The Primordial Record

Chapter 1305 Will Of Elder (1)

Chapter 1305  Will Of Elder (1)

The bodies of the serpent warped space and time as their appearance caused space to expand around their bodies, making them appear both small and massive at the same time.

Their bodies had grown so massive that if they did not warp space around them, their existence would shatter reality and their movements would be sensed across nearly all third-dimensional universes in reality, given as extensions of Rowan’s body, they were still technically creatures of the third dimension.

There were six of them, all shining with brilliant golden light and hundreds of other mystical lights that could not be easily described but were covered by the golden glow from their bodies, and as more of their length emerged from the ocean of Aether, Andar, and Staff were nearly floored by the inherent power and majesty in the bodies of these creatures that were impossible to be described with words.

Their sinuous bodies twisted across space in a spectacular display of dexterity and grace that were astonishing, as every scale on their bodies shimmered with an entrancing glow that could bewitch the senses.

As they emerged from the ocean of Aether, the volume of the seemingly endless ocean began to drop dramatically, and even when the length of the serpents had reached ridiculous heights, there always seemed to be more hidden in the ocean.

The parts of the Primordial Ouroboros Serpents that were outside the ocean began to create a massive runic formation with their bodies that Andar found a bit familiar, because it resembled the lightning runes that led him and Staff to this place, and then his gaze was dragged to something that he nearly missed at the center of the growing runic formation being created by the serpents, it was a spot of darkness.

Andar could be excused for missing that spot because in comparison to the infinity of the serpents before him, that spot was minuscule, but with every moment that passed, everything was becoming focused on that area as if it was becoming the center of everything, even the motions of the serpents seemed to be highlighting that spot of darkness that was growing mysteriously deeper.

Staff nudged Andar, “I think we have found our target,”

“Yeah, I think we have,” he replied distractedly, with a hint of awe in his voice, “Eva, The Lady of Shadows.”

“Well, she does know how to make an entrance, I will give her that,” Staff whistled softly, before she frowned, “Hey, we are pretty powerful right? Why are we not that cool?”

Andar ignored the quips from Staff his attention focused on the Lady of Shadows, he could not help it, because at this time he could begin to feel the vast runic network that Eva was creating.

Extremely complex like the grandest web in existence, yet possessing a sort of sublime beauty in every line, Andar knew that he could spend an eternity trying to understand a small portion of the complex structure she was creating, and he would still fall short.

He felt an attractive force begin to pull him towards that spot of darkness and he did not resist it, leaving Staff behind he was pulled towards the Lady of Shadows, and in mere moments, he had traveled past the immensities of the Primordial Ouroboros Serpents and was before her presence, her voice resounded in his soul,

“Welcome, beloved child.”

He bowed, “My lady, it is an honor.”

Andar could not see her features clearly, but he thought she smiled. She should be sitting cross-legged from the vague silhouette that he could see, and with the many glinting spots of purple inside the shadowy form of Eva, it was almost as if he was standing before a universe in the shape of a woman. Her voice touched his soul again, “I cannot traverse through the Great Desert with sufficient speed while I hold the Spell of Calling, for that I will need your speed. In all existence, there is few who can manage this task, and none more suitable than you.”

She paused before continuing, her language transforming to that of the ancient Primordials, making every word she said next to carry impossible power and weight, she had begun the ritual of calling,

“Andar, will you fly me towards every corner of the Great Desert to complete my ritual?”

Going on one knee, Andar brought his right hand to his chest, and the shadow of the Light Devourer bubbled behind him, black as ink with its eyes shining red, his voice mixed with that of the Light Devourer,

“The shadow of my wings shall cover the desert, there shall be no place you can not reach.”

His words were the final acknowledgment to a portion of this runic matrix and Andar found his body shrinking and pulled inexorably toward the Lady of Shadow and he came to rest in her left hand, he could barely gather himself before his consciousness was connected to the massive runic formation and he gasped as his eyes went dim, his consciousness scattered into trillions of pieces, and his essence stretched throughout the entire formation, it hurt, but at his level of power, he could handle this sort of pain.

The Lady of Shadow gestured towards Staff and the same force that had exerted itself on Andar pulled Staff towards her, and unlike Andar, Staff did not look at Eva with just awe alone, there was a fighting glint inside her eyes as if she wished to challenge the Lady of Shadows.

Eva smiled and addressed the exuberant child, although Staff was nearly a million years old, Eva who had been alive at the dawn of the Primordial Era, considered most creatures in reality to be children. Eva brought a single finger that was dark as the void and speckled with countless purple stars and brushed a lock of white hair from Staff’s face,

“Like your father, you are strong,”

Staff shrugged, “I have big boots to fill, it will take a long time, but one day, I shall fill them up and surpass them.”

Eva smiled, “Truly a worthy ambition, and you should not sell yourself short. There are few in existence who can match your talent. I command the host of light and darkness and none of them were worthy to stand here.”

“You would think so,” Staff laughed and then she gestured around her, “Yet in the presence of all of this, everything that I accomplish seems so small. I am an ant in the midst of titans.”

“Only in the right company, in the proper environment can diamonds be formed. It is this pressure that is making you excel, and you are excelling child. Now tell me…”

The language of the Lady of Eva transformed into the Primordials, “Staff, first of her name, daughter of Telmus, will you bear my weight through the Great Desert?”

Staff shrugged and a splitting grin crossed her face, “Why not, I have always wanted to know after a million years of accumulation, the limit of my strength.”

Eva smiled internally and her heart and mind became still as she merged Staff to her right hand.

Looking up at the Primordial Ouroboros Serpents that were in the final motions of completing the runes formation, she remained silent, knowing that she could not control these creatures, they only followed the instructions of Rowan, and it was a good thing that despite their silence, their minds held an incredibly fierce and cold intelligence that was terrifying. They could complete these runes without her supervision.

It might sound a bit ridiculous, but these serpents were one of the few creatures that Eva feared because she knew that except for Rowan, everything in existence for them was food.

Their intelligence had evolved in a direction where it became extremely malevolent, and if for any reason they believed that Eva was going against the interest of Rowan, there would not be any communication, these creatures would tear her to pieces.

Rowan’s dimensional flesh gave him a great physique that was the envy of all creation, but the ones who gained an even more impressive boost from that physique were the Primordial Ouroboros Serpents, whose bodies had been built on the foundations of Rowan’s dimensional flesh and in the moments after Rowan gained a soul, these creatures had grown even stronger.

It had merely been a million years in reality, but these Ouroboros Serpents shared the same nature as Rowan and they had lived for nearly a billion years at this time, for these Primordial beings, time was their greatest ally, and their strengths and intelligence were now terrifying.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Eva could no longer calculate their powers, and even now as she was getting closer to her sixth-dimensional form, she dreaded battling with even a single one of them, and this was after her awakening as a Celestial Creator was nearly complete.

If Rowan wanted with the power of these serpents he could hold a domain in reality and he would be worshipped by countless beings.

However for Rowan, even this power was not enough, and if what he was going after in the Great Desert succeeded, these creatures would become… something truly terrifying, even the Lady of Shadows, shuddered at the thought of what they were about to become.

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