The Villain's Story

Chapter 674: [674] Metals!

Chapter 674: [674] Metals!

“So, our predictions were correct. That’s a surprise.”

“Huh? What?”

Elijah took a step back, confused. He lingered idly for a moment before asking.

“What do you mean? What predictions?”

Serena, examining a sample of Emberium, looked up at him and smiled.

“What else do you think dummy? Father sent us, or more importantly, you here for a reason. He has his ways of knowing things. These materials manifest in dungeons, but none are present on Earth but now? There is plenty to go around… We don’t have to participate absurd amounts to the dwarves anymore.

He probably sent you here to extract all of these materials yourself. The normal procedures would take far too long.”

Elijah looked at her with disbelief, feeling betrayed, he asked.

“… So you all knew what kind of minerals would be down there? So why did you even send me down?”

He couldn’t understand, ignoring Harrison’s strange ways of knowing things, if he did truly know, then what was the need for him to go down?

He had been ordered by the man to take a closer look himself to find out what he could… But why if Harrison already knew?!

“I’m asking for a raise…”

He sighed, massaging his head and sitting down on the ground. Serena chuckled, wishing him luck.

“Emberium, Pyroxium, Flare steel, and Cinder steel… While we don’t know about cinder steel, the rest can be worked with. Emberium and Pyroxium can be used for weapons and smithing, whilst Flare steel for energy…”

Elijah silently listened to her mumble as she examined small samples. The bigger ones he had excavated were being handled by the other experts, who were all visibly drooling and ignoring all of his warnings.

Men of science were difficult to understand… But women of science? Another breed. He had no idea what was going on in Serena’s head, where was the cold and terrifying girl he loved?

She was currently replaced by a curious girl who couldn’t help but try to understand everything on this planet. She wouldn’t ever admit it, but she resembled her father right now.

Still, he found it nice to see. She was much cuter when she wasn’t insane…

As he was drowned in his thoughts, he heard her speak.

“I appreciate the looks, but you have something to do. Something you’ll find fun.”

Elijah listened to her intently, focusing on her face with extreme precision.

“You need to do three things, first is hunt some monsters so we can start production, with our skills, we would need the help of those mammoths or yetis crawling around here to calm the fiery nature of those metals downs… And secondly, you need to mine ignitium.”

“Absolutely not.”

Elijah declined. He was more than eager to help with the first task of hunting the monsters of the ice element rampant around these areas, but mine Ignitium?

Absolutely not. Just touching the material once had almost killed him! He had to use almost every thing at his immediate disposal to calm that wretched thing down!

And now he was supposed to mine it? That was absurd.

If he made a single mistake down there, it could result in the entire ravine collapsing down on him. The ‘crack’ in Gigantia would become his tomb!

“That ravine would collapse in on me! I’ll stick to hunting the monsters.”

He would deny it till his last breath! He was not going anywhere near that material until contact with Agri was not restored.

“Unfortunately, dad wants it. And he wants it really bad. So you have to get it. I notified him of its existence, so whether you like it or not, you have to get it. Don’t worry, he should send us something soon, something like the method to extract it. In the meantime, you can get to hunting. Please?”

Okay, maybe he would listen once.

“It better be safe…”

The smile on her face immediately brightened when he said he was willing to do it. With a cheeky grin, she said.

“If it’s possible, take Gary with you, he’s like Alan, except I can actually bully him! He should be able to open a portal down there and get you out.”


Elijah remained silent, not having the heart to tell her she was wrong. Taking Gary with him, despite the cost would be useless.

He heard it from Gary and Agri themselves, one a user of the space element and the other a supreme dragon. Portals were extremely fragile, opening one fown there would be impossible.

Even Alan wouldn’t be able to do it. The mana currents would destroy it before it could even completely form.

“Also, don’t call it ravine, just call it the crack. The term ravine doesn’t fit this thing. Where did you even get it from?”

“A game…”


Embarrassed, he stood up and left, Serena went on to do her thing, so he thought he would take a look at what Gary was doing before going out to hunt.

The lad was busy constructing a portal. While it was made with the same materials as the one in Gigantium, it was half the size. The frame had been built, and Gary was busy inscribing various symbols on it.

Gary was simply copying what Alan did at the original portal. After all, unlike Alan, he didn’t have a guide. The youth was trying to construct a portal, improvising with whatever little knowledge he had.

He watched Gary for a while, making sure not to disturb him. It wouldn’t do good to disturb him and accidently cause a big problem

What if the portal didn’t work because of him? Gary wouldn’t blame him… But Harrison would chew him alive. He already knew that man was waiting on the other side, where a similar portal had been built, waiting to step onto this planet himself.

Gary finished pretty quickly, and Elijah left as soon as the portal started to work. Gary’s portals were different from Alan’s, they weren’t blue, but rather a shade of green.

They were still just as effective, however.

As he saw the portal materialize, he was about to leave when he suddenly jerked his head

towards the north.

‘What is Alan doing here?’

He questioned in his mind, feeling the presence of a particular dragon.

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