The Villain's Story

Chapter 681: [681] Fall.

Chapter 681: [681] Fall.

He ventured into the deep fog once more, this time, aware of its working and how it will do it’s best to make him fall.

Alan was hesitant, but prepared this time. It did not take him long to reach the part of the fog where the voices ran rampant, He blocked his ears with mana, reducing the effects of the voices.

But in turn, the nausea and other losses were amplified. It was as if the fog knew of his efforts, and was responding to them.

‘Darned thing.’

He was slow, this time, making sure all of his limbs were glued to the surface of the shaft, encased in layers of thick ice. His regeneration battled against the effects of the sharp wind.

Soon enough, he was unable to see even his own self, the fog had obscured everything, He did not even know if he was going up.

‘At least I am not going down…’

He may not know if he was even going up right now, but he knew for sure he wasn’t falling down. He was pretty sure about that one… Nevertheless, it didn’t take a while for the fog to start performing illusions.

He saw his friends in impossible situations, at the verge of death, calling for help. He took a deep breath, shaking away the afflictions.

Suppressing the urge to vomit, he closed his eyes, blindly moving upward, at least he thought he was moving upward.

The voices were getting louder, and at some points, Alan even felt physical touch. Various hands, each different from the last, reaching out to him, grasping his body.

It was hard to shake them off, but he persevered. He could ignore the illusions, the voices, and even disregard physical touch to a great degree, but the nausea and confusion was getting to him.

His regeneration could deal with the cuts appearing on his body due to the winds, but it was helpless against nausea.

“I really…fucking hate mind attacks.”

He could not even hear his voice as of this moment, even his own thoughts were a blur. But he was getting used to it, that was a relief.

He was building up a resistance, ignoring the pleas and the desperate attempts to pull him off. The phantoms were losing their effectiveness every minute.



He stopped for a moment, doubting his ears. The voices had subsided, and so did the physical manifestations…instead he heard something else. Something different.



A thought emerged in his mind, what if he was inside am abomination that emerged from Kizmal? What if he was inside a monster, a type of thrall that Kizmal birthed for revenge. That thought sent shivers down his spine.

Why else was he hearing the sound of thunder? Azmakul did mention that the thralls birthed from Kizmal’s undying thirst for vengeance possessed the attributes of lightning.

He may have joked they were an endless source of renewable energy… but right now he was not laughing at it. If this fog really was a mystical creature that was birthed from the remains of a supreme giant thirsty for revenge and revival… Wouldn’t its greatest priority be killing the son of the dragon that ended Kizmal, their creator.

He stopped, completely, sweat pouring down his chin even in this cold, abominable weather.


Surely not, it was simply his imagination running wild. Those thralls were inside his body, in the hollow regions of his bones… Right?


Another awkward laugh escaped as Alan fearfully opened his eyes, the sound of thunder rampant in his ears. The voices were gone, the illusions were gone, and even the nausea was receding.

Before, he may have been ecstatic about it, but his instincts were telling him that something was coming.

He released one hand from the surface of the spear and summoned the Ame-No-Sakahoko, lamenting at his position, it would be hard to do any battle here, not only was his footing not stable, but the winds were preventing him from using all his strength.

“Come on…”

Alan muttered, anxiously waiting for any creature to come at him from the smoke, he was in a disadvantageous position. He could not even see where the monster would lunge at him, the fog obscured his vision greatly.


The sound of the thunder grew more rampant, grew closer, and with each crackle, Alan tensed up, waiting for the eventual encounter with bated breath.


The thunder was heard once more, but this time, it was accompanied by lightning. A lightning bolt of immense proportions stuck suddenly from above.

Alan withstood the first strike, though it may have taken him by surprise, he was strong enough to withstand it.

But there were more, a total of seventeen lightning bolts, each greater than the last struck him, one after the other, without delay. The ice encasing his hands disappeared, as Alan’s muscles failed to work, numb.


Only the ice on his left foot still remained, Alan fell down, barely held onto the spear by it. It would take him a moment to regain control of his muscles.

But the fog would not give him that chance, one final lightning bolt struck him straight in the head, knocking him unconscious.

And sending his body tumbling down.


Alan woke up, jerking his head up as he let out a scream, his wings unfurled, trying to fly up and avoid the devastating fall.


The tone of his voice gradually lowered as he realized where he was, there was no monument of a spear in front of him, dwarfing the tallest mountains back on Earth, there was no comforting cold, not even a single speck of snow.

Instead, there was the crackling of thunder, in a realm of darkness, where the floor beneath was like a sea, but not at the same time.

Gasping for breath, he performed a check on himself, and looked around. He was back in the realm of his dreams, where Valus and Aranus fought, the world of darkness where he learned about the Shape-shifter of the divine, Trickster of the Profane.

He was back where he had left it, only this time, the fearsome battle between the two dragons had yet to begin. There were no deadly shockwaves or blasts of energy threatening to kill him.


He had been avoiding sleep in order to not come back here, yet that damn fog had knocked him unconscious. He was expecting a monster to come at him, wielding lightning… Not

lightning itself.

He descended to the ground, making sure he thought of it as such, to try not to drown in the endless darkness.

He seeked refuge in the remains of a building nearby, it was the same church where he had found the information of the Shape shifter of the divine, Trickster of the Profane.

He walked over to the broken statue, but found nothing there this time. He sighed and sat down on one of the benches, the few that were still intact, and stared at the statue of Valus.

“Fucking hell…”

He cursed, distraught by everything.

“Lanesha, Ariel, Suleras? Anyone there?”

He called out, hoping for one of them to answer at the very least. They were all dragons, the strongest among them too. He didn’t expect anything from Suleras, or Lanesha either, but

wanted a response from Ariel.

He planned to visit her, whenever she would allow him into her realm, and get her to spill everything about Valus. He was certain these dreams were an encounter Aranus had with the dragon, but he was unaware why James wanted him to see this.

He knew it was definitely James doing this, sending him here or making him have these…

dreams. He had done it before, Alan just didn’t know why.

‘Just what does the bastard want…’

He hoped his body was okay, back on Lanekia, at least. His regeneration would keep him alive,

but it would be slower than usual if he was not commanding it. He only hoped that by the time

he woke up, he wouldn’t be in pain. He hoped his bones and flesh would have recovered


Alan simply sat at the bench for a while, collecting his thoughts and focusing on the statue of Valus inside the church, waiting for when the fighting was about to begin. Waiting for when it would be time to run for his life. His gaze was focused on his statue, wondering why people prayed to him.

He had many questions for Ariel, many. But he also had to be careful, lest the old granny would become livid and may kill him. He had no doubt in his mind that her temper would lead

her to that.

An hour or two passed, and eventually, the roars of the two colossal dragons threatened to rip

his ears apart. Alan stood up from the bench and went outside, looking at their silhouettes ripping each other out above the dark clouds.

The shockwaves and bursts of energy began to appear, and then he started running.

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