The Villain's Story

Chapter 463 [463] Wind, Thunder, And Null VS Death.

Chapter 463 [463] Wind, Thunder, And Null VS Death.

It was quite an unexpected move from Alexanders part, people had expected him to just keep running until Kazikato ran out of mana. None of them expected he would do a complete one eighty and charge right into the storm of mana that Kazikato had shrouded himself in.

Did he have a death wish? Or a plan to overcome the storm?

The audience hoped for it to be the second one, they didn’t want to see him die.

“He’s getting closer?”

Kaziakato wondered, seeing Alexander dive towards him, He was dubious, however he still responded in kind.

As if he would ever let him get close! And even if he did, he will make sure it won’t be pretty.

Kazikato released another surge of mana, increasing the concentration of the surrounding storm, and also retaliated. .

He sent multiple whips of condensed mana towards Alexander, to halt his advance.

[Just how much mana does he have?!]

Yelled the host, attempting to excite the crowd. Well, it wasn’t really needed.


Alexander clicked his tongue with a somber expression, and responded by swinging his swords around. These weren’t aimless swings, but were for guiding his thunderbolts towards the whips, flicking them away.

However, he just couldn’t compete. Hundred’s filled his view!


Alexander cursed, as he jumped up to avoid one whip, and ducked immediately after to avoid another, finding himself in a corner, he gritted his teeth and resolved himself to get out of this no matter what.

“Fucking hell!”

He cursed yet again, expressing his dislike of being found in such a predicament.

‘I didn’t want to this so soon…’

He lamented, as he jumped up once again to avoid the countless attacks.

In the air, however, was a trap. Everywhere Alexander could see, attacks were coming at him.

And what was his response to this? Something that everyone thought would be his defeat?

He spun.

A coat of wind appeared around him, and an external layer of lightning, and he spun like a madman.

His swords, and the thunder and wind around his body sliced through the death whips like a hot knife through butter, cutting them up in multiple pieces, and in even more pieces before they could even regenerate!

Alexander moved like a lightning bolt, spinning around and reached the storm of mana covering Kazikato soon enough, his blades tore through the layers, and the lightning and wind assisted them, tearing away at the layers one by one, and before they could even try to regenerate he was already too deep inside.

Yes, he was a fucking bey blade at this point.


[Alexander POV]

‘Just a little bit further!’

I thought, trying to motivate myself as I could feel my skin rot and decay even despite the barriers of wind and lightning covering me. The two elements provided little defense against this fearsome element of death.

Never had I heard about it being an actual element, even the necromancers that I saw on T.V or in the news used Darkness, or Chaos, but not this.

Never had I heard of it.

[It’s a unique element only a special few chosen by its progenitor possess.]

Festul’s voice appeared in my mind, and I continued spinning to go further.


I said, as the rot and decay reached my skin, making it crumble and fall apart like the leaves of a tree in autumn, this was bad for my movement.


I cursed yet again, looking for my opponent in this darkness that had covered me. I didn’t even know if I was moving forward now. The layers behind me had already regenerated, I was just cutting whatever was in front of me.

The decay reached further, I know the Null element can help me win against this, but I must resist the urge to use it now.

Not now, it has a better use later on! Just proceed!

I cut and cut and cut. And Finally, I caught a glimpse of hair.

It was black hair, but it was different from the surrounding black, motivated, I cut more and I saw his face.

Our eyes looked at each other, as I increased my speed, tearing apart the layers that distanced us.

‘Where is his scythe?’

I wondered, worried. That scythe is the one thing I must be aware of right now, it is the only thing that can end me in a strike, Of course, the strike has to be a good one. I am not that weak.

‘Come on!’

I pleaded for my Wind and Lightning mana to hold on, but it was futile. They simply could not compete with the storm of death.

“Fuck it!”

I yelled, almost tearing my vocal cords apart, as I used my last resort. Using almost all the mana that I had to cover myself in Null. However, it was not a simple coating.

I had done it in the form of a bullet, or more precisely, a drill. All in order for it to eat the layers of death around me and allow me to get closer.

And it was working. Smiling to myself, I distributed some of it to my swords, so they would appear like elongated blades, like those of a praying mantis.

I could see him now, every fiber of his upper and lower body, And I could also see the scythe.

And it was in my favor! The scythe blade was in the opposite direction! Ecstatic, I rushed forward.

Taking one final spin, I used my gray blade, the one of wind, to tear the final layer. Exposing his body.


I said, smiling as my Black blade reached his chest almost, only a few inches left! I would cut him and then explode all the lightning contained within it, rendering his body paralyzed. His muscles would be unable to move, and that would be my victory, as I would end it soon!

However, there is no alarm on his face. He simply raised his hand up to block my strike. And this is worrisome, but who am I to complain right now!

This is a chance.


He said, and this raised some more danger signs in my head, but I ignored, entrusting all the strength within my body to my arm, to deliver a powerful blow.

His bone armor was futile in front of my sword, his skin, muscles and bones were cut apart. And his arm was cut from his body. But my sword did not stop, It kept on moving.

It reached the chest, and just as I was about to input the lightning blast, I felt a sharp, bludgeoning pain in my right side, right in the liver.

Updated from 𝑖𝘦.𝒸𝘰𝘮

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