The Villain's Story

Chapter 413 [413] Heavenly Demon against...

Chapter 413 [413] Heavenly Demon against…

[Heavenly Demon POV]

Suddenly, just as I was about to end the challenger by piercing his neck, I was launched into the air.

The ground had risen and had taken me along with it. My sword had barely managed to enter the throat of the Challenger when this had happened. If only I was given one more second, my blade would have penetrated his neck, cut his throat, and killed him.

But then this happened.


I muttered, jumping on the ink-black blade now that I was in the air. This challenger is so interesting…Whenever I am of the opinion that I have driven him into a corner he comes in with another interesting technique. .

This is… exhilarating.

Even the Sword Emperor was not able to excite me to such a degree…Even he failed.

[Did I not tell you? Someone will come.]

The voice of the Tower rang in my mind.


I remained still in the sky and answered the tower.

[There is not only one.]


So there is another like this…Haha!

Maybe they will be able to do it! They will be able to defeat me! And fulfill the wish of the Murim.


I yelled out in glee. Finally! My patience has been rewarded with a great reward!

Aigoo…This is bad.

I had gotten so absorbed in my excitement that I was forgetting what it meant to be in battle.

How I have dishonored the challenger.


I yelled at him from the sky. I would be unfit for the title of the Heavenly demon if I did not treat the challenger who had come so far with respect!

I stared at him from the skies. He was now covered in an armor of scales and looked more like a beast than a human, but I knew that was just a skill of his.

The Challengers have peculiar skills and traits. This may be just one of the many.

I fired off two Demonic energy qi blasts at him But to my shock. The weird feeling passed over me again and my eyes widened.

My demonic blasts had stopped in the air.


I was confused, my attacks had been stopped in mid-air.

The pressure on me had also lessened…what is he planning?

I stared at the challenger with excitement apparent on my face, I was no longer apathetic…but expectant.

I want him to fight me, to show me a fight after 555 years of Solitude. A different fight.

I have fought the same fight for years…years!

I Crave it! I crave a different fight! A fight you have been giving!

The challenger had clasped his hands together and a large amount of energy was escaping his figure, an energy so strong the Mountain seemed to bend to his will!

The Heavenly Demonic Mountain…my mountain!


This is what I craved! A fight so different, so fulfilling!

“Show me what you can do Challenger!”

I yelled, my voice reached the heavens themselves, the challenger seemed to have listened to me! The energy he was radiating was so strong that I was being pushed back! The heavens themselves seemed to bend to his will. 𝘪𝑎.𝘤𝑜𝑚


I looked around and found My heavenly demonic sect, rising up.

The buildings, the statues, the gates…every building of my once renowned, undefeated sect…

Was rising up in the air and heading towards me with great speed.

To my stupor…this was not it.

I glanced at the challenger, dodging a few of the smaller buildings. I saw him bleeding profusely but still, he was managing to keep this up…No.

He was not just keeping up…he was doing more. This bastard was actually going to do even more!

A different kind of energy surged from him and hundreds of portals, all of different sizes appeared around me, around the mountain.


A hollow laugh escaped my mouth as I…As I…

“This is fun!”

Was living the dream.

“Mòhēi jiàn… Are you ready?”

I called out my sword, the sword that had accompanied me for the majority of my life, the sword that had slayed countless warriors of murim.

A sword that had become as dark as ink from the blood and sins of the ones it had killed.

“Are you ready?”

I asked again, and jumped off it, wielding it in my hand. If this is my final battle…

Then I, and you, should enjoy it to our fullest extent…no?


The vibrations…so you want to enjoy it as well?

“Very well!”

I answered my black blade…and I fought.

I ran across the skies, dodging the buildings that debris, the ones I could not dodge I cut apart with my sword. Such things cannot impede my path!

I cut apart those in front, dodged those that could be avoided, and closed in on the challenger.

But would he let me do it so easily?

A portal opened right in front of me, and due to my negligence I fell right into it, and I have been transported away from him. I laughed.

“Worry not! I will just approach you again!”

I charged at him again. So what if he shifts my position here? Away from him?

I will just march forward with an unstoppable gait.

A portal appeared above me and dropped the training hall of the heavenly demonic sect on me. Some debris cut my skin, But I laughed in response to the meager wounds.

“Is this all you can do?”

I descended onto the ground, trying to reach the challenger in the skies was just suicide!

The entire heavens themselves were filled with the remains of the Heavenly demonic sect! I could not fight there lest I be swarmed by the debris.

On the ground, however, I can reach him. I spread my demonic qi towards the ground, all so that I would delay his control over the mountain.

I will make sure he cannot control anything other than the buildings already in the sky!

I ran towards the Challenger with great speed, buildings and debris all charged at me, trying to stop me but I shall not let it be so!


I swung my sword, and the force from my swing was so strong that the buildings were all blown away, whether the Challenger’s magic affected them or not… I did not care.

I had blown them all away, and even if he used his weird teleportation magic I could just blow them away again.

Or cut the portals themselves.

“What is the wrong challenger?”

A wide variety of objects came at me en masse, I parried them all with the Heavenly Demonic Sect’s most prized weapon, The Mòhēi jiàn(Blade as black as ink, Ink black blade).


I savored the sound of metal clashing against my sword, The challenger was now in my sights.

Soon enough…I will reach him!

This mountain…is nothing against me!


However, before I could close the distance further, I felt a strange chill run down my back,

I jumped up and narrowly avoided a building that had gotten closer to me. The challenger had used a large number of portals to send it here…that was why it was able to avoid my detection.


The Heavenly demonic Pagoda was right above me, well, what remained of it least.

I jumped inside the building through a narrow opening and ran ahead, exiting it a second later before it exploded.

“Is that all?!”

Now…he is closer!

Black energy escaped my blade, and the world lost its color as I slashed at anything that remained in my field of view…

Everything…except for the challenger!

Whether it be buildings, metal, or even the earth itself! I will not let anything stand in my way.


I swung my blade…severing everything that remained in my path.

And Now…Only the challenger remained, His bloodied eyes glared at me, and I laughed.

Yes…that look is what I desire!

“Challenger…This is where you meet your end!”

Only a few meters exist between him and me…and no other obstacles.

Even if he uses a portal to summon more…I will still defeat him.

I must defeat him.

With my will firm, I charged forward and prepared to pierce the heart of the challenger, the one who had dared to stand in my way…the path of the Heavenly demon.

[Heavenly Demonic Arts(6-star)]

— [Third Movement] —

<Heavenly Demonic Pierce>

The tip of my blade exuded energy so powerful the world lost all color, the skies, the earth, and even the heavens were not exempt from this. The tip of my blade reached the chest of the challenger. But soon enough, it pierced his heart and exited from the side.


The challenger coughed up blood, it landed on my face but I did not mind. There is no shame in bathing in the blood of a great warrior.

The challenger stopped moving, I had won.

His body slid off my blade and fell down the mountain.

The buildings, and debris still in the air all fell, as my chest heaved up and down.

I took deep breaths, I was clearly exhausted from such a magnificent fight.

But It was fun, it was exciting.

I loved it.

I started to make my way back toward my resting place, the tower would clean up the floor soon enough.

I turned my back, and the voice of the tower rang in my mind.

[You did not win…not yet.]


I struggled to understand what the tower meant…But it did not take me long to do so.

I was almost pushed back by a sudden burst of air from behind, I turned my head to confirm whether the challenger was alive or not…and to my shock.

A dragon soared into the skies!


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