The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2425 The Return of Minos

Chapter 2425 The Return of Minos

When Minos saw the space in front of him stop changing, he saw the exit of the special crack that had brought him to the Red Expanse over 450 years ago.

He crossed the remaining space on his way and appeared in the blink of an eye at the place where he had broken through to level 100, smiling as he encountered a group of creatures similar to his superior in Armhands.

But Minos didn’t focus on these locals right away. He expected his family wouldn’t be around the whole time he was away, and that there might be locals around when he returned.

When he arrived back in The Enchanted Realm, he immediately paid attention to himself, checking his physical and mental condition, as well as his soul power, which had increased significantly while he was in the Celestial’s dimension.

‘Level 103, huh?’ A smile broke out on Minos’ face. His cultivation had gone from the beginning of level 100 to the end of level 103!

Not only was his level higher, he could feel a new ability related to flames; the feeling of his wings was different; all his skills and techniques were much stronger, including a clairvoyance that was stronger than ever.

He wanted to focus his moment on checking the characteristics of his body and the limits of his current abilities, but his clairvoyance was so much more efficient and stronger he saw minutes ahead of his time without even trying.

With only 25 seconds back in this world, his eyebrows knitted together while his aura became much stronger, suddenly leaving level 103 and rising to level 106.

His Physique was so close to reaching the Celestial grade that his ability had strengthened a bit more even with no qualitative advancement!

“What happened to my wives? Why do you want to kidnap me to deal with Kendrick?” He opened his mouth as the level 107, 108, 109, and 110 Sovereigns standing around him learned the hard way that Minos was not simple.

With his level 106 cultivation, Minos seemed even stronger than the level 110 Sovereigns in this place!

“Shit! Is he that strong?”

“Didn’t you investigate Kendrick’s father?”

“How would we know he was that strong? None of the members of Kendrick’s group talked about the leader of their family!”

The men there shouted at each other as they took up fighting positions, preparing for the worst.

Minos didn’t like this. He spread his wings, now with 50% larger feathers and different shapes from his previous feathers, with an orange glow under each one, he let his Soul Avatar show itself, revealing what it could really do.

Minos’ Soul Avatar was 3 times larger than before, but its ability to convert free energy in the atmosphere into energy useful to Minos was 30 times better.

At the same time, his wings, which could be used as a weapon to attack, now had an additional ability to generate a powerful golden ray that could destroy anything Minos wanted.

This wasn’t just an ability related to his wings, but a fusion of Minos’ 10th technique with his wings, something that had happened after he had absorbed the True Seraph’s Feather in the Red Expanse.

Minos’ eyes shone in the seven colors of the rainbow, and all the men around him felt as if they had entered a dream world under the total control of this spiritual human.

“Come in!”

Minos’ voice sounded like thunder in the sky as each of those men felt their bodies enveloped by cruel flames that could make them feel their souls being burned by him.

Igiro was already there when Minos returned, so he was one of those who fell under the mental attack that could imprison even high-ranking sovereigns like him forever.

In this imaginary world, Minos was the supreme being in the area, able to control everything that existed there, including denying the powers of any of those Sovereigns from Kendrick’s old sect.

“This is… Senior, forgive us if we’ve offended you…” One of those Sovereigns said, his voice trembling, his heart beating very hard in his chest. “We have done nothing against your relatives and allies. It was they who acted against us. We helped them for decades, but a year ago, Kendrick betrayed us and fled The Enchanted Realm.”

A level 109 said this while expressing confusion, not understanding how he could speak so sincerely in Minos’ presence.

It was the truth, but in front of someone like Minos, wouldn’t it be better to lie a little and make it look like his side was sorry and wrong for besieging this place?

But as he answered, this being had an aura of darkness around his body, making him see Minos as someone he should tell the truth to above all else!

Minos manipulated his Dark Sea to encourage this furry creature to tell the truth, using the evolution of that ability to get what he wanted.

“He betrayed you? How?” “A few years ago, six of Kendrick’s companions, including his mother, went on a mission before being kidnapped by The Blossom World. The forces of that world tried to use them to blackmail Kendrick and force him to surrender. We arrested him to prevent him from making that mistake, but a year ago, he managed to escape with the rest of his group and betrayed the cult.”

“Right now, Kendrick is on The Blossom World, and a group is closing in on him to assassinate him before the forces on that planet decide to use him instead of killing him.”

“Why would you and your enemies want to kill Kendrick? What has he done?” Minos made a strange expression, not understanding this part of the story.

“Because of his divine ability.” Igiro said as he trembled with pain. “Kendrick can easily open portals to any part of the galaxy. If he falls into the most hostile ones and opens portals against our world, we could be defenseless against a massive attack from our enemies!”

“Oh?” Minos understood the potential of such a thing, not expecting his son’s divine ability to cause such problems for their group.

This content is taken from (f)reewe(b)novel.

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