The Villain's Story

Chapter 607: [607] War... and a trip.

Chapter 607: [607] War… and a trip.

“The dragons and the God beasts…”

Ragnar muttered with a forlorn expression. Indeed, if harrisons confidence bore fruit and they did not lose the war with the demons…

Humanity would still be annihilated.

Because after all, they were only at war with one out of who knows how many layers. It was just one.

If they won the war against it, who said the other layers won’t take advantage of the weakened state of Earth and attack?

Ragnar believed in Harrison, but he knew Earth and it’s forces would be exhausted from the initial war. Demons, known for holding grudges would surely attack. The other layers would swarm them.

So, to be safe from that and be given time to recover from the war… They needed protection.

The species alliance, headed by the Elves, Orcs and dwarves that also had a multitude of other races in them wouldn’t work. Each of them were dealing with their own problems and the demons wouldn’t care about their name.

They could still offer some help, but it wouldn’t be much. Above them were the celestial race. “The celestials…”

But that was the true enemies of the demons, and also the one species occupying their strongest and greatest.

The other layers of the abyss were filled with more monsters than demons, the main layers in the war with the celestials were different…

Ragnar didn’t know much about the Celestials and the Demons of the seventy two layers… So he couldn’t be so sure about his thoughts.

“We have two contacts with both apex forces.”


Intrigued, he looked at Harrison with newfound admiration. He could guess who the contact with the dragons Harrison in mind was… But the man had contacted the God beasts as well?

“Titan has a relation with one of their supreme beings… I don’t know what that rank supposedly details, but apparently they are the true rulers. I also don’t know the details of their relationship as well, but it’s a good bet.”

He continued.

“You are our connection with the dragons… I hope your existence as one will be enough to gather some protection… Although…”

Harrison continues on with his ramblings, proposing ideas and thoughts continuously. Ragnar signed, taking back his admiration.

“Harrison, my bloodline did not evolve, I was given the chance to become a dragon by His Highness, Agri, the Supreme of Fire.”


With how Harrison had phrases himself, It was clear to think that he thought Ragnar had become an epic being by his own strength. He was of the opinion that Ragnar’s bloodline, that of the Red Drake, had evolved and he ascended. He was wrong.

Ragnar had his limit as a drake long ago, The chance encounter with Elijah had given him the hammer he needed to break that wall.


Although now his loyalty resided with someone else. It was funny! Ragnar and Harrison could be considered equals in terms of status and strength in the past, but now Ragnar was stronger, without a doubt. Both status and strength.

But the funny thing was! His ‘boss’ worked under the man in front of him! Furthermore, the man was oblivious!

He couldn’t help but laugh, Harrison meanwhile had a relaxed expression on his face. “So, the dragons are our best bet?”

Harrison did not mind that he was wrong, in fact, he was glad that Ragnar was valued or someone important. To him, it was as if a large burden had been removed from his shoulders.

“Yeah, we have more connections to the dragons than we have the god beasts. Besides, I don’t trust Daniel Parker, He gives off a wrong feeling.”

“Explain a bit more about connections…”

“Well, It’s not as if we need to beg them to take us in their wing. We actually have a choice, among the dragons.”

Harrison still could not understand. Ragnar sighed and explained.

“There are…houses in the Dragon Empire. 5 of them actually, each led by a being we cannot even fathom. Ancients who were there when the very universe we live in was formed. Between these five houses, we have a choice…”

Harrison’s muscles tensed almost instinctively, He felt an unknown pressure form around him. He was unable to say even a word.

“The house of War, One which his Highness Agri is part of. And the other is the house of Death. We can choose which house to go into.”

Harrison was still unable to say a word, He could only watch as Ragnar suddenly became serious, his complacent demeanor disappears.

“Elijah Ardor, The one who gave me the opportunity to ascend, is the Heir of Fire, Chosen of his Highness Agri himself. Just ask him, and he will talk with his Guardian Dragon, and our entry is smooth into the house of War.”

Harrison trembled, still mute. There was a strange look in his eyes, Ragnar gave him a moment to collect himself.

“You…mentioned two.”

His voice was hesitant, but excited. Hidden possibilities that he did could not even think of were suddenly open! Suddenly in his prowess to do, to choose!

“What was the other…?”

Ragnar looked at him for a moment, and smiled.

“The house of Death. You already know of Alan Peccator, Don’t you?”

Harrison stayed silent, waiting for Ragnar to continue. Ragnar understood the gesture and


“Alan Peccator, and Kazikato Shimoshino, are the chosen of two beings from the House of Death.”

Alan was Lanesha’s chosen, and Kazikato could said to be Shi, or rather Ariel’s chosen since his mother had died. Ragnar was still unaware that Alan was now potentially the House of Death’s Successor, their heir.

He just knew Lanesha was his guardian dragon. Not more than that. He was oblivious to the


“So two houses, That is our choice.”

Harrison stood up, and after walking back and forth around Ragnar’s office, he turned his back

towards him, and said.

“Complete your evolution, or whatever process that is. I have some work to do.”


Ragnar called his name, which stopped Harrison’s tracks, who was going towards the door.

“Do not let your ambition and this information cloud your judgement.”

Harrison opened the door, and before leaving, said.

“If those things truly did cloud my judgement, I would be dead already.”

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