Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 677: Yun Tian Becomes Stronger

Chapter 677: Yun Tian Becomes Stronger

Wang Jian’s life took on a rhythm of depravity and indulgence as he immersed himself in the pleasures of his conquest. Qing Lurou and Qing Fenghua, once proud and independent women, now belonged entirely to him. Their wills had been broken, their bodies turned into instruments of his carnal desires. Every night, they found themselves in his bed, surrendering to his dominance and craving the twisted pleasure he offered.

The connection between Wang Jian’s repeated sessions with these two beauties and the diminishing power of Dong Zhuo became increasingly evident.

Qing Lurou, once Dong Zhuo’s official lover, had severed all ties with him, her body now fully committed to Wang Jian. The divorce had been a public spectacle, but what truly wounded Dong Zhuo was the knowledge that his former lover was now sharing a bed with his greatest enemy.

With every night that Wang Jian took his wife, Dong Zhuo’s power seemed to wane, his power ebbing away as if being sapped by the very acts of betrayal occurring in Wang Jian’s chambers.

The intensity of these encounters only grew as Wang Jian indulged his darkest desires.

Qing Lurou and Qing Fenghua were often joined by other women from his harem, each more beautiful and seductive than the last.

Butterfly Spirit Queen Stella, with her ethereal grace and delicate wings, would flutter around the bed, her body shimmering with a soft glow as she joined the debauchery.

Elf Queen Ilyndra, regal and elegant, would entwine herself with the others, her long, silken hair cascading around them like a curtain. Elf Princess Selena, with her youthful exuberance and slender frame, added an element of playful innocence that only heightened the contrast to the depravity unfolding.

Yun Qianying, the Brahma Divine Star Goddess and once the pride of Yun Tian, was now fully integrated into Wang Jian’s harem.

Her celestial beauty and divine aura had been tarnished by the acts of lust she was forced to partake in, her body now as much a tool for Wang Jian’s pleasure as any other. The irony that Yun Tian’s own wife was part of these sordid affairs only fueled Wang Jian’s sense of triumph.

As Wang Jian reveled in his conquests, enjoying the sight and feel of these extraordinary women, his thoughts occasionally drifted to the broader implications of his actions. He knew that every time he claimed Qing Lurou and Qing Fenghua, every time he added another mistress to his bed, he was not just satisfying his desires-he was actively weakening Dong Zhuo, diminishing his rival’s influence and power.

Meanwhile, in a distant corner of the cosmos, Yun Tian was embarking on his own journey of power. The Great Astral Galaxy Dragon, now fully within his grasp, was a legacy inheritance of unimaginable potency. As Yun Tian began to absorb its essence, he felt the power of the dragon infusing his very being, transforming him into something far beyond his former self.

The first ability he unlocked was Galaxy Rend, a devastating technique that allowed him to tear through the fabric of space itself. With a mere gesture, he could now create rifts that could swallow entire star systems, obliterating them in an instant. This power was immense, a clear indication of the level of strength that the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon possessed.

Next, Yun Tian unlocked Astral Dominion, a power that gave him control over celestial bodies. With a thought, he could manipulate planets, moons, and even stars, moving them as easily as a child would move pieces on a game board. This ability would allow him to reshape the battlefield to his advantage, turning the very cosmos against his enemies.

As he delved deeper into the legacy, Yun Tian discovered Eternal Stardust, a technique that granted him near-immortality. By converting his body into stardust, he could reform himself after any attack, making him virtually indestructible. This power was both a blessing and a curse, for while it made him nearly invincible, it also tied his fate to the cosmos, binding him to the stars in a way that could never be undone.

But despite the immense power he was gaining, Yun Tian was filled with frustration. The process of absorbing the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon’s legacy was slow, requiring him to meticulously integrate each ability into his being. And with each passing day, he was reminded of what had been taken from him-his beloved wife, Yun Qianying.

The thought of Yun Qianying in Wang Jian’s arms, her body defiled by his enemy, drove Yun Tian to the brink of madness. He could still feel her presence in his soul, a lingering connection that reminded him of the love they once shared. But that connection was now tainted, corrupted by Wang Jian’s influence. Yun Tian swore to himself that he would make Wang Jian pay for this transgression, that he would reclaim what was his and destroy the man who had stolen everything from him.

But he knew that time was against him. The absorption of the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon’s legacy would take months, and every day that passed was another day that Wang Jian could strengthen his hold over Yun Qianying and his other conquests. Yun Tian’s resolve hardened – he would not stop, he would not rest until he had the power to crush Wang Jian and take back what was rightfully his.

Back in Wang Jian’s chambers, the orgies of power and lust continued. He reveled in his dominance, knowing that with every act of pleasure, he was asserting his control over these women and, by extension, over the cosmos itself. The women of his harem, once proud and powerful in their own right, had become willing participants in his debauchery, their minds and bodies molded to his will.

Qing Lurou and Qing Fenghua, once the pillars of the Nature Clan, were now utterly devoted to Wang Jian. Their days were spent preparing for the nights of passion, their thoughts consumed by how best to please their master. They had come to accept their new roles, their previous lives nothing more than distant memories.

Butterfly Spirit Queen Stella would flutter her wings gently as she joined the others in bed, her touch light and teasing as she caressed Wang Jian’s body. Elf Queen Ilyndra, with her regal poise, would take her place beside him, her long legs entwining with his as she pressed her body against his. Elf Princess Selena, with her youthful energy, would eagerly explore the limits of her own desires, her laughter and moans filling the room.

Yun Qianying, though still holding onto a fragment of her former self, had become another jewel in Wang Jian’s collection. Her divine aura, once a beacon of purity, was now tinged with the darkness of her new life. She would join the others, her celestial beauty adding to the allure of the group as they surrounded Wang Jian, their bodies moving in perfect harmony with his.

Each night was a symphony of pleasure and power, with Wang Jian at the center of it all, his hands and lips commanding the attention of every woman in his bed. The intensity of these encounters only grew, with Wang Jian pushing the limits of their endurance, driving them to new heights of ecstasy.

The energy in the room was palpable, the air thick with the scent of sweat and lust. Wang Jian would take each woman in turn, his movements deliberate and calculated as he explored their bodies with expert precision. His touch was both gentle and rough, a masterful blend of dominance and tenderness that left each woman craving more.

As the night wore on, Wang Jian’s satisfaction grew. He knew that he was not only satisfying

his own desires but also weakening his enemies. Every time he claimed Qing Lurou and Qing Fenghua, he could feel Dong Zhuo’s power slipping away, as if the very essence of his rival was being drained by these acts of betrayal.

But Wang Jian’s ambitions were not limited to the bedroom. He knew that the path to ultimate power required more than just physical dominance-it required strategy, cunning, and an understanding of the broader cosmic forces at play. As he held these women in his arms, his mind was already working on his next move, calculating how best to leverage his newfound strength.

The nights of indulgence were a testament to Wang Jian’s success, a celebration of his victory

over those who had dared to oppose him. But even as he reveled in his triumph, he knew that greater challenges lay ahead. The emergence of the Great Astral Galaxy Dragon and Yun Tian’s growing power were reminders that the cosmic balance was constantly shifting, and that he would need to stay one step ahead if he was to maintain his dominance.

As dawn approached, Wang Jian finally allowed himself to rest, his body entwined with those

of his conquests. The women lay around him, their breathing heavy, their bodies slick with sweat. They had given him everything, and in return, he had taken them to the heights of pleasure and the depths of submission.

But even as he drifted off to sleep, Wang Jian’s mind was already plotting his next move. He knew that the path to ultimate power was long and treacherous, but he was prepared to do whatever it took to secure his place at the top. The women at his side were just the beginning a means to an end in his quest for domination.

And as the sun rose on a new day, Wang Jian knew that his journey was far from over. The

cosmos was vast, and there were still many enemies to defeat, many battles to be won. But for now, he would savor his victory, knowing that he was one step closer to achieving his ultimate

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