiang Chen, at the forefront, unleashed the full fury of the Chaotic Storm Fairy. Storms brewed at his command, lightning crackled through the skies, and tornadoes ravaged the lands. But Dong Zhuo, despite his weakened state, was no pushover.

For weeks, the battle raged on. The once tranquil landscapes of the Northern Cosmos were now battlegrounds filled with the echoes of clashing powers. Jiang Chen’s forces, though formidable, found themselves in a hard-fought battle. Dong Zhuo, drawing on the last remnants of his connection to the Divine Wooden Dragon, defended fiercely. The wooden constructs and barriers he summoned were no longer as impenetrable as they once were, but they still held strong enough to slow down Jiang Chen’s advance.

The Jiang Family’s initial confidence began to wane as the battle dragged on. What was supposed to be a swift victory turned into a drawn-out struggle. Dong Zhuo’s resilience was proving to be more than they had anticipated. Jiang Chen, however, remained undeterred. He knew that persistence would be the key to victory. The Chaotic Storm Fairy’s power was vast, and he intended to use every ounce of it to bring Dong Zhuo down.

Meanwhile, in the Eastern Cosmos, the news of the ongoing battle reached the ears of Wang Jian. Seated within the opulent halls of Jade Astral City, Wang Jian listened intently as his informants relayed the details. A smile played on his lips as he considered the implications. The weakening of Dong Zhuo was inevitable, but Jiang Chen’s rising power was an unsettling development. Wang Jian knew that if Jiang Chen succeeded in defeating Dong Zhuo and absorbing the Corrupt Dragon Clan, the balance of power in the cosmos could shift in an unfavorable direction.

“Send for Huang Zhi,” Wang Jian commanded, his voice echoing through the grand chamber.

Within hours, Huang Zhi, a tall and imposing figure with a calm yet intense demeanor, arrived at Jade Astral City. His eyes reflected a depth of wisdom, honed from years of experience and the power of his Angelic Devil True God legacy.

“Wang Jian,” Huang Zhi greeted with a respectful nod as he entered the chamber. “You summoned me?”

Wang Jian gestured for him to sit, offering a seat across from him. “Yes, I did. There’s a situation unfolding in the Northern Cosmos that requires your attention.”

Huang Zhi arched an eyebrow, intrigued. “What situation?”

“Dong Zhuo’s Corrupt Dragon Clan is under attack by Jiang Chen and his Jiang Family,” Wang Jian explained, his tone casual as if discussing the weather. “Dong Zhuo’s power has been waning, but Jiang Chen is growing stronger. If Jiang Chen succeeds, he’ll absorb the Corrupt Dragon Clan and become a significant threat to our interests.”

Huang Zhi nodded slowly, processing the information. “So, you want me to help Dong Zhuo?”

Wang Jian smiled, a glint of cunning in his eyes. “Precisely. Dong Zhuo may be our enemy, but he’s a lesser threat compared to Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen consolidates his power, he could become a much bigger problem. We need to keep the balance in our favor, and that means ensuring Jiang Chen doesn’t grow too powerful.”

Huang Zhi studied Wang Jian for a moment, his respect for the man’s strategic mind growing. Wang Jian was a master of playing the long game, always thinking several steps ahead. It was no wonder he had risen to such heights of power. “You’re always thinking several steps ahead, aren’t you?”

Wang Jian chuckled softly. “I try to be prepared for every eventuality. Now, will you go?”

Huang Zhi nodded. “I’ll go. But I must admit, I’m curious—what’s in it for you?”

Wang Jian leaned back in his chair, his smile widening. “Let’s just say, keeping Dong Zhuo in play allows me to focus on other matters. And as for you, you’ll be in a prime position to watch over the outcome. Consider it a favor to me, and perhaps there will be other opportunities down the line.”

Huang Zhi couldn’t help but admire Wang Jian’s foresight. Though Dong Zhuo was an enemy, the greater threat of Jiang Chen made this a necessary move. “Very well. I’ll head to the Northern Cosmos and see to it that Jiang Chen’s ambitions are kept in check.”

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As Huang Zhi prepared to depart for the Northern Cosmos, Wang Jian’s thoughts turned to a different matter entirely. With Huang Zhi away, the opportunity to visit Mo Yin and her devil race presented itself. Mo Yin, the current leader of the devil race, was not just a powerful ally—she was also Wang Jian’s secret mistress. She had devoted herself entirely to him, body, mind, and soul. And now, with Huang Zhi out of the picture for the time being, Wang Jian could indulge in one of his more carnal desires.

As Huang Zhi set off to the Northern Cosmos, Wang Jian made his way to the star where Mo Yin and her devil race resided. The journey was swift, the anticipation growing with each passing moment. Upon arrival, he was greeted by Mo Yin herself, her dark, seductive beauty captivating him as always. Her long, flowing black hair framed a face of ethereal elegance, and her eyes glowed with an alluring darkness that hinted at the depths of her devotion to Wang Jian.

“Wang Jian,” Mo Yin greeted him with a sultry smile, her voice a whisper of temptation. “It’s been too long.”

Wang Jian’s gaze roamed over her voluptuous form, taking in every curve and contour of her body. Mo Yin was a vision of sensuality, her presence exuding an aura of dark allure that drew him in. “Indeed, it has. But I’m here now, and I intend to make up for lost time.”

Mo Yin’s smile widened as she led Wang Jian into the heart of her palace, a place of shadowy elegance and opulent excess. The rooms were filled with the scent of exotic incense, the air thick with the promise of pleasure. As they entered her private chambers, Wang Jian’s eyes were immediately drawn to the sight of Mo Yin’s sisters and mother waiting for them.

Mo Yin’s sisters were just as captivating as she was, each one a dark beauty in her own right. The eldest sister, Mo Li, had an air of regal authority about her, with raven-black hair cascading down her back and a body that radiated power and sensuality. Her gaze was intense, filled with a mix of desire and command as she looked at Wang Jian. The second sister, Mo Qing, was a more delicate beauty, with a lithe, graceful figure and a mischievous glint in her eyes. Her smile was playful, but her intentions were anything but innocent. The youngest sister, Mo Xian, had a youthful exuberance that belied her dark nature. Her slender frame and innocent features contrasted sharply with the wicked gleam in her eyes, making her all the more enticing.

And then there was Mo Yin’s mother, Mo Jing. A woman of mature beauty, Mo Jing possessed a body that defied her age, her voluptuous curves and commanding presence making her the epitome of a dark matriarch. Her eyes held a deep, knowing wisdom, and her smile was one of experience and seduction.

As Wang Jian stepped into the room, he could feel the heat of their gazes on him, their desire palpable in the air. Mo Yin moved closer, her body pressing against his as she whispered in his ear, “We’ve all been waiting for this moment, my lord.”

Wang Jian’s smile was one of satisfaction as he reached out to caress Mo Yin’s face, his touch sending shivers down her spine. “Then let’s not keep anyone waiting.”

What followed was a night of unbridled passion, with Wang Jian indulging in the pleasures offered by Mo Yin and her family. Mo Yin’s body was his first conquest of the night, her lips meeting his in a fiery kiss as their bodies intertwined on the luxurious bed. Wang Jian’s hands roamed over her curves, his touch eliciting soft moans of pleasure from her as he claimed her once again. Their connection was electric, the intensity of their desire driving them to new heights of ecstasy.

As Wang Jian took his pleasure from Mo Yin, her sisters and mother eagerly joined in, their hands and lips exploring every inch of his body. Mo Li, the eldest sister, moved with a confident grace, her hands skilled and experienced as she worshipped Wang Jian’s body. Mo Qing was more playful, her touches light and teasing as she found new ways to please him. Mo Xian’s youthful energy brought an element of wild abandon to the night, her laughter and moans filling the room as she reveled in the pleasure Wang Jian brought her.

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