Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 598 Wang Jian Meets General Guan Yin

Chapter 598 Wang Jian Meets General Guan Yin

?Chu Yang was unexpectedly summoned to the Sect Leader’s chambers. A nervous tremor ran down his spine.

He approached the Sect Leader with a deep bow. “Sect Leader Ba, you requested my presence?”

Sect Leader Ba gestured towards a chair across from him. “Chu Yang, I have been observing you closely recently. It seems you possess a level-headedness that Lin Fei sorely lacks.”

Chu Yang beamed, his chest swelling with pride. “Thank you, Sect Leader. I strive to always act in the best interests of the Star Cloud Sect.”

“Indeed,” the Sect Leader continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone. “Which brings me to a delicate situation. Lin Fei, while valuable, is a wild card. The recent incident with Elder Xuan… well, it could have been handled better.”

Chu Yang’s smile faltered slightly. He knew the news of Elder Xuan’s predicament had spread like wildfire through the sect.

“I understand, Sect Leader,” Chu Yang said cautiously.

“What the Star Cloud Sect needs,” Sect Leader Ba continued, leaning forward, “is a balance. Someone who can counter Lin Fei’s impulsiveness while maintaining his own strength and resourcefulness. Someone like you, Chu Yang.”

Chu Yang’s eyes widened. Was this a test? A promotion? His heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

“I… I would be honored to serve the Star Cloud Sect in whatever capacity I can,” Chu Yang stammered, hoping his voice didn’t betray his nervousness.

Sect Leader Ba nodded with satisfaction. “Excellent. I propose an assignment. A mission with Lin Fei, but one that requires diplomacy and strategic thinking. A mission that will test both your skills and your ability to keep Lin Fei’s… exuberance in check.”

Chu Yang straightened, a determined look replacing the nervousness in his eyes. “I accept, Sect Leader. I won’t let you down.”

A slow smile spread across Sect Leader Ba’s face. He was betting on Chu Yang’s ambition and his own subtle manipulation. Perhaps with Chu Yang keeping Lin Fei in line, the Star Cloud Sect could finally navigate the complex political landscape with a bit more finesse.

A month had passed since Lin Fei’s explosive trap on Elder Xuan. The air in the Star Cloud Sect crackled with a newfound tension. No longer were there random bouts of drunken brawling or loud pronouncements from Lin Fei. Instead, a cautious calm had settled over the sect. The reason for this sudden shift became apparent whenever Lin Fei found himself bursting with a plan, a challenge, or even just a particularly sarcastic remark. Chu Yang, with an almost unnerving calmness, would appear at his side, a subtle hand on his shoulder, a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Easy there, Lin Fei,” Chu Yang would say, his voice mild yet firm. “Perhaps we should consider the potential ramifications of this action before we proceed.”

Lin Fei, recognizing the weight of the Sect Leader’s support behind Chu Yang, would grumble under his breath, but ultimately back down. The frustration gnawed at him, but he knew better than to antagonize the man who held the reins of power.

Meanwhile, a different kind of storm brewed across the continent, centered around Wang Jian’s Astral Jade City. The past few months had seen a meteoric rise in the city’s influence. With the influx of experts Wang Jian had recruited, the city pulsed with an energy unseen in generations. Groups of cultivators, led by Wang Jian’s most trusted lieutenants, scoured the surrounding lands.

They explored ancient ruins, unearthed forgotten artifacts, and meticulously mapped the forgotten pathways of celestial energy. Each expedition returned with a treasure trove of knowledge – forgotten alchemy formulas, intricate ancient array formations, and techniques passed down by long-deceased craftsmen.

Back in the Astral Jade City, a different kind of industry thrived. Wang Jian, reunited with his wives, concubines, and mistresses brought out of his inner world, indulged in a life of pleasure. The air hummed with the sounds of laughter and soft whispers. Here, nestled amidst luxurious silks and fragrant incense, Su Xian, his first wife, and Fen Shuying, his second, spent their days cultivating at an unprecedented rate.

Wang Jian’s unique form of dual cultivation, fueled by their mutual pleasure, propelled them towards the peak of the Divine Spirit Realm. The same applied to all his other wives and mistresses. The Astral Jade City, once a beacon of hope, now shimmered with a different kind of allure, a whispered tale of unrestrained indulgence enjoyed by a chosen few.

However, while Wang Jian reveled in the physical and social pleasures of the Astral Jade City, his attention was also drawn back to his inner world, the Sky Martial World. Here, his godlike omniscience allowed him to observe every detail of the world’s workings. His gaze fell upon a lone figure, a woman cultivating deep within a secluded cave – Guan Yin.

Thousands of years ago, in the previous iteration of his Sky Martial World, Guan Yin had served as a revered general in his Everlasting Mystical Empire. A woman of exceptional beauty and unmatched fighting prowess, she had been a loyal and formidable ally.

Now, after millennia of solitude spent focused on cultivation, Guan Yin stood at the precipice of a breakthrough – the gateway to the Transcendent Realm. A flicker of amusement, laced with a hint of depravity, danced in Wang Jian’s eyes. He knew he had imposed a barrier on his world, preventing anyone from reaching the Transcendent Realm. However, Guan Yin’s dedication, her unwavering will to break through, intrigued him.

With a thought, Wang Jian teleported himself to Guan Yin’s secluded cave. The air crackled as he materialized, his presence a tangible force in the cavern’s stillness.

General Guan Yin, her eyes the color of rich, dark chocolate, snapped open. They widened in surprise at the sight of a man brimming with an aura of power so potent it almost choked the air. He possessed the same face she remembered from millennia ago, perhaps a touch sharper, a touch more seasoned by time, but undeniably the same.

“Your Majesty?” she gasped, falling to her knees. Thousands of years had passed, but for her, time had slowed considerably at her peak cultivation level. Here, in her secluded cave, the memories of the Everlasting Mystical Empire, of her loyalty to the Emperor Wang Jian, remained vivid.

A wry smile curved Wang Jian’s lips. “General Guan Yin,” he acknowledged, his voice smooth like aged wine. “Still as sharp and dedicated as ever, I see.”

Guan Yin remained kneeling, a mixture of awe and apprehension swirling within her. “It’s an honor to see you again, Your Majesty,” she stammered. “But what brings you to my humble abode?”

Wang Jian sauntered further into the cave, his eyes taking in the simple, but meticulously clean environment. “I sensed a flicker of ambition,” he said, his voice tinged with amusement. “A desire to reach the heights not touched by many.”

Guan Yin’s chest tightened. This was exactly why she had chosen such a secluded location – to avoid detection as she focused on her attempt to break through to the Transcendent Realm.”I…” she hesitated, her voice barely a whisper, “I strive to further my cultivation for the betterment of the human race, Your Majesty.”

“A noble goal, General,” Wang Jian conceded, his amusement morphing into a hint of something else, something darker. “But tell me, Guan Yin, are you aware of the… restrictions imposed on this world?”

Confusion flickered across Guan Yin’s face. Restrictions? She hadn’t felt anything hindering her progress, at least not until lately. Now, with Wang Jian’s words, a gnawing suspicion settled in her gut.

“This world,” Wang Jian continued, his voice laced with an unsettling coldness, “has a limit. A limit I have set.”

He leaned closer, his eyes glinting dangerously. “And the peak of the Immortal Realm, General, is where that limit lies.”

The world seemed to tilt on its axis. The truth, stark and terrifying, dawned upon Guan Yin. All these years, her relentless pursuit of the Transcendent Realm had been in vain. It was a forbidden fruit, deliberately placed out of reach.

Despair threatened to consume her. All her hard work, all her sacrifice… for nothing?

“But…” she pleaded, her voice trembling, “There must be a way, Your Majesty. Please, guide me.”

A sly smile stretched across Wang Jian’s face. This was the reaction he had anticipated. Despair often paved the way for… other possibilities.

“There is a way,” he said, his voice dripping with a seductive promise. “But it comes at a price.”

Guan Yin’s heart pounded a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Price? What price could be steeper than a thwarted dream?

“Tell me,” she said, her voice firm despite the tremor within.

Wang Jian leaned back, relishing the desperation in her eyes. “You, General Guan Yin, could become a part of something greater. Serve a purpose higher than your own.”

He paused, letting his words hang heavy in the air.

“Become my lover,” he finally revealed, the words dropping like stones into the stagnant silence.

Guan Yin’s breath hitched. The implications were clear, a blatant exchange – her body for the key to the Transcendent Realm.

Her mind reeled. This was not the path she had envisioned, not after millennia of dedication and discipline. Shame burned hot in her chest.

“There has to be another way, Your Majesty,” she pleaded, her voice tight with barely suppressed anger. “A way that doesn’t involve… this.”

Wang Jian’s smile remained unchanged, devoid of warmth. “There isn’t. The rules are set in stone, General. Not even for you, a loyal servant of my previous empire.”

His gaze hardened. “So, what will it be, Guan Yin? Eternal stagnation, or a chance to reach the heights you crave?”

A storm raged within Guan Yin. Disgust battled with ambition, pride wrestled with desperation. She pictured the human kingdoms, their vulnerability in the face of increasingly powerful non-human tribes. Perhaps reaching the Transcendent Realm could help bridge that gap, even the scales.

Then, a heavy sigh escaped her lips. The fire in her eyes dimmed, replaced by a cold resolve. “Very well,” she conceded, her voice devoid of emotion.

A glint of victory replaced the coldness in Wang Jian’s eyes.

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