The Villain's Story

Chapter 489 [489] The crystal Spear(2)

Chapter 489 [489] The crystal Spear(2)

Once again, Alan entered through the crack. He squeezed himself and the crystal spear inside, and carefully dodged the piles of crystals he had set up.

Seeing the snake rush at him, he grabbed the spear with one hand and picked up a crystal. And threw it with all his might.


The snake hissed, and as it slithered towards it prey, it noticed the familiar glint of the dangerous crystals. It weaved with its scaly body and dodged the crystal, only to be met with four more coming right at it.

One hit it close to its jaw, the others on its body. Enraged, it marched forth again, managing to drive its prey to a corner.

Swiftly, a large portion of its body’s appeared from the darkness and covered the crack. The snake hissed in pain as the abundance of crystals around the crack, which were like walls, ripped into its skin, but it was satisfied.

No longer would the prey be able to run away. All it needed to do was keep that part of its body there.

Its body was huge, it could possibly cover this entire space, but the snake had never tried it, so it wasn’t too keen on it.

A few more crystals were thrown at it, and its crystal like skin was cut apart and blood oozed out. It hissed, but it did not move. It, in an attempt to do so with its peculiar face, smiled at the human, like it was saying.

‘You can’t run now.’

It slowly moved towards Alan, thinking the large crystal in his hand was merely another projectile. It was so sick of them, it was the only thing it could think about. And it longed to rip its prey apart. Or even strangle its prey.

“Come on…”

Alan said, waiting for it to approach so he could finally stab it. He knew the snake had its guard down against the crystal spear. Once it knew, it was incredibly dangerous… It would do it’s best to avoid it and stop playing with Alan.

It was slowly encircling him, and Alan calmly stood in the middle. The snake continued to get closer, finally showing some alarm at the crystal spear. It still thought it was a projectile and was ready for it. It was simply surprised why Alan had not thrown it.

Around five crystals were around Alan, all that he could throw at the snake. Alan bent down to pick one up, whilst keeping a vigilant eye on the snake.

The snake, seeing Alan bend down to pick a crystal. Slithered towards him with great speed. Determined to end him now.

“Fucking idiot.”

Alan said, as he jumped up, forgetting the crystals. Before the Snake could turn around, a wide gash was present on both of its eyes. Jelly like fluid, and its cut retinas, flowed out of the deep wounds along with blood. The snake writhed around, deprived of its sight, and went ballistic, trying to attack anywhere and everywhere. With its large body, it would be doing quite good if it wasn’t ramming into the crystals everywhere.

Soon, multiple deep wounds appeared on the body of the snake, all made by the spear in Alan’s hand. There was not a single inch of the poor bastard gushing blood in the light. As for the bit remaining in the dark, he didn’t know.

‘Stop moving!’

Alan yelled in his mind, not daring to make a sound in case the snake was aware of his location. He was thankful it was going ballistic. He didn’t want it to accurately lock onto his position.

‘Now… I just need to skewer its brain.’

He made up his mind and proceeded, slowly making his way towards the scaly bastard.

But, suddenly feeling his toes being cold, accompanied by the sound of water splashing, made him stop, frozen.

Chills went down his spine as he looked at the snake stop thrashing around, and stare directly at him with its slashed eyes.


He managed to say, as the snake rushed at him with a speed he had never seen it accomplish before. It was so quick, Alan was certain its body had disappeared for a moment.

It appeared in front of him, and without even knowing it he was already in the snake’s mouth, ready to be pierced by the fangs and swallowed whole.

He didn’t know if that thing had venom, but he wasn’t willing to experiment it. He held the crystal spear high and stabbed it right into the snake’s upper mouth.

A shockwave went through his body as the snake hissed in pain again, the spear was lodged between both ends of its mouth, and it struggled to close it. It eventually gave up.

It knew trying more would make the spear pierce its brain, killing it instantly. What it didn’t know was Alan was betting on that to happen.

And he would do anything to make sure it did. Running towards the snake, he kicked it’s lower jaw up. Trying to cause even more damage on the inside.


He said, as he grabbed the upper and lower parts of its jaw and used each and every bit of his strength to close them together, to make it easier, He kicked some crystals down it’s throat to hasten and ease the process.

It obliterated the skin and bones of his foot, but it would do. He hoped that thing would die soon.

“Come on!”

He yelled once again, as the snake writhed around violently, trying to shake him off. Its body destroyed the surroundings quickly. Harming itself more.

“Come on!”

He yelled again, and again, as he used every bit of strength he had to close that darn mouth!

Suddenly, he felt as if he had done it. But an impact threw him against the wall. The snake’s body had collided with him. He collapsed to the ground, blood leaking from his gritted teeth. He stood up, picking up a crystal around to throw at the snake.

But there was no need. The snake was dead. The top of the spear escaping its skull.


He questioned, slowly moving towards it to confirm the kill. After confirming, it was dead, he thought maybe the last attack was a dying struggle.


He collapsed to the ground once again, his butt feeling cold from the water. He looked at the body of the snake evaporate and sighed in relief.

“When is the trial clear notification coming…?”

He was tired of waiting around, He raised his head and noticed that the throne was glowing. It wasn’t the blue light like always, but a mixture of blue and green. It was teal.

Alan, tired, went over to it and looked at it closely. He observed the darkness behind it as well. As well as the words that were written. They were the same.

“The special ability of the humans, to create a domain to rule.”

They were the same, Alan went to the throne once again. And after confirming no more snakes would appear, He, like any normal person, would think of doing…

Sat on the throne.


It was ice-cold, colder than the previous time he sat on it.

“So…is nothing going to happen?”

He sounded disappointed. He expected something grand to happen, but there was nothing. No clear notification…nothing. He hoped the tower wouldn’t force him to go into the darkness behind the throne.

“Please don’t make me go towards the dark- argh!”

Spikes suddenly appeared, piercing his wrists and calves. The throne was a trap! Smaller, but sharp spikes appeared from all around the throne, piercing his organs, his neck, and even his head. Surprisingly, there was no blood.

Alan couldn’t see it anyway, his eyes had long been pierced by the spikes. He only tried to cry out in pain. Finally, a large spike erupted from his chest. And Alan fell limp. ๐˜ช๐˜ฆ.๐˜ค๐‘œ

The throne glowed once again, but the veins this time seemed to flow inwards, towards Alan, contrary to last time when they illuminated the entire palace.

Alan no longer moved, most of his body was covered by the spikes and nothing could be made sense of. Whether it was a person or a bunch of spikes on the throne? No one could figure it out.

No one was here to figure it out as well.

However, the spikes, slowly retreated back into the throne. The smaller ones did it first, retreating back into the throne. Surprisingly, there were no wounds! The places where the spikes erupted from were fine! Not a single scratch.

The largest spike disappeared as well, and Alan, covered in a crystal armour emerged, his head fell, but he remained seated. His chest heave up and down, indicating that he was alive and breathing. Just unconscious.

The palace breathed with him. The veins pulsed in accordance with his chest.

It was as if the palace, the entire area…was alive.

Updated from ๐‘–๐˜ฆ.๐’ธ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ

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