Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 599 Guan Yin Wants Wang Jian’s Child

Chapter 599 Guan Yin Wants Wang Jian’s Child

?A satisfied smirk played on Wang Jian’s lips. He had anticipated resistance, perhaps a fight, but Guan Yin’s resignation surprised him. It only fueled his amusement, adding a layer of dominance to his already powerful aura.

He sauntered towards her, his footsteps echoing ominously in the cavern’s stillness. “Good decision, General,” he purred, his voice a low rumble. “Since we’ve reached an agreement, there’s no need to delay.”

His gaze swept over her kneeling form, lingering on the curve of her back, the cascade of black hair that spilled down like a river. “Disrobe,” he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Guan Yin’s lips pressed into a thin line. Shame, heavy and suffocating, threatened to consume her. But the memory of her unfulfilled ambition, the hope of aiding humanity, pushed it back. With a trembling hand, she reached for the clasp of her robe, slowly working it undone.

The garment fell away, revealing a body that time had miraculously preserved. Her skin, smooth as polished jade, bore the faintest hint of age lines around her eyes, a testament to her many years. Yet, her form was undeniably alluring, every curve a testament to a warrior’s strength tempered by feminine grace.

For the first time in millennia, Guan Yin felt the sting of self-consciousness. No man, not even during her days in the Everlasting Mystical Empire, had ever witnessed her in such a vulnerable state.

Wang Jian, however, seemed unfazed. His eyes, devoid of any trace of warmth, scanned her form with a clinical detachment. A hint of amusement flickered in their depths, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within Guan Yin.

“Turn around,” he ordered, his voice devoid of emotion.

Guan Yin complied, her back stiff with a mixture of shame and defiance. There was no turning back now. Her fate, her dream, hung on the precipice of this forced intimacy.

Wang Jian followed her movement, his eyes lingering on the gentle sway of her hips. With a swift, practiced movement, he ripped the flimsy silk undergarment that clung to her form. A gasp escaped Guan Yin’s lips as cool air met her exposed skin.

He then shoved her roughly against the cave wall, her breath hitching in her throat. The harshness of the action surprised her, a stark contrast to the seductive promises he had veiled his demands in.

Yet, as his hand trailed down her spine, sending shivers down her body, a primal yearning awoke within her. It had been millennia since she had experienced such raw physical contact.

Wang Jian wasted no time. He explored her body with a practiced detachment, a hunter taking stock of his prey. His touch, at first cold and impersonal, gradually ignited a fire within Guan Yin.

He began their union with a raw, possessive hunger, leaving no room for tenderness. Guan Yin, caught off guard by the intensity, found herself surrendering to the unfamiliar sensations.

As the act progressed, fueled by a combination of suppressed emotion and the awakening of desires long dormant, a surprising wave of pleasure washed over Guan Yin. There was a raw satisfaction in yielding to her former Emperor, the man who had once conquered the entire world.

Amidst the throes of passion, a question tumbled from her lips. “Your Majesty,” she gasped, her voice breathless, “Why? Why did you relinquish your throne, your empire, when you had conquered everything?”

Wang Jian paused, his breath catching slightly. “The throne,” he chuckled, a hint of bitterness laced in his voice, “became tiresome, General. The endless power struggles, the petty squabbles… it paled in comparison to the vastness of the cosmos.”

He continued, his voice low and seductive. “The Upper Realm, Guan Yin. That’s what truly intrigued me. The pinnacle of power, the secrets of the universe.”

A gasp escaped Guan Yin’s lips. The Upper Realm, a place whispered about in hushed tones, a realm beyond their wildest dreams.

“And your children?” she managed to ask, a thread of curiosity weaving through her breathless moans. “Why did you allow them to squabble for your legacy?”

“Conflict,” Wang Jian replied nonchalantly, “is inevitable, my dear. Sooner or later, it would have come to a head. I merely… detached myself from the drama.”

Guan Yin couldn’t help but let out a surprised laugh, a sound laced with a hint of admiration. This powerful man, who had once ruled the world, now spoke with such detachment.

As their intimacy reached its peak, Guan Yin felt a daring wish rise within her. In a husky whisper, she confessed her desire, “Your Majesty… I… I would be… honored… to carry your child.”

Wang Jian, momentarily surprised, stared into her flushed face. Then, a slow smile spread across his face. “A worthy request, General,” he conceded, his eyes gleaming with a devilish glint. “Consider it granted.”

With a controlled release of his powerful essence, he ensured that her wish would come true. As the aftershocks of their union subsided, Guan Yin lay nestled in Wang Jian’s arms, a strange sense of peace washing over her. The shame that had initially plagued her began to recede, replaced by a sense of accomplishment.

She had secured her path to the Transcendent Realm. The consequences of this night, far-reaching and shrouded in the mists of the future, were yet to unfold.

Breaking the silence, Guan Yin spoke softly, “Your Majesty,” she began, “I vow to raise your child with honor and purpose. A child destined to unite the world once more, just as you did.”Her voice held a hint of conviction, a newfound purpose burning in her eyes. “When that glorious day arrives, perhaps… you would grace us with your presence, bestow a blessing upon your heir?”

Wang Jian chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest. “Guan Yin,” he said, his voice surprisingly gentle, “you underestimate me. Do you truly believe I would abandon my own flesh and blood?”

He brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, his touch electrifying. “Nay, my General,” he continued, a sly smile playing on his lips. “We shall face this together. We shall ensure our child grows strong, not just in power, but in heart. And,” he leaned closer, his voice a husky whisper brushing her ear, “it will also allow me to enjoy your delightful company every day.”

Guan Yin blushed furiously, heat creeping up her neck. Though his words were lewd, a strange sense of security settled within her. She wouldn’t deny, a part of her had enjoyed their encounter.

“But… the Upper Realm?” she stammered, a flicker of doubt clouding her eyes. “Wouldn’t you return to pursue your… greater goals?”

A mischievous glint flickered in Wang Jian’s eyes. “Who says I can’t have it all, General?” he said, amusement lacing his voice. “With my abilities, creating another… me, here, isn’t a problem. An extension of myself, controlled by my great spirit and hive mind.”

Guan Yin’s brow furrowed. His words were cryptic, beyond her understanding. But one thing was clear – he would be with her. A wave of relief washed over her, replacing the trepidation that had gripped her earlier.

Suddenly, a jolt of energy surged through her, a force unlike anything she had ever experienced.Her eyes snapped open, wide with surprise. “I… I’ve broken through!” she gasped, the realization hitting her with the force of a tidal wave. “The Transcendent Realm!”

Excitement battled with exhaustion in her voice. However, the intense session with Wang Jian had sapped her strength.She tried to rise, but her limbs felt heavy, leaden with fatigue.

Unfazed, Wang Jian continued to caress her curves with practiced ease. His touch, despite its brazenness, held a strange tenderness. He brushed his lips against her earlobe, sending a shiver down her spine.

“Seems our little session was a bit more… fruitful than you anticipated, General,” he teased, his voice laced with amusement.

Despite her fatigue, a smile tugged at the corner of Guan Yin’s lips. This wasn’t the future she had envisioned, but an unexpected warmth bloomed within her. Perhaps, this path was not so bad after all.

The cavern echoed with their soft laughter and whispered promises as they settled back into their embrace.

The following days unfolded in a whirlwind of activity for Guan Yin and Wang Jian. Gone were the quiet days of secluded meditation. Now, they soared through the skies, a formidable duo with a singular purpose – to reshape the landscape of power.

Their first targets were the neighboring territories of the non-

human races. Guan Yin, empowered by her newfound Transcendent Realm cultivation, exuded an aura of unparalleled power. The Barbarian warriors, renowned for their brute strength, were left stunned and demoralized as Guan Yin, with a flick of her wrist, shattered their most formidable defenses.

Giant warriors, known for their earth-shattering stomps, were humbled by Guan Yin’s swift lightning strikes. Dwarven fortresses, considered impregnable, crumbled under the force of her devastating energy blasts.

Wang Jian remained at a safe distance, a cruel amusement flickering in his eyes. He could have easily obliterated these forces with a mere thought, but he wanted Guan Yin to revel in her newfound power, to feel the intoxicating rush of victory.

Each conquered territory saw the same terrifying spectacle – Guan Yin, a transcendent beauty with eyes blazing with power, systematically decimating their peak Immortal Realm experts. Fear and awe spread like wildfire through these lands as news of the invincible Guardian Goddess reached every corner.

Finally, they turned their attention south, towards the human kingdoms. Here, the landscape was different. Humans, while not as physically strong as the other races, possessed cunning and an aptitude for complex tactics.

However, their kingdoms were fractured, locked in petty squabbles and territorial disputes. This infighting weakened their position, leaving them vulnerable to the growing threat of the non-human races.

Guan Yin, with her newfound authority, took a different approach. Instead of brute force, she used her strength as a bargaining chip. She met with the leaders of each kingdom, displaying her power as a deterrent, then proposed a temporary alliance.

The human leaders, faced with this formidable force, readily agreed. They recognized the threat that loomed and the need to present a united front. News of this unprecedented unification spread like wildfire, bolstering the morale of the human population.

For the first time in generations, a sense of hope bloomed. Guan Yin, the former warrior general, became a symbol of unity – the Guardian Goddess who stood between them and destruction.

Through it all, Wang Jian remained a constant presence by her side. Their nights, however, were far from filled with discussions of strategy or governance.

Every night, Wang Jian, a dark gleam in his eyes, reminded Guan Yin of the price she had agreed to pay. And every night, Guan Yin, a warrior goddess in the day, surrendered to his desires, finding a strange and exhilarating pleasure in their intimate connection. f𝚛e𝐞𝐰bo𝚟l.c𝗼m

The human kingdoms thrived under Guan Yin’s watchful eye. Trade flourished, and a sense of unity, albeit fragile, began to take root.

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