The Last Primal

Chapter 683 - Silent Adventure 

Looking over from the canopy of the tree, the two women, Madam Dara and Lady Pyre both had a complicated look on their faces.

Whilst Madam Dara was mostly frowning, showing displeasure at the rising difficulty of their task, Lady Pyre whilst had a look far from being calm, was still very much unreadable. Her golden, yellow eyes flickered with a mysterious light, glinting with a masked expression making it impossible for even her partner to take a proper read.

"[Reptilian] What should we do? If we intend to keep ourselves unnoticed we cannot just take these out as well. They are not like those two, we cannot simply hide their bodies away, not to mention that if they were to go missing, the leadership would undoubtedly notice sooner rather than later." Madam Dara muttered, her eyes focused on the two Temple Guards stationed just below them.

Silently pondering for some time, Pyre closed her eyes, scanning the layout for some more. Eventually, as she seemed to have made up her mind, she pointed towards a nearby rock on the ground, just at the other side of the small building overlooking the gate leading to the inner regions of the Barracks.

Her eyes flickered briefly with the golden luster, a direct result of her revolving her modest pool of Soul Power and guiding it towards the tip of her pointed right finger.

An invisible current of energy shot out from her fingertip in the next moment, not noticeably hitting the nearby rocky formation. The rocks began to quake and quiver as a result, catching the attention of the two and earning their alert gazes.

"[Reptilian] W-what was that?!"

"[Reptilian] Did you hear something? Who goes there?"

The two men asked, as they turned towards the source of the sound, but failed to see anything. Suddenly, a cold gust of wind blew by them, bringing forth a strange sense of unease as it blew out all the nearby candle fires and pulled a veil of darkness over the surrounding area.

They both became immediately alert, as whilst they had no talent in the arcane, nor did they had the necessary experience to hone their battle senses to any meaningful degree, they could still feel the strange unnatural mystery in the air.

They could instinctively feel that this sudden darkness that engulfed them definitely did not arrive in a natural manner. If nothing else, it was too abrupt, too quick… too sudden. Still, hearing no response, nor having the capabilities to sense presences, they could only look for each other as support and grab the hilt of their spears.

Silently they looked at each other, quickly reaching a silent consensus. One of them turned towards the right side, focusing his attention on that half of the nearby lands, whilst the other kept his focus on the left, concentrating to pick up even the slightest of disturbances and react to it accordingly.

They did not speak another word, nor did they had any need to. Both could understand the other's intent from a single glance and whilst they were far from being able to qualify as veterans or even elites, they still had their training to rely on. 

They both understood that something was going on. Their task was to keep watch and be the first hurdle they would have to cross, making sure that THEY HAD to cross it, and could't bypass it with silent subterfuge.

As the two took a step away from each other, and walked over to both sides, for a brief moment, the darkness flickered briefly. Yet before any of them could take notice, it had vanished just as quickly as it came, lasting only for a fraction of an instant.

A couple of steps away from them, at the other side of the wall, not that far away from the two wary guards, the dark shadow suddenly twisted for a brief moment, taking on the shape of not one, but two feminine figures veiled in clothes fitting for those of dark professions.

Wasting no time, they both took only a second to swiftly scan their surroundings and sense for nearby life signs. Only after making sure there were no unexpected surprises nearby did they take the time to heave a soft sigh.

"[Reptilian] Fuah… We can't keep doing this, or we would exhaust ourselves well before reaching the target." Madam Dara sighed, taking a large gasp of air to replace the one she kept stored inside her diaphragm. 

Lady Pyre frowned as her gaze unwillingly followed the motion of the two swaying balloons lifting vertically in align of her partners' breathing. Her expression remained cold and unfettered nonetheless as she refused to respond to the comment. Instead, she once again closed her eyes and focused on revolving the remnant Mana inside her, focusing on her technique and slowly, gradually converting them to more [Soul Power], refilling the energy she used for the small parlor trick from before.

As her part of the hastily erected plan was meager, her reserves were still pretty much full, slightly dipping below the 90% mark. More than what she planned for. Still, just to be safe she took a short minute to catch and collect herself.

On the other hand, Madam Dara was in a slightly worse shape, her [Soul Power] dipping somewhat below the 60% mark, inching closer to using up almost half of her available energy for just that single action.

Still, she had to carry not just herself, but also her partner, melding both of them into the shadows and carrying them through the small, temporary opening. Whilst the opportunity was quite lucky, it still made them lose almost a quarter of their combined energy, and consequently a quarter of their fighting power along with it.

Noticing how her partner once again ignored her, Madam Dara could only frown with a displeased look on her face before following her along and closing her eyes as well. Controlling her breathing, she however focused on another, much more drastic method to recoup some of her losses.

Being reborn with a darker, demonic strain, and gaining some initial understanding of the darker, more macabre arts of the arcane, she could now utilize a much more efficient, but rather costly method.

Taking a sigh, she firmed her resolve, as she suddenly took the dagger in her right hand and stabbed it into her abdomen the next instant.

Yet, instead of the chilling pain that normally would follow such an action, she felt a comfortable warmth, following along by the tickling sensation as her own blood began to gather and slowly trickle from the stab wound.

Focusing on the damage, she closed her eyes, muttering something incomprehensible. 


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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