The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 704 - A Million Times for You (66)

Chapter 704: A Million Times for You (66)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“It’s been snowing and raining heavily lately, so we emptied the pool. The rainwater accumulated until a knee-deep depth. I reckon she must’ve hit her head on the floor when she fell inside and ended up drowning.”

Mo Li listened to him, dumbfounded as the shock robbed her of her senses. “This is Heaven’s way of punishing me…” she murmured feebly.

“You must’ve said something to Nini when you called her to the ancestral hall this afternoon, which compelled her to wait for Xiaotian to come home because she wanted to sleep with him tonight. If it wasn’t because of that, why would she go to your mansion!?! You jinx!” Mrs. Ye barked.

Mo Li turned to face her abruptly and glowered at her. “I didn’t say anything to her at all. It’s you, it’s all your fault for forcing me to drink the talisman water so as to fall pregnant with a baby boy. The fortune-teller has already said that I’m not destined to have any sons, only daughters. Yet you insisted that we alter my fate, which resulted in a punishment from Heaven. A life for a life. Heaven decided to take my daughter away after giving me a son. You, return my daughter to me! Return Nini to me!” she retorted.

She leaped toward Mrs. Ye and grabbed the latter by her hair, catching her off guard and causing her to fall onto the couch.

Everyone hurriedly rushed forward to pull them apart.

Mo Li finally released all her pent-up anger and strangled Mrs. Ye’s neck forcefully. Ye Xiaotian put his daughter’s body down and stepped forward to give her a tight slap.

Mo Li’s face was flung toward the side, and her ears began to ring while blood flowed from the corner of her lips.

A deafening silence filled the living room. Mo Li let go of Mrs. Ye, then fell back into Ye Xiaotian’s arms.

Ye Xiaotian held onto Mo Li’s hand and said, “I’m sorry… we’re all devastated and deeply agonized. Don’t be like this.”

Mo Li sat on his lap, and tears streamed down her face uncontrollably, unable to recover from the shock.

Once she’d regained her senses, she sprung up abruptly and shrugged his hand away.

She laughed loudly and said, “Ye Xiaotian, I started dating you when I was eighteen, and we’ve been together for more than a decade. Yet what kind of a life have you given me? I thought I could really live happily after marrying you, but it turns out, all I got was pain and torment. All you do is listen to your mother and indulge her for fear that she would kill herself. Aren’t you afraid that I’d kill myself and our child too? You want a son, right? You want a son, don’t you? You want a son…”

Mo Li was no longer acting like herself and had been thrown into a state of frenzy.

In a moment of pique and anguish, she picked up a fruit knife from the fruit basket and stabbed herself in the womb while everyone else watched in horror. She continued to stab herself repeatedly. By the time Ye Xiaotian’s brother had snatched the knife away from her, her abdominal area was already drenched in blood.

Seemingly unable to feel the pain at all, she guffawed, “I’ll let you have the son, I’ll let you have him. Now that Nini is gone, I don’t want anything else!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she passed out.

Tears streamed down Ye Xiaotian’s face like a broken faucet. He hurriedly picked her up in his arms and sent her to the hospital.


Anything newsworthy that happens within wealthy families would immediately become the media’s focus, as with celebrities in the entertainment industry.

The death of Ye Xiaotian’s daughter and Mo Li being admitted to the hospital for emergency rescue had become the most groundbreaking news of that evening.

Long Tianze and Mei Yangyang immediately headed to the hospital.

Long Tianze flew into an immense rage upon hearing the detailed explanation of the situation and immediately punched Ye Xiaotian, who was not in any mood to retaliate.

Mrs. Ye and Ye Xiaotian’s brother hurriedly held Long Tianze back.

“Who are you to hit my son!?!” Mrs. Ye bellowed, her eyes red and swollen from crying. However, what Long Tianze said next caused her to stand rooted to the ground in utter shock.

“You old demoness! I don’t just want to hit your son, I want to hit you too!”

“You… try laying a finger on me if you dare!” Mrs. Ye retorted.

Mei Yangyang grabbed Long Tianze and persuaded him, “Hubby, don’t be rash.”

Long Tianze took a deep breath. His face had turned beet red from the anger that was gushing through his veins.

Given how well he understood Mo Li, he knew that she must have given up hope on living this time.

Mo Li’s family burst into tears the moment they arrived, causing the silence in the corridor to be disrupted once more.

Mrs. Mo had not seen her daughter in a long time. Yet, something like that had happened all of a sudden. The faces of Mo Li’s grief-stricken family members had turned as pale as a sheet.

They prayed that Mo Li would pull through.

The lights of the operating theater were switched off more than an hour later.

Mo Li was pushed out of the theater by a nurse. Her eyes were tightly shut, and she looked pale and lifeless with her purplish lips, due to the excessive amount of blood she had lost.

“Doctor, how’s my wife now?” Ye Xiaotian asked worriedly.

“She has suffered a miscarriage, and her womb is heavily wounded. Her life is not in danger now.”

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the surgeon’s words.

Long Tianze was overwhelmed with agony as he stared at the unconscious Mo Li.

He felt exceptionally upset to see the sorry state that his childhood friend had ended up in.

Long Tianze remained quiet throughout the journey back and constantly smoked cigarettes, stick after stick.

Mei Yangyang took over the wheel and rolled down the windows to let the smoke out.

Upon arriving home, Long Tianze switched on the heater in the room and removed his jacket. He then sat on the bed and snubbed his cigarette into the ashtray.

Mei Yangyang handed him a glass of warm water and said, “Have some water, simmer down.”

He took two gulps of the water before saying, “She was such an adorable child, and yet she’s gone just like that. I really don’t understand, how did things come to this?”

“Sis and I have talked about Mo Li before. One is bound to pay a huge price in exchange for something they’re not fated to have.”

Long Tianze placed the glass onto the table and pulled Mei Yangyang into his embrace. “If it were me, I definitely wouldn’t put you through such torment,” he said.

She stroked his hair and said, “I know, you wouldn’t let me be aggrieved at all.”

Just as they fell asleep, Mo Li came to in the hospital.

Her lips were dry and cracked, and she squinted while scanning her surroundings. The smell of antiseptic solution wafted up to her nose, and she was surrounded by white walls.

Her parents were accompanying her by her bed.

None of the Ye family members were in sight.

Mo Li teared up and choked with sobs at the thought of her daughter.


Upon hearing her daughter’s hoarse voice, Mrs. Mo looked up and stepped forward together with Mr. Mo. “Mo Li, don’t cry. Father and Mother are here with you.”

Her parents were comforting her in the same way that they did whenever she fell ill as a child.

Mo Li held Mrs. Mo’s hand and said, “Nini is gone.”

Teary-eyed, Mrs. Mo nodded and answered, “I know.”

Mo Li could not contain her sadness and burst into tears again, causing her body to tense up and her wound to stretch.

“Don’t cry.” Mrs. Mo reached a hand out to wipe her tears.

After weeping for a while, Mo Li stopped crying and said, “I really don’t want to live anymore.”

Mrs. Mo felt as if she had been stabbed in her heart a million times. “What’s going to happen to me and your father if you’re dead? No matter what, we won’t let you continue living with Ye Xiaotian, regardless of what it takes. Once you’ve recovered, divorce him immediately and free yourself from such a torturous life.”

Staring blankly into space, Mo Li lamented, “I really regret it too. I regret marrying him after giving birth to Nini. I thought that he could give us a complete family. Seems like I was wrong.”

Although there were days of bliss, they were nothing compared to the pain and hardship she had had to endure.

She’d been struck with a huge blow.

She had completely given up on Ye Xiaotian and no longer wanted to see him ever again.

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