The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2426 The Fastest in the Galaxy

Chapter 2426 The Fastest in the Galaxy

“Wait, Kendrick can really do that?” Minos couldn’t help but smile at how strong his group had become. “What level is he at right now?”

“Level 103, Senior.” With a hint of fear in his voice, one of the locals responded.

“Level 103? It seems that The Red Expanse wasn’t all about benefits for us… Anyway, I have new skills now and can do much more with my techniques.”

The idea of being reached out to by one of his children was not part of Minos’ life plan. However, his experience in the Red Expanse had provided him with many advancements that extended well beyond his spiritual growth.

Despite not having tested his powers yet, Minos was already aware of the newfound abilities he possessed. For example, the Devouring Art could now reach a distance of up to 50 kilometers from him, over 30 times greater than its previous range. The conversion factor of the energy absorbed by it had improved, and now 100% of what it absorbed would go to his control, the limit of the technique.

The secondary ability of the technique, which worked passively on his body, had also strengthened. Before, he could use it on other people by leaving his mark on them, but it was limited to a few dozen people. Now, he could leave his mark on an infinite number of cultivators!

Those who had Minos’ mark could use the skill at almost the same level as him, and even protect themselves from level 110 attacks, even if their cultivation was far from that level.

As for the Divine Seal, it had reached the 3rd level of mastery. He felt he could summon beings with his seal, even if those beings were on the other side of the universe!

Regrettably, in order to accomplish this, he would need to affix modern seals onto the object or entity he wished to summon, enabling it to traverse vast distances.

His tenth technique, Nullification, had practically merged with the wings on Minos’ back, capable of causing everything up to 5 kilometers away from him to disintegrate at his command.

His control over space had merged with his defensive technique, Indestructible Body, making him so strong that he could tear through space even on high-level worlds like Zocarro, something he was far from being able to do when he left that planet.

The Spatial Sword could completely restrict even level 110 Sovereigns under Minos’ presence within a range of 30 kilometers from him, and create seals by itself, capable of creating a dimension of swords itself, where anyone trapped by it could suffer in a hell of blades.

The difference between this hell of blades and the terrifying imaginary world Minos’ enemies were currently in was that while the Infinite Dream created imaginary dimensions, the Spatial Sword could create real physical dimensions within its own swords.

All of his other techniques were stronger, while his secondary abilities such as Dragon’s Eye, Dark Sea, and Bright Eyes had been significantly altered.

Minos could see the intricacies of his targets’ souls and thus predict the future more accurately, while his current Incorruptible Heart would protect him from the lies and manipulations of even beings with the cultivation of Supremes!

Since he could control the opponents around him and was practically omniscient in his personal space, Minos didn’t feel uncomfortable being on the same level as Kendrick.

“What are the levels of the others?” He asked.

“They are between level 101, Hollie’s, and level 106, the robot that escorted Kendrick out of our world a year ago.” Guard Igiro said.

“So they’re in The Blossom World now? You said Kendrick is being hunted. What are the chances of him surviving the forces you sent and the forces from that world that might also want his head?” “The chances of him and his group are slim, Senior. They’re not like you,” said a person suffering from Minos’ mental torture mixed with the effects of the Dark Sea.

Minos deactivated his technique, causing all those men to feel their focus snap back to reality, each of them sweating terribly, pale, as they hit their knees to the ground, horrified by Minos Stuart’s terrifying power.

Under the watchful eyes of these mid- and high-ranking Sovereigns, Minos raised his powers as high as he could, fusing his three compatible techniques together as he formed a sword sealed in space.

As the members of Kendrick’s sect watched, Minos summoned his supreme weapon after years of being unable to use the Divine Sword.

This time, this weapon possesses an aura 100 times stronger than the last time Minos summoned it, causing the very space of The Enchanted Realm to tremble in its presence.

Gravitational waves spread from Minos’ position to the surroundings of this planet, while the laws and energy connected to this weapon vibrated.

For a moment, Minos became the center of this world, making even the level 114 expert on the other side of this world feel his presence and tremble.

But before he had to talk to any more people in this world and maybe impede his new plans, Minos used the 2 meter long sword with several runes glowing on its blade to cut through the space in front of him.

His cut revealed a place Minos already knew, the planet he had passed through before coming to The Enchanted Realm, where he knew he could reach The Blossom World in a few days’ travel.

As he moved, he used his movement technique and disappeared in front of the men from Kendrick’s sect, so fast the spatial fabric he was in shook and he disappeared as if he had never been there.

Minos has achieved a top speed of 100 kilometers per second, which undoubtedly makes him the fastest entity in the entire galaxy.

Within a matter of seconds, he would find himself not only distanced from the men in The Enchanted Realm but also completely removed from the location where he initially appeared in The Mirror Realm.

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