The Villain's Story

Chapter 483 [483] The death of the pope!

Chapter 483 [483] The death of the pope!

The news spread like wildfire. Though it didn’t reach Stefan, who was sleeping in his room.

James made it spread fast intentionally within the church, and slowly be revealed to the outer areas as well.

It was no longer a secret in mere hours, Everyone, and ‘everyone’ knew about it. All but one.

Stefan was still sleeping in his room, James had ordered for no one to disturb him, as he needed to make a few preparations beforehand.

It didn’t take long for him to be done, Afterwards, he simply told the knight to go inform him of the disaster.

The knight approached his room, and James watched it go. The rest of the church were already in their positions.

The knight entered the room, and shook Stefan in order to wake him up.


[Stefan Caravel POV, Church]

“Cardinal Stefan.”

I heard a voice wake me up from my slumber, it was not long before I heard it again.

“Cardinal Stefan.”

It was the voice of my knight. Tired, I woke up with lethargic eyes and asked him what was wrong. The look of distress on his face didn’t provide me with any calm. And whatever the matter was, it must have been important if he deemed waking me up to be necessary.

“What is it?”

I asked, my throat was dry, and my lips were cracked. Furthermore, it was hard to see far away due to my eyes having not adjusted to the bright light of my room.

‘Huh? Bright light?’

There were not any bright lights in my room…only the other bishops and cardinals used them. All I had was a simple lamp and my window. The latter, which should only be blowing cold wind at this time.

However, I shook this worry off and awaited the knight’s answer.


“What is it? Tell me.”

The knight seemed to hesitate when answering me. This only increased my worry.

Finally, after much suspense. He finally said it.

“The pope had returned to the lord.”



I could not believe it.

I simply…just could not, even though his lifeless body was in front of my very eyes. His dead body was in front of me, surrounded by clerics and the others…

I still refused to believe it.

How? I had personally done an examination on him and so… I knew his condition best! Even without the appropriate caretakers…he should still be alive for months more.

We were healing him every day, with all of our divine power and artefacts… He was sure to recover.

I had confirmed it, so it must be like that…so why? How?

The bishops surrounded his body, one final time they checked for his pulse but found nothing.

I moved ahead and frantically searched his body, looking for some, or any form of wounds I could find in order to confirm my suspicion of his death being an assassination…but I found nothing.

Even when I used my holy power, I found nothing. No poison, no wounds, no curse.

The pope, my master, had died just like that. It was a normal death.

“It seems your estimate was off… Sir Cardinal.”

A Bishop adorned in gold and jewellery answered.

‘…of course it is you who must bark first.’

Thought Stefan, as he stared at the Bishop with disgust.

“Mind your manners, Cardinal.”

Another said, as he noticed my eyes. I cursed inwardly and looked at my master.

“We should condu-”

“I believe we should select the next pope urgently.”

Another bishop interrupted me just as I was about to say we must conduct the pope’s funeral first.

My mouth was agape at the stupendous idea. Elect a new one? When the old one’s body is decaying on his bed?

Have you all gone mad? Senile? Or has the position robbed you of your common sense?

What has got into your lot?

I inquired within my mind, and just as I was about to reject such a preposterous notion, I was stopped.

“Yes, I believe it would be the right course of action.”



The bishop’s voice, laced with a hint of greed and envy, overshadowed me.

It was not just them, the cardinals had joined as well.

‘Shouldn’t you all be delaying it for as long as possible?!’

They were supposed to, for their own interests,to delay the election as much as they could. So they could curry favour with anyone they liked. The bishops as well…but why are they all so eager to start it?

Just what is going on? Have they all turned on me suddenly?


I know that they all have enmity with one another, they would not do this. They hate each other far more than they hate me.

“Cardinal Stefan.”

Without even waiting for me. The bishops and Cardinals had all left to go to the grand hall, where the election would take place. Only one lone priest had called out for me, wishing for me to come with them. I stood frozen in place, still a little shocked.

It was not with the pope’s death. I already had come to understand that, but it was because of how fast things were moving. We must have been conducting a proper funeral first… If the people are to be aware that we proceeded with the elections before the funeral…there will be an outrage!

An Outrage!

… They may even burn this entire place to the ground, The pope was that loved.

“Cardinal Stefan?”

The priest called out once again.

I, shocked, accompanied the priest.

As we walked along with the rest. I had come to terms with it. This is the day my death is decided. No one among them would wish for me t be the pope. Their previous attitude had confirmed it…

I do not know who will be the pope, but I do know that whoever it will be, will order for my execution.

‘Should I…run?’

I immediately threw that thought out. Not only was it out of character, but it was also impossible. The people’s trust in me, and the church, would be struck with an arrow like it was on their heart. And where would I even run…?

We had reached the Grand hall, along the way, I made a visit to the barbarian’s room and told him to flee. My name would offer him no protection, but would lead to his untimely demise. I found the smile he gave me odd…but I let go of it soon enough…

Not only that, but I…have lost. I have lost. π‘–π˜³.π’Έβ„΄π‘š

They all schemed against me! The bastards!

They have forgotten that most of them were but orphans who the pope nurtured out of kindness…


I sighed as I entered the grand hall and entered my position. Knowing my soon-to-be fate.

The high priestess, my final hope, did not even glance at me and announced.

“We have gathered here today to pray for the Pope, who has returned to the Lord in peace. And we have also gathered to discuss who will be the next pope.”


Hearing her speak… I was speechless yet again.

We have forgotten our tradition, Our customs, and our Religion. We know only of Power, greed, and envy…

We know only of evil, Of Sin.

”I apologize, my Lord. The church has fallen. Bless us one more time.”

The priestess, forgetting all her duties, listed the names of the candidates. Among them, there was also my name among those of the bishops.

“And Finally, Cardinal Stefan, The Apostle.”

The elections had the perfect excuse, and with their hands that reached all throughout the empire. These bastards would find it easy to manipulate all the information to benefit them and them only. With the death of the pope, it was made even easier.

Normally, It would take time… But normal was thrown out of the window long ago. I, as the apostle, would have also become the pope, regardless of votes… But these bishops…

No. This entire church has been consumed by evil and will not let that happen. Tradition has been abolished.

Our Deity, has been forgotten.

The voting process started, I, who could choose to vote, stayed in my position. I could not vote for myself, and I did not want to help these scums.

It took a while, and I aimlessly stared at the paintings above, depicting great battles of our ancestors. Sighing.

“Your legacies end today. Not at the hands of the barbarians, or the demons. But by the hands of your own. The ones you laid upon your trust.”

I sighed and muttered. I had a look at my weapons, Gaebolg is not with me… I only have Stella. And that is not enough.

It will be hard to escape. And I doubt I can even get to GΓ‘e Bolg. The defences around my room would be tight. It will be nigh impossible. I can already devise what kind of traps they have set here. .

The voting process was done, and the High Priestess counted them, and said the name of the person who would be the new pope.

It would be one of them.

The name was announced.

Updated from

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