The Villain's Story

Chapter 692: [692] Kizmal(4).

Chapter 692: [692] Kizmal(4).

He could not do it, despite all of his efforts, Alan failed to bring the Giant down, the fragment of Kizmal was far, far too powerful for him.

Whatever he tried, the giant would simply shrug it off. Worst of all, he could hardly even do anything… Whatever he had learned was useless.

His very being was electricity itself, even stepping on his body as a human, or climbing it as a dragon was futile, the electricity would paralyze him within moments.

The fragment of Kizmal was a beast, one he had no chance at taking down. He was of the opinion that things were going well, but he was wrong…

The fragment was strong, his skill had a short cooldown of only thirty minutes, thirty minutes… and he was able to use the eviscerating beams of energy again.

And that was not his only skill, he could summon storms with lightning that chased you around, lightning so powerful his scales would be helpless against it.

He could not block it either, whatever defense he set up, the lightning strikes would pierce it easily. His sturdy shields were useless.

He was helpless, and he could not do anything about it.

‘How did Lanesha beat that thing…?’

He wondered as he made his way back towards the platform, he was inside the tunnel, now filled with his blood. How did Lanesha kill the Original Kizmal?

Just how did she do it? Alan actually knew the answer. He had already figured out how to kill Kizmal, there was simply one obstruction.

The fragment of Kizmal was not immortal, the rate of its regeneration was insignificant. It could bleed, therefore, it could die.

There was only one problem, the paralysis. Getting close to the giant and harming him physically was the only way he could kill it, it could counter magic powerful enough to harm it easily.

Like how it did with his [Supreme Meteor], Alan was certain his skill was powerful enough to deal a fatal wound to the accursed giant, but the giant was intelligent.

It knew… it knew very well what it could take, and what would be too much for it. The fragment would never give Alan the chance to utilize a [Supreme Meteor]. It would never give him the chance unless there was a sufficient distraction.

A way to kill it would be to go up and personal, but then, the paralysis was an issue. His weapons could pierce it’s skin, sever its flesh, but would he be able to survive the onslaught that would follow?

Even standing on the Giant’s skin would paralyze him in a few seconds, and he was not even talking about the filthy blood. That scalding, electrifying blood bested his regeneration.


Alan sighed, seeing the light at the other side of the tunnel, and the sound of the waves. It was soothing, it was good for his mind. He could have teleported to the platform and saved him some time, but he preferred this.

His best bet was for him and Kazikato to survive the initial onslaught, evade those beams at any cost… and then immediately after Kazikato would have to get to work. He would have to distract the fragment of Kizmal while Alan prepared a few [Supreme Meteors].

He could make it work… He needed to make it work.

But he needed to be sure, he needed to verify if those annihilating beams were all the Giant had, he hoped they were his strongest attack…

He was aware of how stupid that hope was, after all, the giant was not a senseless monster, and no one would be stupid enough to use their strongest attack at the start of the fight. No

one was.

“He must have something else… another trump card.”

Alan was sticking to his plan, of raining down [Supreme Meteors]. But he needed assurance, he figured he would have to fight the Fragment of Kizmal a few more times to see if it had any more abilities.

He had to it alone as well, He could not force Kazikato to suffer, repeating the relentless assaults just for getting information. He could not force him to do that… He did not have his regeneration to help him.

Alan would have to it alone…and he was at peace with it. He would be able to perform his best if he did not have to worry about somebody else.

Alan reached the end of the tunnel, but before he stepped outside, he put on a new set of pants. He would need to make a new trip to Earth soon enough… for clothing. The fight with the fragment would reduce everything to shreds, either that would, or his own transformation.

He always forgot to put his damn clothes in his inventory when he transformed.

Alan stepped out of the tunnel, and was graced by the cerulean light of the sea, the rustling of the waves…and…

Everybody else, who were apparently having a small picnic in the middle of the platform, huddled around a small campfire, which provided them both warmth and the facility to cook. Alice, Olivia, Alex, Azmakul, Kazikato, Sabrina, Maxwell, Emma, and her brother were all in the middle of eating.

Alan let out a sigh, shocked to see Azmakul enjoying a ham sandwich.

“Prince, the food of Earth is spectacular!”


Everybody was looking at him, and his face was not a pretty sight to see, especially when it was angry at a certain dragon.

Kazikato scooted to the side, taking a few sandwiches with him as he got as far as possible from Azmakul.

“I told you not to bring them here.”

Azmakul finished a sandwich, and replied.

“I am aware.”

“So why are they here?!”

“Because you need their strengths to defeat it, and they are definitely able to help you, I can

guarantee that.”

Everybody looked at him with a strange gaze, more so because he was shirtless and the bloodline mark of the Phoenix, and the mark of James, the Jade serpent. He heard a whistle


Alan remained calm, hiding how furious he was within, and asked.

“Oh really, and how? It won’t even take a second for them to be obliterated.”

“Hey, I feel hurt.”

“Not you, Alex.”

“I feel hurt too.”

“Sabrina, no…”

“I’m completely fine with staying here.”

“Nobody is bringing you there, Max!”

He let out a flurry of curses, before sitting down near the campfire and grabbing the piece of

meat cooking over it for himself. He took a big bite.

“That was still raw…”

Alice’s disgusted voice rang out, but he ignored it. Finishing the piece of meat in a second. With the way he was right now, he didn’t care if what he was eating was raw or not…

Unlike a human, a dragon could handle raw meat.

After finishing it, he asked for more, and only then did he realize.

Taking a deep look at Sabrina, he noticed something.

‘Is her hair… longer?’

“What? Flabbergasted?”

It was only a doubt at first, but when she flicked her hair full of confidence, he became certain

of it. Her hair had grown longer. He didn’t mind the change much. Awakened could grow their

hair pretty easily, as easily as they could change its color.

That was not the only change, Alexander had a small beard…? It was a developing, but it was definitely there. His memory was not the best, but he knew it was not that bad. Alexander certainly did not have facial hair the last time he saw him.

But he excused that as well, even if it was strange. He had a bloodline, so it must have undoubtedly affected him.

He did wonder how long it took Dragons to develop facial hair, and if Sabrina liked it or not. He hoped Ice dragons did grow facial hair when they were older…

He was not having icicles for a beard like Azmakul…absolutely not. Not only would they be a hassle, but they would look strange as well.

But then another change caught him by surprise. Previously, his nose had been occupied with the scent of meat, but now, it picked up something else. The scent of herbs, and other strange things, all coming from a simple person.

He looked over at Alice, and approached her, taking a big whiff, as the girl almost went white

with fright.

He found the smell to be pleasant, but that was all, he sat down again and picked up a ham


Maxwell let out a sigh as he looked at Alan eating a dozen sandwiches at once, and shook his


Alexander chuckled as he laid down on the platform. Sabrina looked at him with a deadly

glare, and Azmakul sighed.


Alan looked up, his eyes clearly expressing the word.


Azmakul did not answer, instead he just looked at him with awe, dumbfounded awe, but awe.

The ancient dragon could not believe it, almost, and instructed Alan to use [Mana Sense].

Alan obliged, and then he finally realized…

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