Chapter 1304 Traveling Through The Great Desert
Chapter 1304 Traveling Through The Great Desert
Andar and Staff passing through the cortex created by Rowan, found themselves in the desert, underneath the glare of thousands of suns on a horizon that seemed to stretch forever, they both followed the call in their spirit and headed towards the direction from which it was coming.
The call in their spirit was subtle, but the agency of its creation was extremely ingenious because in the Great Desert that was ruled by the forces of Oblivion, such means of direct communication should be impossible, and it should be impossible to find one’s direction while inside this place, but this call was able to subvert that rule. They did not attempt to fly or use any supernatural abilities to make their traversal across the desert to be faster, however, with their current physique, their bodies still blurred across the sands, faster than the eyes could follow.
After a few minutes of moving in this manner, Andar tapped Staff on the hand and showed her a series of glowing lightning runes that he had always been carrying, due to their delicate structure, containing portions that were even hard for him to comprehend, he had to always keep them active. Among the many functions of these runes, maintaining their sense of direction inside the Great Desert was one of them. “The target has gone after the bait,” Andar announced, “It is confirmed that the traces of Nemesis left are very minute, and its omniscience over the Great Desert is gone, so we can proceed ahead without holding back.”
“Good,” Staff replied, “I hate moving at such a slow pace. It’s suffocating. This place also does not help, I feel as if my Spirit is being drowned under an endless wave of sand,” she shivered, “I hate this sensation, let’s go faster.”
Andar chuckled, “Speed is not everything”
“Says the man who can ride on Astral Winds,” Staff rolled her eyes, “Race you there, and with those massive chicken wings of yours, you must give me a two-minute head start, for it to be any kind of fair.”
Saying that she vanished into the desert, calling upon profound forces to wrap her body, as her speed instantly broke past the limit of light and kept accelerating until she vanished into the distant horizon.
Andar sighed and began to slowly count down, the nature of his speed meant it did not matter if he began moving now or two minutes from now, in a manner he was already at his destination, for wherever there were winds and light, he was already there.
Behind him his shadows lengthened, slowly taking the shape of the Light Devourer, its wings spreading out for countless miles as it began to drink upon the bright sunlight and the winds of the desert, and in a few moments, darkness began to gather around Andar, it was as if he had transformed into a black hole, taking in not just the light, but everything around, including energy and other esoteric forces, until an eldritch beast made out of darkness and wind manifested behind him.
The shriek of the Light Devourer echoed across the Great Desert and the gathering darkness vanished into the distance leaving a clear trail of darkness across the desert. as Andar traveled at ridiculous speeds through it.
Despite giving Staff a two-minute head start, in mere moments he had reached her and then left her in his dust. Staff growled, but there was a smile in her eyes as using her innate energy manipulation ability, she grabbed the trail of darkness and borrowing its forces she was catapulted after the distant form of Andar, taking his speed and adding her own to it, and in a short while she reached his side.
Andar appearance had transformed, the shadows of the Light Devourer were no longer just shadows, instead, they had taken a tangible aspect, fusing with him, and giving him a distinct appearance, like a man carrying a mountain made of darkness on his back.
Due to the fact that his body shape was still the size of a human, but the wings of the Light Devourer that spread out behind him were the size of an average galaxy, his appearance was odd and somehow his overall image was not incompatible, his body seamlessly merging with the Light Devourer.
Using his unreasonable speed, Staff and Andar crossed the Great Desert, behind them the surface of the desert began to explode, as powerful entities roused by their movements erupted from the desert, but the speed that Andar and Staff were moving meant they had already left any entity behind that might wish to stop them.
Even if they could intercept them it would have been useless because Andar was accessing a dimension of speed that only the fastest forces in reality could access, and like Rowan’s Astrolabe, he could phase through any obstacle when he was in this realm.
His speed was one necessary component to the success of this plan, for in the same realm, Andar’s speed was matchless, even Rowan’s Angels struggled to keep up with him, as Andar’s evolution as a Tower Master was extremely strange.
He was able to combine his Angelic roots deep within his bloodline to create a new extra-dimensional entity that was more powerful than an average Light Devourer, but in order to stay low key he visibly transformed this new entity into the shape of the previous Light Devourer.
The trail of darkness Andar was leaving behind as he moved across the desert was simply the act of his bloodline swallowing every single shred of light and energy in his path, and this trail was like a long line of blood being dumped inside shark-infested waters as the entities sleeping inside the Great Desert were drawn to this anomaly and they all began to follow it.
It did not take a long time before they neared their destination, and like the Great Desert, it resembled nothing special, just massive sand dunes that stretched for as far as the eye could see, although a deeper observation would reveal that this place was a bit strange from the rest of the desert in the sense that there were more sand dunes here than normal.
Crossing through this desert with Andar’s speed meant they arrived at exactly the moment they entered the desert, meaning there was no difference between teleportation and Andar’s current speed, in fact, it was likely that he was even faster because using his speed, Andar was somehow traveling back in time!
Arriving at their destination, Andar and Staff paused in midair and they waited, a moment later an oval vortex appeared in front of them that was a stark contrast to their desert surroundings, and they both entered the vortex without any hesitation. The space they appeared within was drastically different from the desert as night and day, for they appeared in a world of water.
No, not water, Andar had quickly realized, Aether, this was Aether of such purity and power that he was shocked to the core because he was unaware that Aether could be purified to such an extent.
He was not the only one who was dumbstruck by this sight, even Staff who was beside him was frozen in shock at the power in every drop of Aether here,
“Tell me something Andar, you possess more energy than me, how many drops of Aether here can refill your entire pool of power?”
Andar frowned and hesitated, “Maybe a million drops, but if I include my Light Devourer Incarnation and my Endless Vault, then at most two hundred million drops.” “Oh,” Staff said as she looked at the endless ocean of Aether before them, “Correct me if I’m wrong, but according to the plans we have here, currently we are inside a small piece of his flesh, how is it… what the fuck did he eat as a child to become like this? What could you need all this power for?”
Andar smiled, “Do not try to judge him with common sense, that would be a mistake. Now where is our welcome party, we are under a time constraint and I suspect that we are running late.”
“Well there is nothing we can do but wait, or do you want to enter into that?…” Staff pointed at the ocean of Aether, “Although I don’t think you should be worried about time, the traces are hard to touch, but I detect that time within this place travels much slower than the reality outside.”
“I cannot be settled Staff, you see the enemies he fights, the thought of standing around twiddling my thumb when the fight is ongoing is maddening,”
“Well, you know this is partly your fault.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your speed dummy. You got faster, if you had followed the plans laid down before, then we should be arriving… now”
As if in response to her words the oceans of Aether below exploded as multiple gigantic serpents burst out of it.