The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 703 - A Million Times for You (65)

Chapter 703: A Million Times for You (65)

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Mrs. Ye humphed and said, “There’s a heating blanket in the ancestral hall, she won’t freeze. We’re feeding her well too. I won’t treat her harshly on account of Xiaotian and also because she’s carrying my grandson in her womb.”

“I can tell she’s really stubborn. Sis, you’re causing a strain on their relationship.”

“Whatever, it might just be a blessing in disguise. Could that shameless wretch have married Xiaotian if she wasn’t pregnant with Jiani back then? She couldn’t conceive a son so I went around looking for ways to help her give birth to one. Yet, she was still so worried and afraid of everything. What’s the use of having such a stubborn and uncooperative daughter-in-law? He didn’t marry her solely to give her a good life,” Mrs. Ye said nonchalantly.


“If she doesn’t give birth to the son she’s carrying now, I’ll make sure Xiaotian divorces her and kick her out of this house! There are plenty of women waiting to marry Xiaotian,” she added.


Having overheard their conversation, Ye Jiani gripped onto the railing tightly while standing in the corridor. She was old enough to understand what her grandmother had meant. She then slowly made her way upstairs, hanging her head low in dejection.

She finished her homework, wrote in her diary, and headed downstairs for dinner while remaining quiet throughout.

After dinner, Ye Jiani finally broke her silence and said, “Grandma, I want to sleep with Daddy tonight.”

“Your daddy has had a long and tiring day at work, don’t disturb him from getting his rest. Be good and go upstairs to sleep,” Mrs. Ye refused.

“No, I just want to sleep with Daddy tonight. I’m going to wait for him at the door.”

She wanted to tell her father not to divorce her mother even if she doesn’t give birth to her little brother.

Mrs. Ye did not bother restraining her granddaughter and watched her walk out of the door.

Ye Jiani made her way to her parents’ mansion and waited in the living room for Ye Xiaotian. However, he did not show up even after a long time.

At last, she had no choice but to call Ye Xiaotian using the handset.

“Daddy, what time will you be coming home?”

“I won’t be going home tonight. I have to work overtime today, so I’ll be sleeping in the office. Do you miss Daddy already?”

“Yes, I miss you. I want to sleep together with you, Daddy. I have something to say to you too,” Ye Jiani said softly.

Despite being extremely troubled and vexed, Ye Xiaotian nonetheless spoke to her patiently, “What would you like to say to me?”

“Daddy… could you stay married to Mommy forever and never divorce her? Don’t ever abandon her, okay?”

Taken aback by her words, Ye Xiaotian answered, “I’m not thinking of divorcing your mommy or abandoning her.”

Ye Jiani felt relieved to hear his answer and said in her puerile voice, “That’s good. Daddy, don’t tire yourself out. You must sleep early, okay?”

Her caring words warmed Ye Xiaotian’s heart. “Okay, I know. Go to bed early too. I’ll bring you out for good food tomorrow.”


Ye Jiani’s mood was lifted after ending the call, and she skipped back to her grandmother’s mansion merrily.

Ye Jiani slowed down in her tracks while treading on the slippery snow. Just as she was about to reach Mrs. Ye’s mansion, she caught sight of a snowman nearby.

The light from the street lamp made the snowman appear much more appealing.

Her eyes glistened, and she scurried toward the snowman merrily.

Due to the fact that the ground was rather slippery, Ye Jiani slipped and fell onto the ground just before she reached the snowman, and the impact sent her gliding across the snow-covered ground toward the swimming pool.

The tiles near the pool were much more slippery than those of the other paths.

She supported her weight and struggled to get up on her feet, wincing in pain. She blew some air onto her hands to soothe and alleviate the pain.

However, she lost her balance yet again and fell onto the ground once more the moment she took a step forward.

This time, she fell straight inside the pool.

There was only a small amount of water inside the pool at the moment. Due to the fact that it was wintertime, the pool was already emptied long ago.

The water left in the pool was from the snowy showers and had accumulated to a knee-deep depth.

Ye Jiani let out a piercing shriek when she plunged inside and soon fell silent right after.

It snowed heavily that evening, and no servants passed by the pool.

Noticing that it was getting late, Mrs. Ye asked the servants if Ye Xiaotian was home yet, to which they answered no.

Mrs. Ye decided to give Ye Xiaotian a call, only to hear that he would not be going home that night.

She did not think much about it and instructed the servants to bring Ye Jiani home.

The servants soon returned to tell her that Ye Jiani was not around while Ye Xiaotian’s servant reported that Ye Jiani had left after speaking to Ye Xiaotian on the phone.

Sensing that something was amiss, Mrs. Ye immediately instructed the servants to search for Ye Jiani.

After confirming that her granddaughter did not leave the premises of the mansion, she ordered them to search within the Ye family mansion.

However, Ye Jiani was nowhere to be found.

Thus, they had no choice but to watch the footage of the surveillance cameras in the backyard.

They were greeted with a terrorizing sight.

Mrs. Ye frantically rushed to the pool and yelled her granddaughter’s name while trying to search for her with a torchlight. She had a feeling that her granddaughter had fallen inside and suffered an injury that was hindering her from crawling back up.

Yet, she almost fainted in shock the moment she shone her torchlight on the pool.

To her astonishment, Ye Jiani was lying flat in a pool of blood.

“What are you waiting for? Carry her out!” Mrs. Ye screeched.

Her loud shriek snapped the terrorized servants out of their trance as they hurriedly proceeded to carry Ye Jiani out of the pool.

“Jiani! Jiani! Don’t scare Grandma!” Mrs. Ye cried, patting Ye Jiani’s face.

Mr. Ye hurriedly rushed forward and tried to perform cardiac-pulmonary resuscitation on his granddaughter, but to no avail. She had already stopped breathing.

“Hurry and call Xiaotian!” he hollered.

Mrs. Ye snapped back to reality and immediately ordered the servants to call Ye Xiaotian.

Ye Xiaotian could not believe what he had just heard. He could not believe that his daughter had already left this world, despite having just spoken to him over the phone not long ago.

He rushed home like a madman and stared at Ye Jiani, whose face had turned purple and whose head was covered in blood. He simply could not believe his eyes.

He held her lifeless body in his embrace and wept in overwhelming agony.

Ye Xiaotian sunk into despair after watching the surveillance camera footage.

“Daddy… could you stay married to Mommy forever and never divorce her? Don’t ever abandon her, okay?”

“Daddy, don’t tire yourself out. Go to bed early.”

Mrs. Ye hung her head low and wailed uncontrollably. Ye Xiaotian’s brother, sister-in-law, and niece had also made their way there.

A somber mood filled the air.

Yet, Mo Li was still being kept in the dark about the matter.

Mrs. Ye did not plan to let her know for the time being. However, Ye Xiaotian ignored her instructions and told the servants to bring Mo Li to the scene, though he was not going to tell her what had happened yet.

Thus, Mo Li still did not know what had happened to her daughter when she arrived at the door.

She was greeted with the sight of Ye Jiani drenched in blood and soaked from head to toe, her eyes tightly shut and her face purple.

Mo Li froze in shock and rubbed her eyes hard to ensure that she was not seeing things.

She stumbled slightly and yelled, “Nini!”

She sprinted forward and screeched, “Just what’s going on? What happened to Nini? What happened to my daughter? Ye Xiaotian! Speak up!”

“Nini has fallen into the pool… According to the surveillance camera footage, she sprinted toward a snowman near the pool and slipped…” Ye Xiaotian said in a hoarse voice.

“Wasn’t there no water inside the pool?”

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