The Last Primal

Chapter 682 - Infiltration

Whilst the boys were slowly realizing that they were getting way over their heads in their assignment, at another part of town, two feminine figures, Madam Dara and Lady Pyre were just as busy, if not more so.

Standing atop a smaller subset of buildings, a feminine, womanly figure donning the ragged, tattered light grey robe stood at the edge, looking down at the local guard post, the Temple Guards' Outer Barracks. 

She had rather generous gifts, voluptuous and curvy just at the right angles, she was Madam Dara. Next to her, another woman, her direct opposite, slender and sleek, yet another city-toppling beauty in her own category, Lady Pyre.

The two were looking down at the rather large ground, the Temple Guard buildings have covered. A large stone fence, reaching at around 3 meters in height, toppling even the newly reborn quartet of their young lord, Aiden's captains. Yet, even if someone would take the effort to climb it, the metal sharpened spikes that protruded towards the sky would have provided an additional layer of challenge to the brave mountaineer.

Madam Dara clicked her tongue in annoyance as she pulled back on the hood and looked at the large area they needed to cross in order to complete their self-assigned missions.

"[Reptilian] This is gonna be much more troublesome than we had thought… That little rat didn't give us the right information…" She frowned, her eyes flickered around the premises, darting from the several dozen guards patrolling seemingly in a structured, disciplined formation.

Next to her, the cold beauty, Lady Pyre calmly sighed as she responded by shaking her head.

"[Reptilian] No, he answered truthfully, we have both made sure of that." She said, her eyes squinting as she analyzed the structure of the layout and the patrol routes in the meantime. "The fault lies with us… We weren't as thorough as we wanted to."

"[Reptilian] Still… What should we do? Getting into the central building would prove to be a much bigger challenge than what we had planned for…" Madam Dara complained, looking troubled as her eyes kept on analyzing every ounce of the spacious ground.

Lady Pyre didn't respond but kept on scanning the ground with her eyes. Eventually, her gaze rested on the closest corner, at a group of trees and rocks that seemed to provide just enough cover for an adhoc entry point.

Closing her eyes, she channeled the newly acquired energy in her Primal Core, focusing it on several pulses that she then released to map out every little detail and register the life forms to avoid surprises and hatch a plan.

At the same time, whilst looking rather displeased at being ignored, Madam Dara also began working as well. Being an expert in her profession with much more experience than the little talented cold beauty spellcaster next to her, she analyzed the potential opportunities much faster. 

Eventually however, her eyes also fixated on the same corner as Lady Pyre's.

"[Reptilian] 2 targets, coming from north. We have to take them down silently, that would create a short window for us to slip by." Finally, after about a minute of silent pondering, Lady Pyre spoke up with a matter-of-fact voice, revealing the results of her investigation. 

Madam Dara, returned the statement with a muffled hum, before standing up and jumping off the ledge. Her figure, as it sailed the sky, melded with the surrounding darkness, becoming one with the shadows, showcasing her true expertise.

At the same time, Lady Pyre's figure also vanished, relying more on her knowledge in the arcane mixed with her natural agility to cross the distance in a similarly lightning fast fashion.

In the next instant, both of their figures appeared behind the trees, hiding in the nearby bushes at the designated corner, just some dozen steps of distance away from the slowly approaching patrol of Temple Guards.

Both women sneered as they watched like hungry predators lurking between the grass, watching as their unsuspecting, helpless prey approached closer and closer to the ambush site.

The two figures, poor draconic skink men, couldn't have known that they weren't merely approaching some dreary veer but were walking towards their own demise. Towards their own deaths.

Lady Fate, was quite a cruel mistress, indeed. Even though they were like any other fallible creation under the heavenly firmament and the life was just as plagued, dotted with the sins and mistakes as any other, it still couldn't be said that this prospected future was justified. 

As the cold gust of wind blew by the duo as they reached the lonesome group of trees in the corner and were about to turn around, suddenly the bushes swayed and two dark shadows flickered out of it. 


Before they could even register what was going on, two pairs of dark blades, two pairs of metal fangs struck down and tore deep into the necks from behind, ripping apart everything in their wake and snuffing the life out of the both of them. 

Not even a yelp could escape as strength left their bodies and before they could even fall down, were dragged away, behind the covers of the group of rocks and trees. Only a couple powerless, muted guttural croaking groans painted the cruel scene, yet even those were quickly silenced.

Without the need for words, both women seemed to be in a surprisingly perfect sync. As they dragged the bodies behind the shrouded cover, they were already looking ahead, mapping out the optimal route in their heads towards the next checkpoint, the inner walls that separated this spacious courtyard from the inner grounds, where their target, the central Barracks also stood.

Spending only at most a minute, they both seemed to have come to a conclusion. With a single look at the other, they nodded before their figures flickered once more. They both dashed out from their cover, utilizing the opening they had just created to their fullest, crossing the outer courtyard in a lightning fast fashion. One, which would have shocked everyone that could have witnessed it, melded perfectly with the surrounding darkness despite the much bigger and non-optimal figure she had sported. 

At the same time, the other, were like the wind, silently sailing the torrent and making her way towards the second set of walls.

Without encountering any issues, both ladies easily made their way through the outer exterior and arrived atop the thick branches of a  tree, hiding inside its crown and looking over the building standing in front of them.

They were watching with a similar frown as another pair of guards stood in front of the gate, leaning against the walls of the building, and were just simply lazing at the worst possible juncture.

"[Reptilian] This is gonna be a problem…" Madam Dara frowned.


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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